[fixed] 'list index out of bounds ()' error

Started by jeroenvg, January 24, 2013, 01:25:23 PM

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[i know Bogdan left the building, but maybe someone else can help me.]

i created my own workspace ini file - directly in an editor, with safe/ common exif and iptc core properties. when i load it in ExifToolGUI (Program: Workspace definition file: Load...),  i get an...

List index out of bounds (<number>)

...error dialog. if i split the file in an exif.ini and xmp-iptc-core-1-1.ini, only the last one - with my iptc core properties - causes the error...

List index out of bounds (3)

...and the metadata workspace pane lists:

Tag nameValue
ISO Country Code1 image files read
Country18 files could not be read

note that xmp-iptc-core-1-1.ini contains 18 properties.

i looked for 'invalid' characters in Tag name, Tag definition or Hint text, but can't find any around the second or third line in the file, that are not in WorkspaceDef.ini or WorkspaceRef.ini, too.

i'm not convinced the number 3 points to a line in the ini file, because the index error number stays the same, even if i shuffle the order of properties in the file.

also, when i dismiss the error dialog and open the workspace manager on xmp-iptc-core-1-1.ini, everything looks normal: no garbled characters, truncation or other strange things.

the error is 100% reproducible, but does not crash or cripple ExifToolGUI: i can load another - valid - workspace ini fine, but trigger the same error if i load xmp-iptc-core-1-1.ini again.

the current directory for ExifToolGui when i load the ini files contain two jpg's and two png's, by the way. could index number 3 have something to do with file number 3, the first png in the list?

i attached my xmp-iptc-core-1-1.ini, hope someone can help or point me in the right direction.

(context: Windows XP Professional (SP3), ExifToolGUI v5.14.0.0 with jhead.exe and jpegtran.exe, ExifTool v9.12)

Phil Harvey

My usual technique to isolate problems like this is to delete lines in the file until the problem goes away.  This technique only takes a few iterations if you employ a binary-search-type algorithm (ie. remove half of the lines each time), and should allow you to determine the line(s) in the .ini file that is(are) causing the problem.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


got it! i 'forgot' the leading dash in property names *blush*

ISO Country Code=XMP-iptcCore:CountryCode^<Hint_text>

...should be...

ISO Country Code=-XMP-iptcCore:CountryCode^<Hint_text>

sorry for the noise...