Feature request regarding date/time shift

Started by mklein, October 23, 2011, 04:25:07 AM

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Hi folks,

I'm just using Exif Tool GUI to adjust thousands of photos I took in the USA this year - unfortunately all of these photos have a time shift of 8 hours as I forgot to adjust the camera clock.

For the process of date/time shift I have two feature requests resp. problems:

1. The field "DateTime result" is empty if I select one or more photos. Is this a bug oder am I doing something wrong? I am using RAW files of my Olympus E-5 dslr camera and the current version of ExifTool & Exif Tool GUI.

2. My file names should have the same date and time as the Exif values within the files. So I have to adjust the photos using the date/time shift dialog first and afterwards to set the filename date/file using "Various > File: Date modified=Exif:DateTime". Could you implement a checkbox in the date/time shift dialog which adjusts the filename's date and time automatically if checked? So I only have to use one dialog instead of two.

Thanks & best regards


Hi Michael,

On Exif DateTime shift panel, *DateTime result= field is populated only if *DateTimeOriginal exists (that's why I've put * there).
If more than one file is selected, then only data from first selected file is shown in panel -I assume, that (at least) your first/top selected file doesn't have DateTimeOriginal defined.

I've just posted GUI v4.22 for download, where option Update File:Date modified is added. Here, again, DateTimeOriginal value is needed to be present -if not, File:Date modified will act according to menu Options>Preserve Date modified of files setting.

Btw. you can check for DateTimeOriginal presence in your files by using view [Details:] [About image] option.



Hi Bodgan,

Thank you very much for your quick reply and the new version! The new checkbox works perfectly for me.

But there's an issue I cannot understand:

I have three test pictures here and all of these pictures have values for ModifyDate, DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate - see screenshot 1 for an example file.

If I switch to "Details > About image" there's no DateTimeOriginal value visible - screenshot 2.

And if I try to shift the date/time the result ist empty, too - screenshot 3.

Do you have an explanation for this behaviour? The field DateTimeOriginal is populated - if I look into the file using an editor I can see three values, representing the values for ModifyDate, DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate  - see screenshot 4.

What's going wrong here?

EDIT: If I select the tab "quick" on  the right hand side I cannot see and values, only if I select "exif" ???



Hi Michael,

Thanks for screenshots... which revealed that you're using Olympus raw files... which have different tiff "signature" than some other raw files.. hence, GUI isn't able to show ORF metadata in [Quick] view. And because the same method (as in Quick view) is used for showing DateTimes in Exif:DateTime shift panel, everything is empty there.
As I never tried ORF files before, I was unaware of this GUI limitation. Thank you very much for posting this!

Keep an eye for next GUI update, which will happen in few minutes...
... and GUI v4.23 is ready for download  :)



Hi Bogdan,

Thank you so much for the new release. It works perfectly with my Olympus E-3 and E-5. The quick-panel shows all information and the shift dialog contains the date/time values.

I just tried the same shifting for some older Canon EOS 10D files (format .crw). Here the quick panel is empty, too. Could you have a look at this as well?
EDIT: It seems the whole exif tab is empty for my crw-files. Is the crw format encrypted in any way or why are there no entries in the exif section?

Best regards


As far I can remember, "old" CRW format used separate THM files where (exif) metadata was stored.


Phil Harvey

Metadata in CRW files is in the MakerNotes group since it is proprietary and doesn't use the TIFF/EXIF format.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).