XMP-DC read a tag by language property

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[Originally posted by eric00000007 on 2007-07-26 17:45:14-07]

Hi everyone,
I am a new user of this tool that could do almost what I was looking for. First I would like to thank Phil !

My question is about XMP and DC. I would like to read a tag by his language property. Is it possible ?

exiftool.pl -XMP-dc:description -a -G c:\myImage.jpg

I have the result this
[XMP]   Description  My description in En(english)
[XMP]   Description  My description in En(english)
[XMP]   Description  My description in fr(french)

I would like to write something like
exiftool.pl -XMP-dc:description[fr] -a -G c:\myImage.jpg
and get only
[XMP]   Description  My description in fr(french)

Do you think it is possible ?
If no where I could try to improve the code ?

Thanks for your help !


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-07-26 18:25:51-07]

You're welcome. Smiley

Currently ExifTool only writes x-default language in Alt Lang lists, but if you
require this ability I will add it to my to-do list.  ExifTool already has
the ability to write alternate languages in MIE information, and I may be able
to do something similar for XMP.  In MIE, the language is specified after a
hyphen at the end of the tag name in a way very similar to what you have

Do you have any samples with multiple languages?  If so, could you mail a
couple to me  (philharvey66 at gmail.com)?  They would be useful for me to
have for testing.  Thanks.

But the bad news is that I'm going away on a 3-week vacation starting this
weekend, and I won't be able to look into this until I get back.

- Phil


[Originally posted by eric00000007 on 2007-08-01 18:57:04-07]

That could be a very usefull ability to manage multilanguages data. I fully require it. I don't know what is MIE but I will read stuff around. It sound the same thing for XMP. I don't know wich tagg support lang attribute but it will be nice to support it with the command line.

I really did a big internet scan for this question and except I match for the moment there is no tools that support this ability. I am looking around the XMP toolkit but exiftool is much more easy to use. It will be be very interresting to get it with Exiftool.

I send you a picture with language tags in it.

Thank you for your prompt reply.



[Originally posted by eric00000007 on 2007-08-01 18:57:51-07]

READ/WRITE ability ;-)


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-08-23 16:36:06-07]

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the samples, and sorry for the delay.  This turned out to be
quite a bit more work than I had expected. There are a number of
special cases that had to be handled to keep the XMP properly
formatted since the specification states that the "x-default" language
entry must exist and be the first element in all lang-alt lists.

I have uploaded a
with this new feature available for testing.  There are some
quirks with handling alternate languages that are explained in the new XMP tag
name documentation (see below).  As well, I would like to come up
with some way to extract all languages for a given tag (perhaps by allowing
wildcards in tag names, but this would be a big change).

      Individual languages for "lang-alt" tags are accessed by suffixing the
       tag name with a '-', followed by an RFC 3066 language code (ie.
       XMP:Title-fr, or XMP:Rights-en_US).  A "lang-alt" tag with no language
       code accesses the "x-default" language, but causes other languages to
       be deleted when writing.  The "x-default" language code may be speci-
       fied when writing a new value to write only the default language, but
       note that all languages are still deleted if "x-default" tag is
       deleted.  When reading, "x-default" is not specified.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or problems.

- Phil


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-08-23 17:13:29-07]

Ooops.  I spotted an error in my documentation when I re-read this.
RFC 3066 (unlike MIE) uses '-' as a separator.  So the example
should be XMP:Rights-en-US, not XMP:Rights-en_US.

- Phil


[Originally posted by eric00000007 on 2007-08-27 07:50:26-07]

Thanks Phil,
You are amazing and this library become awsome. I will test it this week.

I don't remember exactly wich tag support language fields. Does your new update give ability to update all XMP tag with languages ?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-08-27 12:37:14-07]

Hi Eric,

Check the
tag name documentation
.  Alternate languages can be used with any
'lang-alt' type tag (in the Writable column).

- Phil