Edit Exif info

Started by ralva, October 21, 2017, 12:19:02 AM

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Howdy Good people,

Really hate doing this but I am between a rock and a hard place right now.

I am trying to edit exif info (exposure modes basically) in a number of photos taken for a class, these pics where taken as requested by the instructor. I have made a couple of mistakes and shot specific pics on Av instead of manual and so on. Can't really take them again as the subjects are gone so I am trying to edit the exif info with no luck.

After a few hours (not being anything close to a programmer I have failed to figure out the TAG I need to use on exiftool to edit this portion of the metadata. Could anyone be awesome and share the command line? Pretty please?

Shooting on a canon T2i if that is of any reference.

Thanks for the help!!

Phil Harvey

Did you try?:  exiftool -a -G1 -s FILE

This will show you all the tag names and the locations of the information.  Note that Composite tags can't be changed -- their values are derived from other tags that you must change first.

If you compare this with a picture taken on the settings that you wanted, then you should be able to figure out everything that needs to be changed.  If you want, you can copy from the other picture, like this:

exiftool -tagsfromfile good.jpg -all:exposuremode -all:canonexposuremode file_to_change.jpg

Here I have shown two tags to change, but you may want to change others as well.  Here I have specified "all" as a location, which is a trick to get ExifTool to write the tags only into the same location in the target file.

You can do this for JPG and/or CR2 files.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi Phil,

Thanks for the assistance, Yep I was pretty much there, I can see what I need to change, have the values on the exposure program modes and all that but now I am failing to be able to actually edit the values. Spent half night up on this and nothing, trying to get a jump start on exiftool in one night I reckon is not the easiest thing to do... :-[

Hayo Baan

Could you describe in detail what you want to achieve? Example images you want to change could be helpful too.
Hayo Baan – Photography
Web: www.hayobaan.nl


Hi Hayo,

Basically what I have is :

[ExifTool]      ExifToolVersion                 : 10.64
[System]        FileName                        : img_9453.jpg
[System]        Directory                       : .
[System]        FileSize                        : 3.9 MB
[System]        FileModifyDate                  : 2017:09:26 13:23:46-04:00
[System]        FileAccessDate                  : 2017:10:21 00:00:00-04:00
[System]        FileInodeChangeDate             : 2017:09:26 13:23:46-04:00
[System]        FilePermissions                 : rwxrwxrwx
[File]          FileType                        : JPEG
[File]          FileTypeExtension               : jpg
[File]          MIMEType                        : image/jpeg
[File]          ExifByteOrder                   : Little-endian (Intel, II)
[File]          CurrentIPTCDigest               : b31ac0ea6ad148d8a5a64d1d5765b57d
[File]          ImageWidth                      : 5184
[File]          ImageHeight                     : 3456
[File]          EncodingProcess                 : Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
[File]          BitsPerSample                   : 8
[File]          ColorComponents                 : 3
[File]          YCbCrSubSampling                : YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
[IFD0]          Make                            : Canon
[IFD0]          Model                           : Canon EOS REBEL T2i
[IFD0]          Orientation                     : Rotate 270 CW
[IFD0]          XResolution                     : 72
[IFD0]          YResolution                     : 72
[IFD0]          ResolutionUnit                  : inches
[IFD0]          ModifyDate                      : 2017:09:16 00:08:54
[IFD0]          YCbCrPositioning                : Co-sited
[ExifIFD]       ExposureTime                    : 1/400
[ExifIFD]       FNumber                         : 8.0
[ExifIFD]       ExposureProgram                 : Not Defined
[ExifIFD]       ISO                             : 100
[ExifIFD]       ExifVersion                     : 0221
[ExifIFD]       DateTimeOriginal                : 2017:09:16 00:08:54
[ExifIFD]       CreateDate                      : 2017:09:16 00:08:54
[ExifIFD]       ComponentsConfiguration         : Y, Cb, Cr, -
[ExifIFD]       ShutterSpeedValue               : 1/395
[ExifIFD]       ApertureValue                   : 8.0
[ExifIFD]       ExposureCompensation            : 0
[ExifIFD]       MaxApertureValue                : 5.0
[ExifIFD]       MeteringMode                    : Multi-segment
[ExifIFD]       Flash                           : Off, Did not fire
[ExifIFD]       FocalLength                     : 100.0 mm

I am trying to figure out how to edit this exif info so it shows Exposure program as Manual instead of not defined/aperture priority/shutter prioroty and so on. Want to change this to Manual.

I have figure out how to display exif info on exiftool but not how to edit such info, if that makes any sense...


Exiftool -ExposureProgram=Manual /path/to/img_9453.jpg
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Stargeek, many thanks. This worked, I realize now that I was looking at the wrong  set of commands.

Thanks again.