ExifToolGUI not loading photo or metadata

Started by IronMarauder, June 01, 2024, 07:55:53 PM

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Hi all, moderate-time user experiencing a technical issue. Long story short. I had the ExifToolGUI working on my PC previously but since I've last used it I've fresh installed windows on a new harddrive and have updated to windows 11. The installation process was pretty straightforward except the software wont extract the photo information or load photos. The program opens fine but when I go to select say one of the 2 photos on the screenshot (DJI_0756 or DJI_0807) the program doesnt open the photo or read the metadata. When hovering over the program my mouse cursor turns into the spinning wheel and spins perpetually. The program isnt frozen per say, I can open the program or options tabs and I can double click to open the photos (and they open normally) . The only way to close the program is to force close it with Task Manager. No idea what's going on and what could be causing this. Suggestions would be appreciated.


These problems usually indicate that ExifTool.exe can not be executed. Maybe you forgot to rename it?

But I can tell from the screenshot that you're using an old version.
Please download it from;


I recommend using the installer and checking the option to install ExifTool.



Hi Frank, Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for the upcoming wall of text.

Yep it was an old version.

I'm still experiencing issues though. I cleared out the old files and reinstalled as suggested using the information from the git. From my previous experience using exiftool at work and at home its been a lightweight program that loads quickly and that I can whiz through my files/folders quickly and easily and view the photo exif data from my drone work.

Something with my current setup or the way that exiftool + gui is currently installed on my pc is having massive issues. When I try open the program using the exe it takes forever to do so, or just doesnt (exiftool opens in task manager and sucks back between 25-35% cpu (5600x3d).

When it does open the program is super laggy (never experienced this previously). It shows up in my task manager under Apps using 20+% cpu (and shows up again in background processes using another 20+% cpu, unsure if these is separate from the application instance or its own thing). Freezes up and can barely even open up my folders. So far it hasnt been able to open a photo and the metadata section doesnt even respond. Force closing the app instance via TM closes the GUI but the Background processes instance still stays active and eats 20+% cpu (Ending that task does remove it as well though).

Something obviously isnt right but I dont know what and its really frustrating since Its worked flawlessly for me in the past.

Side note, the thumbnail preview in the bottom corner seems to work.

Would admin privileges have an impact on this? I also have a nas computer plugged into this one could that be causing issues?

If you have any suggestions it would be appreciated. This program has been so useful in the past for me it would be a shame to be forced to abandon it.


Hi IronMarauder,

A lot of info, but I still dont have a clue. A few questions to clear things up. If you can provide some screenshots. If you have privacy concerns send me a PM with your email address.

  • About the installed version. You installed V632 and used the option to install ExifTool with the installer from Oliver Betz? Use 'Help/Check Versions'.


Is ExifToolGui(_X64).exe using CPU, or ExifTool.exe? Use TaskManager.

  • Windows 10:

  • Windows 11:

  • Is Metadata shown? (Eventually)

  • Does it make a difference in what folder you start GUI?
    • Start it in an empty folder.
    • Start it in a folder containing only JPG's for example.

There are 2 things I can think of right now:

1) If not already done, Install ExifTool using the installer from Oliver Betz. Antivirus programs can get in the way with the version supplied by Phil Harvey.

2) Reset the settings by deleting/renaming the INI file. Look for ExifToolGuiV5.ini and ExifToolGuiV6.ini. Usually in %APPData%\ExifToolGui, or the program directory


Quote from: IronMarauder on June 01, 2024, 07:55:53 PMHi all, moderate-time user experiencing a technical issue. Long story short. I had the ExifToolGUI working on my PC previously but since I've last used it I've fresh installed windows on a new harddrive and have updated to windows 11. The installation process was pretty straightforward except the software wont extract the photo information or load photos. The program opens fine but when I go to select say one of the 2 photos on the screenshot (DJI_0756 or DJI_0807) the program doesnt open the photo or read the metadata. When hovering over the program my mouse cursor turns into the spinning wheel and spins perpetually. The program isnt frozen per say, I can open the program or options tabs and I can double click to open the photos (and they open normally) . The only way to close the program is to force close it with Task Manager. No idea what's going on and what could be causing this. Suggestions would be appreciated.
ExifToolGUI requires the standalone ExifTool executable. Double-check that ExifTool (exiftool.exe) is in the correct location and properly linked to ExifToolGUI.


Quote from: IronMarauder on June 01, 2024, 07:55:53 PMHi all, moderate-time user experiencing a technical issue. Long story short. I had the ExifToolGUI working on my PC previously but since I've last used it I've fresh installed windows on a new harddrive and have updated to windows 11. The installation process was pretty straightforward except the software wont extract the photo information or load photos. The program opens fine but when I go to select say one of the 2 photos on the screenshot (DJI_0756 or DJI_0807) the program doesnt open the photo or read the metadata. When hovering over the program my mouse cursor turns into the spinning wheel and spins perpetually. The program isnt frozen per say, I can open the program or options tabs and I can double click to open the photos (and they open normally) . The only way to close the program is to force close it with Task Manager. No idea what's going on and what could be causing this. Suggestions would be appreciated. Talkng about technologes - unlike traditional software, SaaS ATS platforms are easily scalable, require minimal IT maintenance, and can integrate seamlessly with other HR tools. These systems help recruiters manage job postings, track applications, and analyze hiring metrics all in one place. For businesses looking to create a tailored solution, this https://ddi-dev.com/blog/case/how-we-build-custom-applicant-tracking-system-recruiting-needs/ case study provides an insightful look into how a custom ATS was developed to meet specific recruiting needs.

Also some fresh Windows installations miss key runtime libraries. You can install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables to solve that


I'm pretty sure that Gui doesn't need the VC runtime.
Maybe, maybe, that some raw codec needs it. But GUI should start.



Edit: You may see these DLL's loaded. They come standard with Windows.
