Inverse geotagging from NextBase dashcam footage

Started by jusw, March 18, 2016, 11:10:38 AM

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Hi Phil - would it be possible to add support for inverse geotagging ( from the NextBase range of dashcams (which are widely used in the UK)?  The model I use is the Nextbase 402G, which creates output in quicktime format (QTFF).  The tool gives me this:
$ exiftool -ee -p gpx.fmt 11500008.MOV > gpx.out
Warning: [Minor] Tag 'gpslatitude' not defined - 11500008.MOV
Warning: [Minor] Tag 'gpsaltitude' not defined - 11500008.MOV
Warning: [Minor] Tag 'gpsdatetime' not defined - 11500008.MOV

Basic tag data is:
$ exiftool 11500008.MOV
ExifTool Version Number         : 9.46
File Name                       : 11500008.MOV
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 595 MB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2015:08:24 12:55:58+01:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2016:03:18 14:47:30+00:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2015:12:26 11:56:07+00:00
File Permissions                : r--r--r--
File Type                       : MOV
MIME Type                       : video/quicktime
Major Brand                     : Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)
Minor Version                   : 0.0.0
Compatible Brands               : qt
Thumbnail Image                 : (Binary data 17608 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Movie Data Size                 : 624114456
Movie Data Offset               : 17648
Movie Header Version            : 0
Create Date                     : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Modify Date                     : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Time Scale                      : 30000
Duration                        : 0:05:00
Preferred Rate                  : 1
Preferred Volume                : 100.00%
Preview Time                    : 0 s
Preview Duration                : 0 s
Poster Time                     : 0 s
Selection Time                  : 0 s
Selection Duration              : 0 s
Current Time                    : 0 s
Next Track ID                   : 3
Track Header Version            : 0
Track Create Date               : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Track Modify Date               : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Track ID                        : 1
Track Duration                  : 0:05:00
Track Layer                     : 0
Track Volume                    : 0.00%
Image Width                     : 1920
Image Height                    : 1080
Graphics Mode                   : srcCopy
Op Color                        : 0 0 0
Compressor ID                   : avc1
Source Image Width              : 1920
Source Image Height             : 1080
X Resolution                    : 72
Y Resolution                    : 72
Compressor Name                 : h264
Bit Depth                       : 24
Video Frame Rate                : 30
Matrix Structure                : 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Media Header Version            : 0
Media Create Date               : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Media Modify Date               : 2004:01:01 00:00:00
Media Time Scale                : 32000
Media Duration                  : 0:05:00
Balance                         : 0
Handler Class                   : Data Handler
Handler Type                    : URL
Handler Description             : DataHandler
Audio Format                    : sowt
Audio Channels                  : 1
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 16
Audio Sample Rate               : 32000
Avg Bitrate                     : 16.6 Mbps
Image Size                      : 1920x1080
Rotation                        : 0

I can't find any info about which QTFF atoms the GPS data is embedded in the .MOV file but I was hoping there would be a way of extending exiftool to handle it? Could you let me know if this is on your road map, or perhaps we could discuss how to achieve it as I have example footage and coding experience (although not with QTFF)?

Thanks for the excellent piece of software.


Phil Harvey

Hi Justin,

Adding the ability to extract GPS from MOV video streams has been on my to-do list for a while, but my first attempt failed and I haven't found the time to get back to it again.  Video formats in general are a real pain, but I have already decoded the GPS from the H264 video stream of M2TS files, and hoped that the H264 stream of MOV/MP4 files would be similar enough to make it easy to decode, but unfortunately this wasn't the case.  So it may be a while before this feature is added.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

ExifTool 10.72 (just released) has the ability to extract GPS from MOV/MP4 videos using the -ee option.  Please send me a sample if it doesn't extract it for your camera (philharvey66 at

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi, I found this page while searching for a way to decode Nextbase dashcam gps information. I'd like to add that on my device, the NextBase 512GW, gps data is stored in a tag called GPSDataList. Other than that the video file also has G-force acceleration data in it somewhere, but I wasn't able to figure out which tag that's under.

