Do NOT trust Western Digital !!!

Started by Luuk2005, June 26, 2021, 08:23:11 PM

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If anybody does have their data on a Western Digital My Book Live, please to disconnect it from the internet now!
There is hackers without nothing better to do, than to wipe all of your data, and not even asking for a ransome.
At the very least, to make sure your router does not have "UPnP" enabled or any port-forwarding for your MyBook.

All they need is your IP-address, and an open-port to your MyBook, and they can type commands like...
curl –kX PUT -d 'language=en_US`AnyLinuxCommand`' https://YourIPAddress:port/api/1.0/rest/language_configuration
And the stupid language-part of the REST api on your MyBook Live will actually execute AnyLinuxCommand with root privileges!

So of course, now they use it to somehow trigger 'factory resets' that wipe your MFT, and then recreate the default settings/folders.
I dont think anyone is yet wiping the file-bytes first, but certainly these factory settings/folders would overwrite much anyways.
So now I do really hate Western Digital for making such a stupid api, and I will never trust them again.

Im just fortunate because never really trusting HDDs to be forever anyways, especially when connecting them to the internet.
But many people are not so lucky...
So if anybody has MyBook Live, make sure its not open to the internet, and never trust anything written by Western Digital.
Windows8.1-64bit,  exiftool-v12.92(standalone),  sed-v4.0.7