Windows 7 and integrity of file system

Started by krzysiu, January 18, 2017, 05:12:00 PM

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The case is solved, but let's keep this topic here, in case if anybody would have similar problem.

Edit: I probably know what caused it. Mismatched name of directory and library. I hate libraries. I'll post more info as soon as I'll investigate it.[/color]

Edit 2: it's not a library, but it was and some glitch happened; it was desktop.ini problem:

Hey! I found a bug in Windows, but I'm not sure what one have to do to reproduce it. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, and the problem is on secondary physical disk with NTFS. About two years ago I made directory on drive E: named !FOTO. About half year ago I changed it to _FOTO. In Windows Explorer you can see current path on the top of the window and when you click on it, you can edit it/copy it (I was going to copy path).

And check out what happens:

After click on the path bar it shows old name! At first I thought it's some glitch, but somehow Windows remember previous directory name. Disk is both physically (SMART + bad sector scan) and psychically (chkdsk) fine. Still, I'm afraid of integrity of file system.

I'm serious. I know I could just edit path before screenshot, but I'm not doing such low jokes. Even if you can't reproduce it, do you know some good tool that would check health of file system? I'll repeat myself: full chkdsk scan doesn't show any problems. Maybe somebody heard about such case?

I know that turning off Application Experience service sometimes causes weird acting of system (after deleting file it gets deleted, but filename stays there and there's no way of getting rid of it except reboot; it's not only visual glitch - in such case you can't run app updater, as file can't be really deleted==can't be replaced) - but it's not the case, I have App Exp service running, I didn't turn it off even for a moment.

Just in case - let's ignore viruses/trojans/rootkits etc etc. My job is mostly healing infections and I'm doing it since 10-15 years. Of course I still might miss something, but then anybody else would miss it as well.
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