I'm posting this here should more people find it, Exiftool can only do part of the work and I can't for the love of me figure out how to interpret this data.

I ran with exiftool.exe -ee -u -b -GPSDataList dashcamfile.MOV > gps.txt and got the following output (converted to HEX because it's unreadable gibberish as normal text)

00 00 01 01 00 00 00 B4 00 42 4C 50 00 00 80 00 00 81 E5 C4 00 00 80 00 00 C1 F3 B4 00 00 80 00
01 01 A6 70 00 00 80 00 01 43 48 24 00 00 80 00 01 83 92 DC 00 00 80 00 01 C4 C5 34 00 00 80 00
02 03 7C 3C 00 00 80 00 02 42 C4 A8 00 00 80 00 02 85 0C 98 00 00 80 00 02 C2 2B 40 00 00 80 00
03 03 FD BC 00 00 80 00 03 44 C9 7C 00 00 80 00 03 84 73 6C 00 00 80 00 03 C4 08 10 00 00 80 00
04 03 76 28 00 00 80 00 04 42 E1 18 00 00 80 00 04 83 9A 20 00 00 80 00 04 C2 82 A8 00 00 80 00
05 02 30 10 00 00 80 00 05 41 4D 20 00 00 80 00 05 80 F7 24 00 00 80 00 05 C3 1C 8C 00 00 80 00
06 02 55 18 00 00 80 00 06 42 D9 58 00 00 80 00 06 82 06 50 00 00 80 00 06 C3 F7 B8 00 00 80 00
07 04 E4 B8 00 00 80 00 07 44 16 E0 00 00 80 00 07 82 1A 58 00 00 80 00 07 C3 3D A4 00 00 80 00
08 04 92 B8 00 00 80 00 08 43 81 1C 00 00 80 00 08 84 81 18 00 00 80 00 08 C4 77 50 00 00 80 00
09 04 E2 40 00 00 80 00 09 46 95 E4 00 00 80 00 09 84 01 B8 00 00 80 00 09 C3 CC DC 00 00 80 00
0A 05 97 78 00 00 80 00 0A 48 FC F0 00 00 80 00 0A 89 F8 7C 00 00 80 00 0A C8 43 CC 00 00 80 00
0B 06 A6 CC 00 00 80 00 0B 47 CB 10 00 00 80 00 0B 89 61 88 00 00 80 00 0B C7 89 10 00 00 80 00
0C 07 F4 A4 00 00 80 00 0C 45 03 EC 00 00 80 00 0C 89 20 1C 00 00 80 00 0C C9 19 BC 00 00 80 00
0D 09 5A 00 00 00 80 00 0D 48 69 5C 00 00 80 00 0D 88 93 A4 00 00 80 00 0D C9 E9 CC 00 00 80 00
0E 08 25 CC 00 00 80 00 0E 47 CC 04 00 00 80 00 0E 88 8C 00 00 00 80 00 0E C9 B9 50 00 00 80 00
0F 08 E3 B0 00 00 80 00 0F 4A 54 18 00 00 80 00 0F 89 3E BC 00 00 80 00 0F C9 5F 5C 00 00 80 00
10 09 86 C8 00 00 80 00 10 4A 03 AC 00 00 80 00 10 8A 44 B8 00 00 80 00 10 CA AA A4 00 00 80 00
11 0A F8 54 00 00 80 00 11 49 1B 7C 00 00 80 00 11 89 DF 80 00 00 80 00 11 CB 96 78 00 00 80 00
12 09 A0 BC 00 00 80 00 12 49 E9 80 00 00 80 00 12 8B 9E B4 00 00 80 00 12 CC 45 A4 00 00 80 00
13 0A B0 94 00 00 80 00 13 49 37 44 00 00 80 00 13 89 6A 80 00 00 80 00 13 CA 1B 60 00 00 80 00
14 09 9C 08 00 00 80 00 14 4B F4 80 00 00 80 00 14 8C A3 7C 00 00 80 00 14 CA 0C 08 00 00 80 00
