MinoltaRaw Tags

These tags are used in Minolta RAW format (MRW) images.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
"\0PRD" MinoltaPRD - --> MinoltaRaw PRD Tags
"\0RIF" MinoltaRIF - --> MinoltaRaw RIF Tags
"\0TTW" MinoltaTTW - --> EXIF Tags
"\0WBG" MinoltaWBG - --> MinoltaRaw WBG Tags

MinoltaRaw PRD Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 FirmwareID string[8]  
8 SensorHeight int16u  
10 SensorWidth int16u  
12 ImageHeight int16u  
14 ImageWidth int16u  
16 RawDepth int8u  
17 BitDepth int8u  
18 StorageMethod int8u 82 = Padded
89 = Linear
23 BayerPattern int8u 1 = RGGB
4 = GBRG

MinoltaRaw RIF Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
1 Saturation int8s  
2 Contrast int8s  
3 Sharpness int8s  
4 WBMode int8u~  
5 ProgramMode int8u
0 = None
1 = Portrait
2 = Text
   3 = Night Portrait
4 = Sunset
5 = Sports
6 ISOSetting int8u
0 = Auto
48 = 100
56 = 200
64 = 400
72 = 800
80 = 1600
174 = 80 (Zone Matching Low)
184 = 200 (Zone Matching High)
7 ColorMode int8u
0 = Natural color
1 = Black & White
2 = Vivid color
3 = Solarization
4 = Adobe RGB
5 = Sepia
9 = Natural
12 = Portrait
   13 = Natural sRGB
14 = Natural+ sRGB
15 = Landscape
16 = Evening
17 = Night Scene
18 = Night Portrait
132 = Embed Adobe RGB
(Sony A100)
0x0 = Standard
0x1 = Vivid
0x2 = Portrait
0x3 = Landscape
0x4 = Sunset
0x5 = Night View/Portrait
0x6 = B&W
0x7 = Adobe RGB
0xc = Neutral
0xd = Clear
0xe = Deep
0xf = Light
0x10 = Autumn Leaves
0x11 = Sepia
0x12 = FL
0x13 = Vivid 2
0x14 = IN
0x15 = SH
0x64 = Neutral
0x65 = Clear
0x66 = Deep
0x67 = Light
0x68 = Night View
0x69 = Autumn Leaves
0xff = Off
0xffffffff = n/a
8 WB_RBLevelsTungsten int16u[2] (these WB_RBLevels currently decoded only for the Sony A100)
12 WB_RBLevelsDaylight int16u[2]  
16 WB_RBLevelsCloudy int16u[2]  
20 WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteF int16u[2]  
24 WB_RBLevelsFlash int16u[2]  
28 WB_RBLevelsCustom int16u[2]  
32 WB_RBLevelsShade int16u[2]  
36 WB_RBLevelsDaylightF int16u[2]  
40 WB_RBLevelsDayWhiteF int16u[2]  
44 WB_RBLevelsWhiteF int16u[2]  
56 ColorFilter int8s (Minolta models)
57 BWFilter int8u  
58 ZoneMatching int8u (Minolta models)
0 = ISO Setting Used
1 = High Key
2 = Low Key
59 Hue int8s  
60 ColorTemperature int8u (Minolta models)
74 ZoneMatching int8u (Sony models)
0 = ISO Setting Used
1 = High Key
2 = Low Key
76 ColorTemperature int8u (A100)
77 ColorFilter int8u (A100)
78 ColorTemperature int8u (A200 and A700)
79 ColorFilter int8u (A200 and A700)
80 RawDataLength no (A100)

MinoltaRaw WBG Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 WBScale int8u[4]  
4 WB_GBRGLevels
(DiMAGE A200)
(other models)

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jun 13, 2024

<-- ExifTool Tag Names