Updated version of ExifToolGui available on GitHub.

Started by FrankB, July 28, 2023, 05:03:45 PM

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The first time you open the V6.3.1 {ExifToolGui _X64.exe} program, an error occurs.

{ExifToolGui_X64.exe} ************************************* Access violation at address 0000000000E95B68 in module 'ExifToolGui_X64.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000 *************************************
(0000000000314B68){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E95B68] Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleServices.GetStyleFontColor + $8
(00000000003D7008){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F58008] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList + $48
(00000000003D6F16){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F57F16] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace + $76
(00000000003D94F3){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F5A4F3] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify + $83
(00000000003CA085){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F4B085] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify + $35
(00000000003CA2CB){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F4B2CB] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify + $BB
(00000000003CA487){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F4B487] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc + $37
(000000000000FDB7){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000B90DB7] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $267
(00000000000A13AF){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17B23AF] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
(00000000000504B4){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17614B4] RtlRaiseException + $484
(000000000009FEBE){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17B0EBE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
(0000000000314B68){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E95B68] Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleServices.GetStyleFontColor + $8
(00000000009B65F4){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [00000000015375F4] ExifToolsGUI_Utils.StyledDrawListviewItem + $34
(0000000000993F6C){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000001514F6C] Main.TFMain.ShellListCustomDrawItem + $1C
(00000000002ADDB7){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2EDB7] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.CustomDrawItem + $57
(00000000002A9BC3){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2ABC3] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.CNNotify + $863
(000000000000E944){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000B8F944] System.TObject.Dispatch + $44
(0000000000211F50){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92F50] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $360
(0000000000219407){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A407] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $967
(00000000002AB931){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2C931] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.WndProc + $E1
(0000000000414521){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F95521] Vcl.Shell.ShellCtrls.TCustomShellListView.WndProc + $61
(0000000000836DF4){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [00000000013B7DF4] ExifToolsGui_ShellList.TShellListView.WndProc + $64
(0000000000211A52){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92A52] Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform + $32
(00000000002195EE){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A5EE] Vcl.Controls.DoControlMsg + $2E
(000000000021A7DB){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9B7DB] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMNotify + $1B
(000000000000E944){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000B8F944] System.TObject.Dispatch + $44
(0000000000211F50){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92F50] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $360
(0000000000219407){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A407] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $967
(000000000021853C){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9953C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
(000000000013F096){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000CC0096] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
(000000000000DF75){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAEF75] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $615
(000000000000D8DC){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE8DC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $6EC
(00000000000206D3){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAC16D3] Unknown function at SendMessageTimeoutW + $143
(000000000009FE64){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17B0E64] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
(0000000000000124){win32u.dll  } [00007FFF9F4B1124] NtUserMessageCall + $14
(000000000000D0E3){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE0E3] Unknown function at SendMessageW + $A53
(000000000000C81D){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAD81D] SendMessageW + $18D
(00000000000721CD){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF964431CD] Unknown function at CCSetScrollInfo + $F9D
(00000000000B1D89){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96482D89] Unknown function at  + $19299
(000000000006D222){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF9643E222] Unknown function at  + $8382
(0000000000074CB5){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96445CB5] Unknown function at SizeBoxHwnd + $9E5
(0000000000074BDF){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96445BDF] Unknown function at SizeBoxHwnd + $90F
(0000000000074A13){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96445A13] Unknown function at SizeBoxHwnd + $743
(00000000000748FF){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF964458FF] Unknown function at SizeBoxHwnd + $62F
(0000000000068B95){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96439B95] Unknown function at  + $3CF5
(00000000000680EF){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF964390EF] Unknown function at  + $324F
(000000000000DF75){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAEF75] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $615
(000000000000D9EE){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE9EE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
(0000000000219580){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A580] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $110
(00000000002198F1){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A8F1] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.PaintWindow + $51
(0000000000219689){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A689] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.PaintHandler + $89
(0000000000220910){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000DA1910] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMPrintClient + $80
(000000000000E944){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000B8F944] System.TObject.Dispatch + $44
(0000000000211F50){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92F50] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $360
(0000000000219407){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A407] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $967
(00000000002AB931){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2C931] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.WndProc + $E1
(0000000000414521){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F95521] Vcl.Shell.ShellCtrls.TCustomShellListView.WndProc + $61
(0000000000836DF4){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [00000000013B7DF4] ExifToolsGui_ShellList.TShellListView.WndProc + $64
(0000000000211A52){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92A52] Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform + $32
(000000000021A496){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9B496] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMPaint + $166
(00000000002AE220){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2F220] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.WMPaint + $10
(000000000000E944){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000B8F944] System.TObject.Dispatch + $44
(0000000000211F50){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D92F50] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $360
(0000000000219407){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9A407] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $967
(00000000002AB931){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000E2C931] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.WndProc + $E1
(0000000000414521){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F95521] Vcl.Shell.ShellCtrls.TCustomShellListView.WndProc + $61
(0000000000836DF4){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [00000000013B7DF4] ExifToolsGui_ShellList.TShellListView.WndProc + $64
(000000000021853C){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000D9953C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
(000000000013F096){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000CC0096] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
(000000000000DF75){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAEF75] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $615
(000000000000D9EE){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE9EE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
(0000000000088AAA){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96459AAA] Unknown function at DefSubclassProc + $14A
(0000000000088789){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96459789] Unknown function at DSA_Create + $1809
(0000000000088AAA){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF96459AAA] Unknown function at DefSubclassProc + $14A
(00000000000888A7){COMCTL32.dll} [00007FFF964598A7] Unknown function at DSA_Create + $1927
(000000000000DF75){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAEF75] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $615
(000000000000D8DC){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE8DC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $6EC
(00000000000206D3){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAC16D3] Unknown function at SendMessageTimeoutW + $143
(000000000009FE64){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17B0E64] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
(0000000000000704){win32u.dll  } [00007FFF9F4B1704] NtUserDispatchMessage + $14
(000000000000D7C6){USER32.dll  } [00007FFF9FAAE7C6] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $5D6
(0000000000384623){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F05623] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $133
(0000000000384698){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F05698] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $18
(0000000000384AEF){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [0000000000F05AEF] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $EF
(00000000009BD114){ExifToolGui_X64.exe} [000000000153E114] ExifToolGUI.ExifToolGUI + $344
(0000000000016344){KERNEL32.DLL} [00007FFFA09C7344] BaseThreadInitThunk + $14
(00000000000516B1){ntdll.dll   } [00007FFFA17626B1] RtlUserThreadStart + $21