15 0C ED A4 00 00 80 00 15 4B 99 70 00 00 80 00 15 8D 0A 1C 00 00 80 00 15 CC 7E 10 00 00 80 00
16 09 F9 40 00 00 80 00 16 4B 21 4C 00 00 80 00 16 8A CF 44 00 00 80 00 16 CD 59 F0 00 00 80 00
17 0C 66 58 00 00 80 00 17 4E BF F0 00 00 80 00 17 8E AD 10 00 00 80 00 17 CD 08 34 00 00 80 00
18 0D 94 14 00 00 80 00 18 4C 2D 08 00 00 80 00 18 8E 23 EC 00 00 80 00 18 CE 10 08 00 00 80 00
19 0D AC 80 00 00 80 00 19 4D 0B A0 00 00 80 00 19 8D 85 8C 00 00 80 00 19 CC D5 00 00 00 80 00
1A 0D 9C 44 00 00 80 00 1A 4E 0E 04 00 00 80 00 1A 8D 61 D0 00 00 80 00 1A CC A5 88 00 00 80 00
1B 0B 9D 60 00 00 80 00 1B 49 2C F4 00 00 80 00 1B 8C 28 F8 00 00 80 00 1B CA BE E8 00 00 80 00
1C 0B 64 60 00 00 80 00 1C 4B 81 1C 00 00 80 00 1C 8B 58 84 00 00 80 00 1C CB 00 A4 00 00 80 00
1D 0B 2C 10 00 00 80 00 1D 49 E2 58 00 00 80 00 1D 8A C8 D0 00 00 80 00 1D CB 42 EC 00 00 80 00
1E 0C A8 80 00 00 80 00 1E 4B 7E D8 00 00 80 00 1E 8B 1F 2C 00 00 80 00 1E CA B1 A8 00 00 80 00
1F 0C A9 C8 00 00 80 00 1F 4C 26 38 00 00 80 00 1F 8D AC 6C 00 00 80 00 1F CC A9 B8 00 00 80 00
20 0C A4 64 00 00 80 00 20 4D 93 A4 00 00 80 00 20 8E 1A CC 00 00 80 00 20 CE FC 6C 00 00 80 00
21 0F 46 BC 00 00 80 00 21 4E 2F A4 00 00 80 00 21 8E A6 78 00 00 80 00 21 CE DB FC 00 00 80 00
22 0D E8 5C 00 00 80 00 22 4E 11 F8 00 00 80 00 22 8D 3A CC 00 00 80 00 22 CD 60 6C 00 00 80 00
23 0C D6 EC 00 00 80 00 23 4F 83 18 00 00 80 00 23 8E AF C4 00 00 80 00 23 D0 8A 90 00 00 80 00
24 12 16 A4 00 00 80 00 24 52 3D EC 00 00 80 00 24 91 35 C8 00 00 80 00 24 D1 BB 2C 00 00 80 00
25 13 31 6C 00 00 80 00 25 52 E2 90 00 00 80 00 25 92 6A CC 00 00 80 00 25 D5 12 B0 00 00 80 00
26 11 57 4C 00 00 80 00 26 51 9D C8 00 00 80 00 26 94 1D 00 00 00 80 00 26 D2 65 74 00 00 80 00
27 10 E9 FC 00 00 80 00 27 54 46 24 00 00 80 00 27 94 2C 48 00 00 80 00 27 D4 04 3C 00 00 80 00
28 13 44 FC 00 00 80 00 28 53 22 D8 00 00 80 00 28 91 FC C4 00 00 80 00 28 D3 20 44 00 00 80 00
29 12 9D 6C 00 00 80 00 29 52 43 D8 00 00 80 00 29 95 4A 44 00 00 80 00 29 D3 80 F0 00 00 80 00
2A 13 AE BC 00 00 80 00 2A 55 82 E8 00 00 80 00 2A 94 D2 80 00 00 80 00 2A D5 B0 B0 00 00 80 00
2B 14 18 7C 00 00 80 00 2B 54 0B A4 00 00 80 00 2B 93 EC FC 00 00 80 00 2B D4 DE 20 00 00 80 00
2C 15 50 DC 00 00 80 00 2C 56 6D 3C 00 00 80 00 2C 94 0E 74 00 00 80 00 2C D4 C2 B8 00 00 80 00
2D 14 96 7C 00 00 80 00

