Copy GPS information from one picture into all pictures of a directory

Started by XftlArd, May 17, 2015, 01:39:29 PM

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Good afternoon,

I am a beginner with ExifTool. I want to fullfill all files from a specific directory with the GPS coordinates from one specific picture, saved in an another directory.
I managed to put the GPS information from the reference picture in a CSV file (exiftool -common -csv DIR > out1.csv). Then, I copied informations of the first line, numerous times, in order to have as many lines as pictures in my directory, manually. I wrote these coordinates in each file of the directory, with ExifTool (exiftool -csv=Dir/out1.csv Dir2).
But, I find that it needs to many manual operations to do that.
Is it possible to do that automatically?
If yes, is it possible to avoid any over-writing, if some GPS informations exist, or to check if GPS information exist and jump to the next picture?

Thank You

Phil Harvey

If the gps coordinates are already in an image, it is easiest to just copy them over:

exiftool -tagsfromfile SRCFILE -gps:all -wm cg DIR

where SRCFILE is your source file, and DIR is one or more target files and/or directory names.

Here the write mode is set so that existing tags are not changed (the -wm cg option), which should do what you wanted..

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you very much Phil!

Can I confess you that I think "how simple it is, when you know perfectly your language or software"
