Inconsistent handling of $directory/$filename in different exiftool versions

Started by WHA1949, September 11, 2013, 03:48:58 PM

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I use ExifTool to generate an xml file. My system is Windows XP. The command line look like this:

"exiftool\exiftool" -ex -charset UTF8 -ext jpg -ext tif -ext mp3 -q -f -p PhotoDirToXML.fmt %1 > %1\PhotoDir.xml

this is called from a batch file, so %1 is the parameter.

In the fmt file I have the following syntax:  absolutePath="${Directory}/${FileName}"

in version 9.0.6 i got in xml file:

in version 9.36 I get in xml file:

So apart from lower/uppercase there is a difference in the slash after the

I found no hint in Changelog on this change.

My question:  Just to make sure before I change my command file: Is this a bug in 9.36 or was it a bug in 9.0.6?

Phil Harvey

I can't imagine any change between 9.06 and 9.36 that could possibly have this effect.  There is no way that exiftool should ever change the case of a file or directory name, or remove a slash from the path.  There must be something else happening here.

I suggest adding "-echo %1" to your commads to echo back this parameter to see what it looks like.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you for your suggestion and sorry for bothering you. It was really my fault. I had specified different directories in the examples.