First few coordinates + timestamp (I have it so they're also printed on screen, which is how I know):

  • N52º7'55" E5º5'29" - 10:09:59 (video start)
  • N52º7'54" E5º5'31" - 10:10:00 (1 second into the video)
  • N52º7'54" E5º5'32" - 10:10:01 (2 seconds into the video)
  • N52º7'53" E5º5'33" - 10:10:02
  • N52º7'53" E5º5'34" - 10:10:03
  • N52º7'52" E5º5'36" - 10:10:04

Hope this helps anyone.

Phil Harvey

Could you email me a (small) sample?  philharvey66 at

I should be able to add support for this.  I don't remember now how I knew to name that tag GPSDataList, but since it isn't decoded I probably never had a sample.  It looks to me like a list of offsets and sizes for the GPS data, but once extracted they would need decoding as well.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

Yes.  This is different than I have seen before.  ExifTool 11.12 will extract the GPS from this file.  It is stored as an NMEA-formatted string that you can see with exiftool -ee -v4.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


That's awesome!

I see an extract embedded with Type='gps ', Sample 1 of 180 (179 more of those) and also an extract embedded + [GPS directory, 32768 bytes] (also 180 times)

How would I go about extracting this data RAW? The documentation sadly isn't making me any wiser on how to do this.

Phil Harvey

ExifTool 11.12 will extract and decode this information.

To extract it in raw form, you would have to decode the GPSDataList table, which is a table of unsigned 32-bit big-endian integers of starting offsets and lengths for the "freeGPS" data blocks.  Alternatively you could do a brute-force scan of the movie data for the "freeGPS" strings at the beginning of each block.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Allright, supercool, I've written this small prototype script in Java to extract all the gps coordinates from the video after extracting the GPSDataList with exiftool, still figuring out how to read this metadata directly with Java:

Code (Java) Select
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Reader {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
File movie = new File("E:\\Exiftool\\gps.MOV");
File pointers = new File("E:\\Exiftool\\GPSDataList.txt");

List<Long> data = new ArrayList<>();

//read the GPSDataList data containing all the pointers
try(FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(pointers))
fin.skip(16); //skip the first two numbers, not relevant

while(fin.available() > 0)

List<String> gpsData = new ArrayList<>();

long skipped = 0;

try(FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(movie))
for(int i=0; i<data.size(); i+=2)
long skip = data.get(i);
int read = data.get(i+1).intValue();

long skipsize = skip - skipped;

skipped += skipsize + read;

byte[] buff = new byte[read];, 0, buff.length);

gpsData.add(new String(buff, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

//cleanup data and print to console
.map(s -> s.replaceAll("\\x0d\\x0a", " "))
.map(s -> s.replaceAll("[^\\x20-\\x7E]+", ""))

public static long readUIntAsLong(InputStream i) throws IOException
return 0
| (( & 0xFF) << 24)
| (( & 0xFF) << 16)
| (( & 0xFF) << 8)
| ( & 0xFF);

