"Otherimage" in NEFs of D800

Started by Malus, September 11, 2012, 04:32:08 AM

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Hi there!

The NEF files of the Nikon D800 not only have embedded "Previewimage" (570*375 Pixel) and "JPGFromRAW" (7360*4912 Pixel) but also a bitmap called "OtherImage" (1632*1080 pixel). This one can be read and exported into JPG, but it isn't writable with exiftool.:

>exiftool "-otherimage<=myotherimage.jpg" TestImage.NEF
Warning: Sorry, otherimage is not writable
Nothing to do.

Any ideas why?

Thanks for your attention, mallus

Phil Harvey

Hi Mallus,

OtherImage is a catch-all for images stored in other IFD's of TIFF-type files, so its location isn't fixed.  Even within NEF files, OtherImage may be located in SubIFD2 (as in D800 files), or SubIFD1 (as added by Nikon Capture).  It would be difficult to make this writable, but I'll see what I can do.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks a lot for your answer.

Writing this field is not very important for me. I just wanted some special prepared NEF files for a few tests on RAW viewers.

Have a nice day, mallus


I just want to say thank you for implementing this in v9.03!
