csv output to individual files does not work

Started by HansS713, October 27, 2014, 07:49:07 AM

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It should be possible to generate csv files with all exif date for all *.jpg, but command:

exiftool -m -w! %d%f.csv -csv -sort -ext jpg -r "."

gives error message:

Sorry, -w may not be combined with -csv

The similar command for xml output works as expected:

exiftool -m -w! %d%f.xml -X -sort -ext jpg -r "."

exiftool v9.74
Win7pro-64 SP1

Phil Harvey

You really want a csv file with a single line?  You do realize that all of the columns will be different for each CSV file if you generate one for each image.  This doesn't seem very useful.  I would think that a JSON output format would be better for a use like this.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


OK, maybe JSON is better, so this function may not be very useful. But I still don't see why it's not possible to generate result similar to a cmd-loop directly with exiftool.

for %N in (*.jpg) do exiftool -m -csv -sort "%~N" >"%~dpnN.csv"

And for easy usage of the csv files in Europe exiftool should generate a line "sep=," as first line.