Phil Harvey

In case it helps, here is my Perl code to decode this block (pointed to by $dataPt):

    my ($hr,$min,$sec,$yr,$mon,$day,$stat,$latRef,$lonRef,$lat,$lon,$spd,$trk,$alt,$lbl,@acc,@xtra);
    if ($$dataPt =~ /^.{52}(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/) {
        # decode NMEA-format GPS data (NextBase 512GW dashcam, ref PH)
        push @xtra, CameraDateTime => "$1:$2:$3 $4:$5:$6";
        if ($$dataPt =~ /\$[A-Z]{2}RMC,(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+(\.\d*)?),A?,(\d+\.\d+),([NS]),(\d+\.\d+),([EW]),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+)/s) {
            ($lat,$latRef,$lon,$lonRef) = ($5,$6,$7,$8);
            $yr = $13 + ($13 >= 70 ? 1900 : 2000);
            ($mon,$day,$hr,$min,$sec) = ($12,$11,$1,$2,$3);
            $spd = $9 * $knotsToKph if length $9;
            $trk = $10 if length $10;
        if ($$dataPt =~ /\$[A-Z]{2}GGA,(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+(\.\d*)?),(\d+\.\d+),([NS]),(\d+\.\d+),([EW]),[1-6]?,(\d+)?,(\.\d+|\d+\.?\d*)?,(-?\d+\.?\d*)?,M?/s) {
            ($hr,$min,$sec,$lat,$latRef,$lon,$lonRef) = ($1,$2,$3,$5,$6,$7,$8) unless defined $yr;
            $alt = $11;
            unshift @xtra, GPSSatellites => $9;
            unshift @xtra, GPSDOP => $10;
        if (defined $lat) {
            # extract accelerometer readings if GPS was valid
            @acc = unpack('x68V3', $$dataPt);
            # change to signed integer and divide by 256
            map { $_ = $_ - 4294967296 if $_ >= 2147483648; $_ /= 256 } @acc;

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).



I have a Nextbase 512G. (not GW).
I tried to use exiftool to extract gps data from a video using

./exiftool -ee -v4 ../2018_1007_085054_198.MOV > gps.txt

And I do see it. In the 2 minute clip, the gps.txt file contains 120 mentions of freeGPS like the following

---- Extract Embedded ----                                                                                                                                                               
  + [GPS directory, 32768 bytes]                                                                                                                                                         
  |   210000: 00 00 80 00 66 72 65 65 47 50 53 20 78 01 00 00 [....freeGPS x...]                                                                                                         
  |   210010: 78 2e 78 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [x.xx............]                                                                                                         
  |   210020: 30 30 30 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [00000...........]                                                                                                         
  |   210030: 24 53 03 a2 2e 29 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 22 02 20 [$S...).....2.". ]                                                                                                         
  |   210040: 10 56 68 ff 10 f8 59 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.Vh...Y.........]                                                                                                         
  |   210050: 24 53 03 79 2d d2 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 23 02 20 [$S.y-......2.#. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210060: 10 56 49 ff 10 f8 d1 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.VI.............]                                                                                                         
  |   210070: 24 53 03 85 2d 9d 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 24 02 20 [$S..-......2.$. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210080: 10 56 28 ff 10 f9 4b 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.V(...K.........]                                                                                                         
  |   210090: 24 53 03 77 2d 47 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 25 02 20 [$S.w-G.....2.%. ]                                                                                                         
  |   2100a0: 10 56 0a ff 10 f9 c4 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.V..............]                                                                                                         
  |   2100b0: 24 53 03 73 2d 1e 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 26 02 20 [$S.s-......2.&. ]                                                                                                         
  |   2100c0: 10 55 eb ff 10 fa 3e 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.U....>.........]                                                                                                         
  |   2100d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2100e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2100f0: 24 53 03 51 2b 82 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 2a 02 20 [$S.Q+......2.*. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210100: 10 55 a4 ff 10 fc 2e 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.U..............]                                                                                                         
  |   210110: 24 53 03 3b 2b 18 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 2b 02 20 [$S.;+......2.+. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210120: 10 55 9a ff 10 fc ac 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.U..............]                                                                                                         
  |   210130: 24 53 03 4d 2a 96 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 2c 02 20 [$S.M*......2.,. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210140: 10 55 90 ff 10 fd 26 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.U....&.........]                                                                                                         
  |   210150: 24 53 03 3b 2a 05 07 e2 0a 07 08 32 02 2d 02 20 [$S.;*......2.-. ]                                                                                                         
  |   210160: 10 55 88 ff 10 fd a0 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [.U..............]                                                                                                         
  |   210170: fb 00 00 00 ee 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   210180: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   210190: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2101a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2101b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2101c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................]                                                                                                         
  |   2101d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [................] 

