Fujifilm RAF Question

Started by makemerichquick2, July 15, 2022, 05:06:25 AM

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Hi guys,

Very new to this and looking for some help

I use a program called Fujifilm X RAW Studio.

It allows me to edit fujifilm raw files by connecting my camera, but you can only edit raw files that were created by that same camera model.

For example I can edit my X-T30 II Raw files using X RAW Studio when I plug in my X-T30 II camera.

I have discovered though that if the camera has the same sensor then the files can be edited by changing the EXIF data.

X- Trans IV Sensor Cameras
X-T30 II

I have been successful in editing X-E4 and X-S10 with my X-T30 II by changing the EXIF data to match my X-T30 II.

I have an issue with changing the X-T4 files. They simply do not work. I think that the issue is the RAFVersion tag which is not writable. Is it possible for this to be implemented maybe so this feature can be tested?

Do you think this is the reason? The X-T4 and X-T30 II are essentially the same camera but In different  bodies. I no longer have my X-T4 hence which I am keen to be able to edit them using my X-T30 II.

Be interested to hear what you all think

Thanks for your time



I'm a bit sceptical that modifying the RAF version will work - its the firmware version of the camera that created the file.

However if you want to give it a try you could run this perl script against your file.

The syntax is:   <Script file name> <File name of your RAF file> <4 digit version that you want to use>

It creates a new RAF file by adding an "x" to the front of the file name

use strict;
use warnings;
# Change firmware version of RAF file
# Syntax <scriptname> <existing RAF file name> <4 digit version>
my $raf_file_in = $ARGV[0] or die "File Missing";
my $v = $ARGV[1] or die "Version Missing";
my $lv = length($v);
($lv == 4) or die "Version must be 4 digits";
my $file;
open(FL, "<$raf_file_in") or die "File $raf_file_in not found";
binmode FL;
read FL,$file,99999999;
close FL;
my $length = length($file);
my $cver = substr($file,60,4);
my $flout = "x".$raf_file_in;
print "$raf_file_in $v $length $cver $flout\n";
open (RAF1, ">$flout");
binmode RAF1;
my $raf1 = substr($file,0,60);
my $raf2 = substr($file,64,$length-64);
my $rafout = $raf1 . $v . $raf2;
print RAF1 $rafout;
close RAF1;


Thank you for your reply,

I am afraid you were correct, whilst I got your script to work perfectly and it changed the RAFVersion, the X-T4 file still could not be read by the X-T30 II camera in X Raw Studio.

Very strange considering I can change the tags in the EXIF:ALL group on the X-E4 and X-S10 Raw files and these work perfectly, and these are the same sensor as the X-T4 and X-T30 II. There must be something else I am missing.

Again, thank you for your help but I feel I may give up on this, I have spent far too many hours trying to get my X-T4 files to work correctly.

