Feature Request: selectable use of Argfiles

Started by Beholder3, May 17, 2011, 03:46:42 PM

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I have a feature suggestion you might consider for the future:
Phil has made it possible for exiftool to use arguments from an external argfile.
I have some use case where I regularly run the same commands on all photo files take with the same lens, since the camera doesn't populate them, but I want them filled. E.g. for all pictures taken with the Pentax Kit lens I run ExifToolGUI, mark the files and put "-exif:LensModel<makernotes:LensType -XMP:Lens<makernotes:LensType -LensInfo="18 55 3.5 5.6" -LensMake="PENTAX"" in the exiftooldirect field.
These Arguments are different for pictures with different lenses obviously, so I have written a small text file, where I copy the standard argumnets from and paste them into exiftoolgui. This works, but is not very comfortable if you have a lot of pictures taken with mixed lenses.

The alternative seems to be to set up a bunch of exiftool icons with argfiles and drop the picture files on them.

I think, it would be a nice feature, if ExifToolGui provied a menu with say 10 different entries, where the user could choose some argfiles to put behind them (even using an ini-file would be fine), so you can select files in exiftollGUI first and then apply a certain command set from the menu.

Just a thought.


Quote from: Beholder3 on May 17, 2011, 03:46:42 PM
... a menu with say 10 different entries, where the user could choose some argfiles to put behind them (even using an ini-file would be fine), so you can select files in exiftollGUI first and then apply a certain command set from the menu.

Just a thought.

Not so long ago, I promised some enhancement in this regard... well, I admit being a bit lazy... and I didn't forget about this. Anyway, thank you for reminding me again -sometimes I need a little push :)


Notice added:
GUI v4.14 (just uploaded) allows saving user predefined ExifTool commands -I hope that's what you had in mind.


Just noticed, that thread date isn't modified if post is modified... see Added notice above.
