Fujifilm X100V Sharpness is not a number

Started by kyleshepherd, June 21, 2024, 09:34:53 AM

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Hi, firstly want to say this tool is incredible!

I've  been testing different Sharpness settings and checking the Sharpness value that ExifTool returns for each, and I've found that the Sharpness is being mapped as "Soft", "Normal" or "Hard", rather than the mapping of -4 to +4 suggested in the FujiFilm Tags here.

Instead, what is happening is anything between -4 and -1 is "Soft", 0 is "Normal", and +1 to +4 is "Hard", with the numbers not being surfaced in the returned data at all.

I can send over a 9 images that each cover one of the Sharpness settings if that helps in debuggin.

I wanted to check if this is intended, and if not if it can be remedied?

Thanks again!


You will find that there are two sharpness tags written to Fujifilm image files.

The one you are looking at is in the ExifIFD group and has values Soft, Normal And Hard

The other tag with the additional values is written to the proprietary Fujifilm maker notes.

If you run the following command you will see both tags and their values:

exiftool -a -G1 -Sharpness <Filename>
