Canon Digital Lens Optimizer

Started by JohnMoyer, December 16, 2022, 08:50:35 AM

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It appears to me that zero might be Digital Lens Optimizer disable and one might be DLO enable. I am having difficulty finding where DLO amount is saved, but it is displayed by exiftool when it is in the dr4 file. Please let me know how I might gather helpful information.

IMG_1865.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 0
IMG_1865.CR3.exif:| | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 0
IMG_1866.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1
IMG_1866.CR3.exif:| | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1
IMG_1867.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1
IMG_1867.CR3.exif:| | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1
IMG_1868.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1
IMG_1868.CR3.exif:| | | | | Canon_VignettingCorr2_0x0009 = 1

Also, Canon_LightingOpt_0x000a might be 0 for disable, 1 for standard, and 2 for high DLO.

IMG_1865.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_LightingOpt_0x000a = 0
IMG_1866.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_LightingOpt_0x000a = 1
IMG_1867.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_LightingOpt_0x000a = 2
IMG_1868.CR3.exif:  | | | | | Canon_LightingOpt_0x000a = 1

Phil Harvey

Excellent.  You say "might be", but if you know the digital lens optimizer settings for these files, and no other parameters were changed, then I would say this is a slam dunk.  I will name these tags DigitalLensOptimizerSetting and DigitalLensOptimizer and add them to ExifTool 12.53 unless I hear otherwise from you.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).