Limitation if any to add multiple keywors to NEF files

Started by attila, February 05, 2015, 11:51:56 AM

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Regarding NEF file it looks like that  it is possible to add multiple keywords or other  tag(s)  where the multiple adding is allowed.

Experimenting with adding keywords to NEF (NIKON Digital RAW) I found that after a while the file size will increase what I think is normal.

Please let me know if  by adding multiple keywords in the len 64 range to NEF file can do whatever harm to the file, because by no way I want to compromise the digital that is photographic content.

Can I think about  adding multiple keywords as something that will not affect the integrity of RAW file?



Phil Harvey

Hi Attilla,

I always recommend backing up your original (unedited) images.  This means NOT using Nikon software to download your NEF images.  (It is frightening to me how Nikon software changes NEF images.  ExifTool is much better behaved.)

But once you write anything to the file, it doesn't much matter if you write one or many tags.  So multiple keywords should not be a problem.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


In terms of meta data manipulation Nikon sw is not on the same page as EXIFTOOL.

Personally I do NOT use NIKON sw !
I prefer to do RAW manipulation with other raw converters but for metadata manipulation EXIFTOOL is no. 1
