How to geotag RAWs into XMP sidecars (and create these sidecaras in process)?

Started by blacklion, January 24, 2020, 07:46:15 AM

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I have a lot of RAF (Fuji) files and some GPX files. I want to geotag these RAF files, but I don't want to write into RAF files themselves, I want to create sidecar XMP files with these GPS tags. I'm trying:
exiftool -geotag "/usr/home/lev/gps/*.gpx" '-xmp:geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}+07:00' *.RAF
But this command changes RAF files themselves.
exiftool -xmp:geotag "/usr/home/lev/gps/*.gpx" '-xmp:geotime<${DateTimeOriginal}+07:00' *.RAF
shows error:
Ignored superfluous tag name or invalid option: -xmp:geotag
How could I geotag these images into XMP sidecars?


Try this (take note of the dot on the end to indicate the current directory):
exiftool -geotag "/usr/home/lev/gps/*.gpx" -ext RAF -o %d%f.xmp .
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