Am I missing a flag to make this output slightly more human readable?
Attached to whole txt file if it helps.



p.s. awesome tool btw.

Phil Harvey

... yet another different "freeGPS" format.  Please send me a (small) sample video from a moving camera and I'll see about decoding this too (philharvey66 at  There seems to be no standardization at all in these formats. :(

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

OK.  I can decode date/time, lat, lon and speed, but there is one value that I don't understand.  Here is the extracted value with timestamps as hex, unsigned and signed integer.  Any ideas what this could be?

2018:10:08 06:42:46.0 d60c 54796 -10740
2018:10:08 06:42:46.0 d60c 54796 -10740
2018:10:08 06:42:47.0 d2f1 54001 -11535
2018:10:08 06:42:46.0 d60c 54796 -10740
2018:10:08 06:42:48.0 d223 53795 -11741
2018:10:08 06:42:49.0 d221 53793 -11743
2018:10:08 06:42:50.0 d1be 53694 -11842
2018:10:08 06:42:51.0 d1e3 53731 -11805
2018:10:08 06:42:52.0 d1be 53694 -11842
2018:10:08 06:42:53.0 d1ff 53759 -11777
2018:10:08 06:42:54.0 d2d9 53977 -11559
2018:10:08 06:42:55.0 d963 55651 -9885
2018:10:08 06:42:56.0 e3f5 58357 -7179
2018:10:08 06:42:57.0 eee3 61155 -4381
2018:10:08 06:42:58.0 f55a 62810 -2726
2018:10:08 06:42:59.0 f675 63093 -2443
2018:10:08 06:43:00.0 f65a 63066 -2470
2018:10:08 06:43:01.0 f591 62865 -2671
2018:10:08 06:43:02.0 f49c 62620 -2916
2018:10:08 06:43:03.0 f42f 62511 -3025
2018:10:08 06:43:04.0 f504 62724 -2812
2018:10:08 06:43:05.0 f5fe 62974 -2562
2018:10:08 06:43:06.0 f71e 63262 -2274
2018:10:08 06:43:07.0 f560 62816 -2720
2018:10:08 06:43:08.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:09.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:10.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:11.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:12.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:13.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:14.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:15.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:16.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:17.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:18.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:19.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:20.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:21.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:22.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:23.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:24.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:25.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:26.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:27.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:28.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:29.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:30.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:31.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:32.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:33.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:34.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:35.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:36.0 f8a2 63650 -1886
