Slow when save in GeoSetter

Started by perpixel, February 12, 2011, 04:03:04 PM

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first comment : I am not able to replicate the "slowness" now. I think I'll try some more later on.

First to your question: Usually I use Geosetter just in "the GUI way" meaning that I only use it to change metadata whichcan be done by its GUI functionality. Just last week I stumbled upon the feature in the menu under "file / settings / exiftool", where the user can add "normal" exiftool commands in the typical exiftool syntax. I wasn't aware of this before and thought I might help to do everything in one go in Geosetter since I now knwo the comands I need.

I just did a test run - as I said with no speical result, but here it is:

Test Setup:
Intel core i//840, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit Ultimate, Harddrive defragmented Samsung HD103UJ (1 TB)

Using 50 DNG-picture files created by Pentax K-5, total file size 1,04 GB

Initial read to display in Geosetter GUI: 3 Seconds.

What do I do?
1. Assign star marks evaluations to all
2. apply preconfigured set of metadata via GUI-button (Template contains copyright. artitst, contact, author, name).
3. geotagging against .gpx track file (size 18 MB, 81.000 trackpoints, 53 tracks) including assignment of names via internet service

Tagging (changes not yet saved to files): 2 Seconds.

Run 1:
only the changes applicable from Geosetter-GUI as above:
Saving changes to disk: 18 Seconds.

Run 2:
in addition to the abovementioned Geosetter-GUI-based changes now I add some custom exiftool command via "file / settings / exiftool".
Now using "extra exiftool-commands AFTER Geosetter-command":


To be able to do this the config-file of exiftool in the Geosetter directories had to be extended to look like this (the first two parts were already there provided by Geosetter, I just added two combined tags:

# exiftool config file
%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
   'Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main' => {
       geosetter => {
           SubDirectory => {
               TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::geosetter',

%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::geosetter = (
   GROUPS        => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-geosetter', 2 => 'Other' },
   # (use whatever URI you want in the next line)
   NAMESPACE     => { 'geosetter' => '' },
   WRITABLE      => 'string',
   ForeignKeys => {
       Name => 'ForeignKeys', # (specified only to get proper capitalization)
       Writable => 'string',
       List => 'Bag',

%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
    'Image::ExifTool::Composite' => {
        Calc35mm => {
Require => 'copy2:FocalLength',
            ValueConv => '$val * 1.5'},
        LensManufacturer => {
Require => 'LensID',
            ValueConv => '$prt[0] =~ /(pentax|tamron|sigma)/i ? $1 : undef',},

1;  #end

Saving to disk: 18 Seconds.

I dont know why it took so long last week. I think I'll try again with a big amount of files later.

For now I enjoy the life of a happy windows user. Me fool dared to think it was possible to install a second windows on a separate drive, since I own a old Vista license and needed some non virtualised test environment. Hahaha.
I had (not have) a truecrypted 1 TB drive in the box (having had burglars in the house last year made me rethink some things about privacy).
Guess what I found out the hard way: Vista installer (without asking anything) seems to buffer some of its install data (>130 MB) on the first "empty" drive it finds (doing a little formatting up front) even though the user explicitly told it the install destination for windows to be something else.
Ever tryed out what is left of a encrypted drive after NTFS formatting and writing over the first 130 MB? I can now tell you : not much.
Thanks god I do have a backup strategy and can recover from a week ago, but re-encrypting 1 TB plus copying back 1 TB plus loosing some work (of the week), is not really what I love. That is what is stopping me from doing more tests for now. Drives are busy...
Sorry for this offtopic, but I am in a bad mood for windows.  >:(

Phil Harvey

Thanks for running these tests, and for all of the details.  Let me know if you can figure out what was causing the slow-down.

Sorry to hear about your Windows problems.  Wow.  That's just crazy.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi again

I have not Norton Utilities, Use Avira AntiVir.
And yes, still the same problem, slow saving and using Geosetter beta. Each photo takes minutes to save when saving many photos. No other programs open. I tried to enlose a jpeg, screendump showing what processes that are running.. but it did not accept the file.
