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ExifTool and JavaScript

Started by iir, July 03, 2022, 03:39:59 PM

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I'm starting work on a website for manipulating images using JavaScript. I would like to copy metadata from one image (the original) to another (the modified). I've spent a lot of time searching for relevant information with little success. ExifTool looks like a great solution but I haven't found how to incorporate it into web code. So far, the only coding language that I know is JavaScript. I would appreciate some guidance on where to look.


If you can access exiftool on the server side, then there are python and nodejs wrappers that will call exiftool.  I wouldn't know how you could access it purely in the browser, though.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


I've spent time looking for something similar without success (see my post just below this one).

I have image viewers that extract EXIF for FujiFilm X Series cameras (currently jpeg and raw) written in JavaScript but keeping it up to date for multiple makes and types of files would be basically emulating exiftool and would be both time consuming and prone to error.

If all you want is to copy basic EXIF from one jpeg to another (and not interpret make/model specific metadata) then it should be simple enough in native JavaScript.


Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I am able to get the image file (jpg) in base64 text and can decode it, but I can't tell where the metadata ends and the image data begins. Is there a unique identifier? If so, I could separate out the metadata without decoding its contents and then add it to another image (I think).


Please take a look on to my repository, it allows to use Exiftool with Node.js

Link:  Github