Slow when save in GeoSetter

Started by perpixel, February 12, 2011, 04:03:04 PM

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Using GeoSetter and when saving a LOT of photos, it takes forever (5min/photo). But when I save only one or two images - it saves in seconds. Why? In Geosetter help it says it is because of ExifTool - found something about Pearl limitations. Earlier, some months ago, usually it saves quicker.
Beyond that I am very happy with what the ExifTool do for me!
And sometimes it says ..."hourly limit of 2000 credits" ...that stops the location procession.. even if I have geotagged under 100 photos during an hour.

Sincerly Per

Phil Harvey

It seems that the ActivePerl memory handling isn't very good, so ExifTool for windows may slow down when processing large images, or maybe lots of images containing lots of metadata.  This problem doesn't occur on other systems.

However, 5min/photo is extreme.  I have never seen something that slow.

How much RAM does your system have?  What version of exiftool are you using?  How big are the images, and what format are they?  If I could reproduce this problem maybe I could figure out what is going on.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks, yes it took the whole night for 100 photo or something, I think it says 250 s each image.
I use Canon raw files from 5DII. Maybe I should convert to dng? I have been using both before. Do not remember if that makes difference.
i7 processor, 12Gb RAM, Vista
Everything updated to the latest version, even ExifTools (yesterday).
And ...the hourly limit of 2000 credits... comes up after geocoded only 3 photos now, so I can not test any more.
The problem was not there a few months ago.

Sincerely Per


Strange.... now it save fast again only 1 s per photo! Did you do anything?.. but still can not use the Geonames service  Per

Phil Harvey

My guess is that the geonames service is causing the slowdown.  Either that, or the geonames service is being called hundreds of times for each image, which would explain the hourly limit problem.

But exiftool doesn't access the geonames service, so if this the problem it is not exiftool related.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi again
Now I think i got it...  it is  slow only when it have to save DNG format - When it is in Sony, Pentax or Canon format it is quick - aprox 1 sek each image, but DNG takes somewhat 100 times longer - at least a minute per image.

Phil Harvey

Hi Per,

I just tried on my (rather slow) Mac system here, and writing 35 DNG images (average size 16.7 MB per image) takes 36 seconds.  That's very close to 1 second per image.

How big are your DNG images, how were they created, and what camera did the orginal raw images come from?  I would like to reproduce your problem if I can.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Yes strange.. I think I have used DNG both from Sony (conv from .ARW) , Pentax (.PEF) and Canon (.CR2). All SLR cameras.  Converted in Lightroom 3.2. But it is quick if you save 1 or even 10 images. Even if 10 images takes more than 10 times longer than one photo. Not a big problem for me.. because now I convert to dng after I have geocoded the photos.


Hi Phil
I have conducted a little test here:

Used 7 jpgs to geotag through Geosetter when exifitool 8.50 was installed. It took roughly 90 seconds to complete (writing the geo info back into the files) which means about 13secs per shot. Then I installed exiftool 8.49 and repeated the test and it was less than a second per shot!

As you know I have had trouble with Norton AV when istalling 8.50 and got it to work only by putting exiftools on the NAV exclusion list. It works now, but still there seem to be problems with the NAV because of the the checking process (my guess).

For the time being I will revert back to 8.49. Any other ideas or things that I could test for you?


Phil Harvey

Hi Alfred,

Interesting, but very unfortunate that NAV is causing such a problem.  The only thing I can think of is to try 8.51 when it is released and keep my fingers crossed that this was an isolated incident.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hello again.
The same problem again but now on .CR2 files from Canon 5DII.  Have not used GeoSetter more than a two times last month. It takes more than a night to save 300 photos. Before the problem only occured on DNG files but now even CR2. When I save only one  or up to 4 or maybe 5 files it take only seconds. It is only when I saving many it takes several minutes (!) each photo. And the computer have to work quite hard (the fan goes fast)
Use Dell Studio XPS 435MT i7 920, 12Gb
Is it some flushing/swapping problem processing many photos?  I am not so familiar with programming.
Updated with last Geosetter and ExifTool. And the geotagging moment is quick. Only saving is sloooow.
Noticed there are a Geosetter beta. Will try that tomorrow.

Phil Harvey

There should be no problem processing any number of photos.

Do you have Norton Antivirus installed?  What happens if you disable it?

For some reason, NAV didn't like ExifTool 8.50, and I'm wondering if this is related to the slow-down.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).



just as I see this thread some non precise input from myself:

I just tagged 2.000+ DNGs. Using the normal built in features of Geotagger (geotagging itself and metadata you can config in Geosetter) was reasonably "fast" - obviously the harddisk hat something to do on the 50 GB of data.

For the first time ever I tried using the post processing option in Geosetter to do some extra metadatawrangling and then it also came to a grinding halt, I had to kill the process. The disk access was wild but progress scary slow.

Running the same commands via exiftoolGUI was normal fast then.

I use no NAV and run it on i7/8GB Win 7 64bit.

When I have some more time I'll run a test.

I suspect the extra processing options in Geosetter are extra slow. Maybe it's about how exiftool is invoked there.

By the way the geonaming thing should be easy to explain: all users share the same default user from default if they don't create one of their own. If somebody else just tagged 1.999 pictures within the given time then a second user will run into to limit.



I don't have GeoSetter installed right now... I am just curious:
QuoteFor the first time ever I tried using the post processing option in Geosetter to do some extra metadatawrangling...
...I suspect the extra processing options in Geosetter...
-what are this "extra processing" options for?


Phil Harvey

Quote from: BogdanH on June 19, 2011, 02:59:35 AM
-what are this "extra processing" options for?

... exactly what I was going to ask.  Some details about the processing options would be useful.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).