-o output batch directory - avoiding duplicates

Started by richardl152, March 28, 2021, 01:58:09 PM

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I have a working GPS and date combined search as per the script below.   Unsurprisingly it complains about duplicate files.   Apologies if a FAQ but how can I get the program to auto renumber duplicates.   I tried using all combinations of the %c  formatting I could think of but nothing seems to work.     

echo "search_name latitude longitude margin 1e-4 and eg dates 2019:01:01 2020:12:31"
mkdir -p $HOME/GPS_Search/"$1"
exiftool  -if \
         '($createdate# gt "'$5'") and ($createdate# lt "'$6'") and   \                                                                                         
         (abs($gpslatitude# - "'$2'") < "'$4'")  and (abs($gpslongitude# - "'$3'") < "'$4'") '   \
         -o $HOME/GPS_Search/"$1"   -r .


Does $1 contain a filename or a path?  If the latter then try something like
-o $HOME/GPS_Search/"$1"/%f%-c.%e

If the former, than you'll probably have to parse that somehow before passing it to exiftool.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Its just an output directory.   thanks


exiftool_find_GPS_and_date  CornExchangeCambridge 52.1 0.11 0.01  "2021:03:01" "2021:03:30" 2>/dev/null

creates an output directory with the name CornExchangeCambridge to hold the results


Try making the command work on the command line before trying to put it in a script.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Greetings Richard.
This what Im learned from the experiments: The only way to fix is using the variables like StarGeek says.

Because if $1=CornExchangeCambridge, and there is not already a folder named CornExchangeCambridge...
Then for every input file, exiftool tries to create 1-file called.. "CornExchangeCambridge"
But with $1/%f%-c.%e, it instead names the duplicates like. "CornExchangeCambridge/InputName-#.ext"

But even with using $1/ or passing CornExchangeCambridge/ to say FolderNameOnly...
Then for every input file, exiftool tries to create a file called.... "CornExchangeCambridge/InputName.ext"
So there could never be a second file with the same InputName.ext, because nothing is using %c.

So if you already experimented with %c, Im thinking the quotes did probably just get typod somehow.
I see many quotes here like -o '/Path/%f%-c.%e', but not knowing how this changes inside the scripts????
For me, its Windows wanting things more like "%%c", so Im interested to see how to fix your script.
Windows8.1-64bit,  exiftool-v12.92(standalone),  sed-v4.0.7