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Olympus E500 ORF files

Started by Tarn, February 28, 2013, 10:30:02 AM

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I have a great little batch file that used DateTimeOriginal, and FileNumber to (accurately) rename my files. This works like a charm on my Nikon NEF files. However, when I use it on my Olympus files I come to a complete stop. Reason being, there is no "FileNumber" in the ORF, or JPG files. I've looked for similar tags, such as: "ShutterCount", "ShutterNumber", "*num*" and so on. Nada. I've even used -all and sent it to a text file and searched for the file number ("1955" from "P2071955") and still nothing.

Am I missing something, or is the number that the camera puts in the image file name not recorded in the file? Do I need to store the number in UserComments, or create a tag for it? Or is there a tag, that I'm not finding, that has that info?

Thanks in advance.

Phil Harvey

Not all makes store the image number in the metadata.  Your idea of writing the original file name to another tag is a good idea.  Or, you can just preserve the number in the file name when renaming:

exiftool "-filename<${datetimeoriginal}-${filename;s/.*(\d{4}\.)/$1/}" -d ...

The advanced formatting expression above is one way you could preserve the last 4 digits of the file name.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).