version 6.2.9 works without error when opening.



I have 2 questions/suggestions.

1) Could it be that you have Language Dll's from a previous (old) version installed?

ExifToolGui_X64.DEU, ExifToolGui_X64.ENU, ExifToolGui_X64.FRA etc...

If yes, delete them and try again. If you want them, use the installer to install the matching language DLL's

2) What is the value of GUIStyle in the ini file?
- Ini file is located by default in %APPDATA%\ExifToolGUI\ExifToolGuiV6.ini
- Look in the section GUISettings for the line that begins with 'GUIStyle='
You can try to remove the line, or set it to Silver




Quote from: FrankB on April 22, 2024, 05:28:58 PMI have 2 questions/suggestions.

1) Could it be that you have Language Dll's from a previous (old) version installed?

ExifToolGui_X64.DEU, ExifToolGui_X64.ENU, ExifToolGui_X64.FRA etc...

If yes, delete them and try again. If you want them, use the installer to install the matching language DLL's

2) What is the value of GUIStyle in the ini file?
- Ini file is located by default in %APPDATA%\ExifToolGUI\ExifToolGuiV6.ini
- Look in the section GUISettings for the line that begins with 'GUIStyle='
You can try to remove the line, or set it to Silver
1. Installed from ExifToolGUI_install_6.3.1.0.exe 16.9 MB
By default with all language packs.
Previously I only used version 6.2.9 (ExifToolGUI_X64) with exiftool in the C:\MyTools folder
Changed to GUIStyle=Silver
Reinstalled version 6.3.1 without language packs and maps
I launch the program from a shortcut on the desktop. The program runs without errors.
I am sincerely grateful for the prompt assistance.
All the best to you and good health.


You're welcome. Thanks for your feedback!

Glad you got it sorted. For your info: I also changed the program, it will not run into an exception anymore if the GUIStyle is not valid. Will be in the next version.


QuoteAll the best to you and good health
Same to you.



Installed ExifToolGui V6.3.2
I tried it, it works correctly, no errors were found. Thank you. :)


Version V6.3.3 Released: https://github.com/FrankBijnen/ExifToolGui/releases/tag/V6.3.3

Changed compression of installer to solve hopefully the virus reports.

Check out the changelog and other docs for more info.



Just released Version V6.3.4. That should re-enable downloading and installing ExifTool.




Just released Version V6.3.5.

Besides bug fixes (Thanks Herb) 2 new features have been added.
  • Scanning and displaying of sub folders in the filelist.
  • Managing metadata more flexible.




Just released Version V6.3.6.

Besides bug fixes.




Just released Version V6.3.7.

Besides bug fixes.
  • Added ExifTool -diff feature. Allows comparing metadata of files and merging the differences.
  • Drag and drop enhancements. Allow multiple files to be dropped in GUI. GUI can act as a drag source.
  • Improved keyboard-based working. Allow line editing in Workspace.
  • Added Quicktime in date time functions.




Just released Version V6.3.8.

Besides bug fixes.

  • More keyboard usage improvements. In the workspace manager you can define auto complete + drop down lists.
    CTRL + (SHIFT) Left, Right arrow moves to/selects the previous/next word in the Workspace and ExifTool direct.
  • Redesigned the Workspace manager, to support this new feature.
  • Exporting, importing setting has been revised. Allowing to save a selection of settings to export and import.
  • For the complete info see the changelog.

