new MakerNote header "OM SYSTEM II"

Started by herb, February 24, 2022, 05:54:10 AM

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The Olympus EM1x also has the AI Modes. The E-M1 III does not.

I think I found the tag that stores the AI Subject Tracking mode. It is:
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309

This is what I found out with try and error:
Each AI Mode can have two different numbers: the lower number means AI Mode was active but no such object was detected by the camera.
The higher number means: AI Mode was active and an Object was found -> White Box shown around the subject when taking the picture. Usually higher number is just +1 higher, but for some reason on Motorsports it is +2.
Looks like some encoding on bit level to me...

The values I found out are:
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 0 / AI Subject Detection OFF
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 256 / 258 Motorsports
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 512 /   513 Airplanes
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 768 / 769 Trains
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 1024 / 1025 Birds
Olympus Camera Settings 0x0309  : 1280 / 1281 Dogs & Cats

I did some test-shots for each AI Mode to verify the numbers.
For birds I scanned the tag in a folder containing 200+ Bird images I shot. Almost all of them had 1025. Some of them 1024. Only very few had a value of 0 -> I cross checked them in OM Workspace and all of them have Tracking Subject = OFF.
So I'm pretty sure the numbers above are correct.

Phil Harvey

Great, thanks.  AISubjectTrackingMode will be decoded by ExifTool 12.42.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Quote from: abgestumpft on May 31, 2022, 01:24:26 PM
In the OM System Software (OM Workspace) there is a Tag called "Tracking Subject" containing which AI Tracking mode was used (Birds, Trains, Planes,...)
Is this tag available via Exiftool? I did not find it in the documentation and Exiftool output

Try adding the -u (unknown) option and see if anything looks like it might be the correct tag.

Is there a limted number of these tracking modes?  If so, the tags my just be numbers rather than text and you would have to compare pictures set with different modes and look for changes between the two.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype



just recognized 12.42 was already released, thanks 8)

Quick test in a test folder looks good:
Here I have images first with AI Tracking off, and then cycling through all AI Modes first without an Object found and afterwards with the Object found:

There is one typo in the airplanes mode:
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Off; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Motorsports; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Airplnes; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Trains; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Birds; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Dogs & Cats; Object Not Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Motorsports; Object Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Airplnes; Object Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Trains; Object Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Birds; Object Found
AI Subject Tracking Mode        : Dogs & Cats; Object Found

One other question:
Wouldn't it make more sense to use just "Off" instead of "Off; Object Not Found" ?

Regarding the other topic with trailing spaces in those to tags, I guess those shouldn't be there?
<Olympus:CameraID>OM SYSTEM CAMERA               </Olympus:CameraID>
<Olympus:InternalSerialNumber>123456789               </Olympus:InternalSerialNumber>


Quote from: abgestumpft on June 04, 2022, 04:32:20 AM
There is one typo in the airplanes mode:

Found the error at Line 1922 in

QuoteOne other question:
Wouldn't it make more sense to use just "Off" instead of "Off; Object Not Found" ?

If you look at the code in the link above, you'll see that "Off" and "Object Not Found" are two separate entries in that tag.  For whatever reason, the camera appears to track each item separately.

QuoteRegarding the other topic with trailing spaces in those to tags, I guess those shouldn't be there?
<Olympus:CameraID>OM SYSTEM CAMERA               </Olympus:CameraID>
<Olympus:InternalSerialNumber>123456789               </Olympus:InternalSerialNumber>

Those are almost certainly spaces that are actually in the file.  The reason for this is covered in the second paragraph of FAQ #13.  Extra spaces like this are pretty common.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype

Phil Harvey

Quote from: StarGeek on June 04, 2022, 10:04:21 AM
Found the error at Line 1922 in

Thanks.  This will be fixed in the next release.

QuoteOne other question:
Wouldn't it make more sense to use just "Off" instead of "Off; Object Not Found" ?

If you look at the code in the link above, you'll see that "Off" and "Object Not Found" are two separate entries in that tag.  For whatever reason, the camera appears to track each item separately.

I decided to separate the mode from the status so that unknown statuses (like 2) would generate outputs like "Motorsports; Unknown (2)" instead of "Unknown (258)".  Unfortunately though, this does have the effect you see on the "Off" setting.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).