gpx.fmt not found while trying to create track from pictures

Started by Peter, June 28, 2014, 12:24:20 PM

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Hi there

I'm trying to create a track in gpx format out of a number of geotagged pictures.

So far, extruding gps-tags and CreateTime into a table has worked:

exiftool -T -n -createdate -GPSLatitude -GPSLongitude testgeotags > Users/Pit/out.txt

producing a gpx has not,

exiftool -p gpx.fmt -d %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ testgeotags > Users/Pit/out.gpx

for each picture just the name of the prntfile is copied into the output file.

While the manual says this happens if the gpx.fmt is not found by exiftool, I put it into root of my mac and switched there to call exiftool, too.

I'm using an iMac, OS X 10.7 and cannot find usr/bin or any other file where exiftool and it's library are supposed to be. "open usr/bin" at root in the terminal also doesn't work.

Any hints?

Phil Harvey

If you don't have the gpx.fmt file, you can find it in the "fmt_files" directory of the full distribution.

The simplest thing to do is to type the command up to and including the -p, then type a space, then drag and drop the gpx.fmt file onto the terminal window, then continue typing the command.  Doing it this way types the full path for the file automatically.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Phil, thx for answering. I keep wondering where people like you take the time and motivation to do this - yet I'm grateful you are. Off looking for the donation code.