2018:10:08 06:43:37.0 f514 62740 -2796
2018:10:08 06:43:38.0 f57d 62845 -2691
2018:10:08 06:43:39.0 f62f 63023 -2513
2018:10:08 06:43:40.0 f8e8 63720 -1816
2018:10:08 06:43:41.0 fed0 65232 -304
2018:10:08 06:43:42.0 037e 894 894
2018:10:08 06:43:43.0 0b33 2867 2867
2018:10:08 06:43:44.0 0dcc 3532 3532
2018:10:08 06:43:45.0 0eec 3820 3820
2018:10:08 06:43:46.0 0f09 3849 3849
2018:10:08 06:43:47.0 0f4f 3919 3919
2018:10:08 06:43:48.0 0ee7 3815 3815
2018:10:08 06:43:49.0 0ef2 3826 3826
2018:10:08 06:43:50.0 0ebd 3773 3773
2018:10:08 06:43:51.0 0f31 3889 3889
2018:10:08 06:43:52.0 0f63 3939 3939
2018:10:08 06:43:53.0 0e32 3634 3634
2018:10:08 06:43:54.0 06b6 1718 1718
2018:10:08 06:43:55.0 fab9 64185 -1351
2018:10:08 06:43:56.0 ed97 60823 -4713
2018:10:08 06:43:57.0 ea8b 60043 -5493
2018:10:08 06:43:58.0 eb94 60308 -5228
2018:10:08 06:43:59.0 ec9d 60573 -4963
2018:10:08 06:44:00.0 ed93 60819 -4717
2018:10:08 06:44:01.0 ec59 60505 -5031
2018:10:08 06:44:02.0 ec3e 60478 -5058
2018:10:08 06:44:03.0 ef90 61328 -4208
2018:10:08 06:44:04.0 f4fe 62718 -2818
2018:10:08 06:44:05.0 f9af 63919 -1617
2018:10:08 06:44:06.0 0478 1144 1144
2018:10:08 06:44:07.0 0c87 3207 3207
2018:10:08 06:44:08.0 0e30 3632 3632
2018:10:08 06:44:09.0 0e66 3686 3686
2018:10:08 06:44:10.0 0d54 3412 3412
2018:10:08 06:44:11.0 0b66 2918 2918
2018:10:08 06:44:12.0 08ba 2234 2234
2018:10:08 06:44:13.0 0630 1584 1584
2018:10:08 06:44:14.0 02fa 762 762
2018:10:08 06:44:15.0 fa7a 64122 -1414
2018:10:08 06:44:16.0 ef29 61225 -4311
2018:10:08 06:44:17.0 e88f 59535 -6001
2018:10:08 06:44:18.0 e6f6 59126 -6410
2018:10:08 06:44:19.0 e642 58946 -6590
2018:10:08 06:44:20.0 e5ef 58863 -6673
2018:10:08 06:44:21.0 e5e6 58854 -6682
2018:10:08 06:44:22.0 e5e6 58854 -6682
2018:10:08 06:44:23.0 e5f3 58867 -6669
2018:10:08 06:44:24.0 e556 58710 -6826
2018:10:08 06:44:25.0 e4f5 58613 -6923
2018:10:08 06:44:26.0 e431 58417 -7119
2018:10:08 06:44:27.0 e3ea 58346 -7190
2018:10:08 06:44:28.0 e3e4 58340 -7196
2018:10:08 06:44:29.0 e2de 58078 -7458
2018:10:08 06:44:30.0 e1c2 57794 -7742
2018:10:08 06:44:31.0 e0ec 57580 -7956
2018:10:08 06:44:32.0 df54 57172 -8364
2018:10:08 06:44:33.0 de47 56903 -8633
2018:10:08 06:44:34.0 dda4 56740 -8796
2018:10:08 06:44:35.0 dc9e 56478 -9058
2018:10:08 06:44:36.0 dbb6 56246 -9290
2018:10:08 06:44:37.0 da6a 55914 -9622
2018:10:08 06:44:38.0 d9c9 55753 -9783
2018:10:08 06:44:39.0 d8fe 55550 -9986
2018:10:08 06:44:40.0 d7f1 55281 -10255
2018:10:08 06:44:41.0 d5fc 54780 -10756
2018:10:08 06:44:42.0 d4ad 54445 -11091
2018:10:08 06:44:43.0 d45d 54365 -11171
2018:10:08 06:44:44.0 d3c0 54208 -11328

Also, does the video start at 06:42 local time, or UTC?

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


I took a look at the video sample at the timestamps that jump. e.g. 06:43:42.0 06:43:55.0
The car is turning. So I guess this could be compass data.

Should I try to decipher what north is based on the footage for a calibration?

