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Filter by date: help needed

Started by tyemirov, September 05, 2023, 03:14:27 AM

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I have an image with the timestamps in the future:

$ exiftool -AllDates -s IMG_2410.jpg
DateTimeOriginal                : 2557:05:23 11:38:38
CreateDate                      : 2557:05:23 11:38:38
ModifyDate                      : 2557:05:23 11:38:38

I want to find all images like that but when I use exiftool with filtering options it says that my condition has failed. What do I do wrong?

$ exiftool -if "$CreateDate gt '2024:00:00'" .
    1 directories scanned
    1 files failed condition
    0 image files read

Thanks in advance!


The problem was with the quotes. That version worked fine:

exiftool -filename -if '$CreateDate gt "2024:00:00"' -r .```