Rename and move using custom fields

Started by parefr, August 03, 2014, 03:59:08 PM

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I would like to rename my photos using this directory and file naming layout in the Windows command line.

Actual files location C:\Test
Directory layout I would like: C:\Test\Year\Year_Month\Event\
File names: YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond_counter_AuthorInitials.ext

The counter should only be present if there are more than one files from the same YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond and should be in the 000 format. I want it to reset to 0 for every new YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond
The AuthorInitials is a xmp custom field and I would like to add a condition if the field is empty to write OTH.

Is this possible?

At the moment I am able to rename and move
exiftool -r -d c:\test/%Y/%m/%d/%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%%c.%%e "-filename<datetimeoriginal" c:\test
I am not able to have the directory Year_Month/Event, then counter in 000 format and the authorinitials in the file name.




I'm trying to accomplish something very similar, utilizing exiftool from within apples automator to use as a stand alone application or service.
Ultimately I need to rename image files based on date and time created and also have the user comments added to the title after the date and time. It seems so simple yet I can't seem to find the correct combination of commands.
File names: MonthDayYear-HourMinuteSecond-Usercomment
Any help would be much appreciated.

             -Thanks in advance

Phil Harvey

Sorry for the delay in responding.  I'm currently on vacation.

It is difficult to have the value of another tag inside the date/time formatting. 

I don't have time right now to give you detailed advice, but here is a thread that answers a very similar question.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


this is exactly what i want too, i think the solution was difficult to grasp