Unable to write tags to NEF file from a JPG

Started by PeterGebruers, November 13, 2012, 02:18:37 PM

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When I open a JPG in Capture NX 2 and save it as a NEF, both Capture NX2 and View NX 2 can edit the metadata. Exif tool 9.0.1, 9.0.3, 9.0.5 gives an error:

Warning: Error rebuilding maker notes (may be corrupt) - C:\Documents and Settings\PGBR\My Documents\Fotos\2-Output\I-Z\Newtopia 2012\00000091.nef

c:\Documents and Settings\PGBR\My Documents\Software - Portable\geosetter\t\tools\exiftool.exe -m -overwrite_original -TagsFromFile "C:\Documents and Settings\PGBR\My Documents\Fotos\2-Output\I-Z\Newtopia 2012\00000091.nef" -XMP:all<"EXIF:all" -XMP:Orientation<"IFD0:Orientation" -XMP:all<"GPS:all" -XMP:GPSLatitude<"Composite:GPSLatitude" -XMP:GPSLongitude<"Composite:GPSLongitude" -XMP:GPSDateTime<"Composite:GPSDateTime" -XMP-dc:Creator<"IPTC:By-line" -XMP-dc:Description<"IPTC:Caption-Abstract" -XMP-dc:Rights<"IPTC:CopyrightNotice" -XMP-dc:Subject<"IPTC:Keywords" -XMP-dc:Title<"IPTC:ObjectName" -XMP-photoshop:AuthorsPosition<"IPTC:By-lineTitle" -XMP-photoshop:CaptionWriter<"IPTC:Writer-Editor" -XMP-photoshop:Category<"IPTC:Category" -XMP-photoshop:City<"IPTC:City" -XMP-photoshop:Country<"IPTC:Country-PrimaryLocationName" -XMP-photoshop:Credit<"IPTC:Credit" -XMP-photoshop:DateCreated<"IPTC:DateCreated" -XMP-photoshop:DateCreated<"Composite:DateTimeCreated" -XMP-photoshop:Headline<"IPTC:Headline" -XMP-photoshop:Instructions<"IPTC:SpecialInstructions" -XMP-photoshop:Source<"IPTC:Source" -XMP-photoshop:State<"IPTC:Province-State" -XMP-photoshop:SupplementalCategories<"IPTC:SupplementalCategories" -XMP-photoshop:TransmissionReference<"IPTC:OriginalTransmissionReference" -XMP-photoshop:Urgency<"IPTC:Urgency" -XMP-iptcCore:CountryCode<"IPTC:Country-PrimaryLocationCode" -XMP-iptcCore:Location<"IPTC:Sub-location" -XMP-iptcCore:IntellectualGenre<"IPTC:ObjectAttributeReference" -XMP-iptcCore:SubjectCode<"IPTC:SubjectReference" -XMP-dc:Description<"EXIF:ImageDescription" -XMP-photoshop:DateCreated<"EXIF:DateTimeOriginal" -XMP-photoshop:DateCreated<"Composite:SubSecDateTimeOriginal" -XMP-xmp:CreateDate<"Composite:SubSecCreateDate" -XMP-xmp:ModifyDate<"Composite:SubSecModifyDate" -XMP-dc:Rights<"EXIF:Copyright" -XMP-dc:Creator<"EXIF:Artist" "C:\Documents and Settings\PGBR\My Documents\Fotos\2-Output\I-Z\Newtopia 2012\00000091.xmp"

Phil Harvey

OK, I give up.  Why is the Make/Model in this NEF file "Canon Powershot G12"?  The Canon doesn't write NEF format.

ExifTool has a problem due to this because the maker notes are not properly formatted Canon maker notes.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Well... Capture NX2 can open a canon .jpg file. Then I can use alle the nice things this Nikon software offers. Like versions, u-points, etc and of course "digital negative". So when I write this file as a NEF, it has Canon tags.

I know it sounds weird, but I use it a lot... Anything could become a NEF file, e.g. I als own a Sony Alpha.

Sorry I made your head explode ;-)

Phil Harvey

OK, cool.  You learn something new every day.

I'll add support for this in ExifTool 9.06.

Thanks for the sample.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).
