Exif chart - FLength minimum value

Started by Mike Lee, October 10, 2011, 11:38:15 AM

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Mike Lee


Greetings.  How about setting the minimum length for this value to 4, so that photos from most all current compacts could be charted.  As it currently stands, most compacts could not be charted at or near their wide end.  I suspect you didn't do this originally because you weren't considering compact camera focal lengths.  For example, most Canon compacts now have lenses as wide as 5mm.  Many thanks.

Mike Lee

P.S.  I can not get GoogleMap to initialize at startup even though it is selected in preferences.  If "initalize GoogleMap at startup" means that GoogleMap would open automatically when I open ExifToolGUI (which is how I interpret it) - it does not do that.


Hi Mike,

For focal length chart.. I believe I have choosen starting point of 10mm because:
1. It fits most used (ultra) wide end on dslr cameras,
2. Well, it simplifies my code  :)
-anyway, I will look into that and see what can I do (there's always a solution).

About Google map... In GUI, it's a bit complicated, but I don't know better. That is, first you must "enable" that option in Preferences (you do that only once). After that (or when you start GUI), you must first choose menu Various>Google map and additional map window will be shown. At the same time, additional button [ Map>>] will become visible just below [ Custom ] button. Button [ Map >>] will remain visible for entire GUI session even if you close window containing map. Sounds complicated, but you'll get it  :)


Mike Lee

First, the GoogleMap issue.  Yes, I had figured out how everything works, and it works WELL.  Now I know that this is all by design.  Geotagging with GoogleMap couldn't be any easier.  Love it!

Second, if you can do 4mm without too much trouble that would be great.  I really like the Exif chart feature, and most of my photography is done with my Canon compacts.

Thanks again for a most elegant and powerful ExifTool GUI.



Hi Mike,

Just posted GUI v4.22 which now shows focal length chart starting at 4mm.
