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Rating Tag "Windows Rating"

Started by ThePhantom79, April 21, 2024, 03:38:19 PM

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I created a script, which uses the sidecar files from my RAW-Program, extract the rating infomation, and put these information to my JPG files. This can then be read by synology Fotos. It works great.

BUT ...
If I change once the rating from Synology Photos "side", Synology writes the rating on different tags. Thats ok, because then I will overwrite it again with my script. But it seems, that Synology Photos uses as primary rating number something like "Windows Rating". But I can't find this tag in exiftool, so I am not able to overwrite it with my script.

Every value is correct, exept the "Windows Rating".

I used in my script :

perl /<path2exiftool>/exiftool -XMP:rating=1 -ratingpercent=0 "<path2file and filename>"

Any hints?


Use the command in FAQ #3. Look through the output for a tag that has a matching value, especially looking at any tag with "rating" in the name.

Also recognize that the data may be in an XMP sidecar file or stored only in the Synology Photos' database.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Hello and thanks,

There are no sidecar files. I checked also synlogy documentation - they say:

QuoteRating equals the Image.Rating and Image.RatingPercent tags in the Exif standard and the Rating, RatingPercent, and MicrosoftPhoto tags in the Xmp standard.

But indeed, synolgy writes their value into 5 tags - the mentioned "Windows Rating" is equal to IFD0 Rating.

[IFD0]          Rating                          : 2
[IFD0]          RatingPercent                   : 25
[XMP-microsoft] RatingPercent                   : 25
[XMP-xmp]       Rating                          : 2
[XMP-xmp]       RatingPercent                   : 25

I was able to edit 4 of them, but for the XMP-xmp RatingPercent I am not ab le to change it. How can I do it?

I tried it with

XMP:ratingpercent=$ratingpercentand (to update all:)
but the first try, results, that only [XMP-microsoft] was updated , the second change updated ony [XMP-microsoft] and [IFD0] Rating.

How can I write "[XMP-xmp]       RatingPercent"?


The XMP-xmp:RatingPercent tag is a non-standard tag and is marked as Avoid when writing.  See the XMP-xmp Tags.

As such, it needs the full name in order to write it.
exiftool -XMP-xmp:RatingPercent /path/to/files/
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).