Is there anywhere a list of "good" hints for tags in Workspace

Started by LaurentG, March 01, 2025, 09:20:04 AM

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A great idea in workspace is the "hint" to remind the form of value to input.
I initially thought that these "hints" were proposed directly by ExifToolGUI when adding a nw tag in the WorkSpace.... but I unfortunately discovered it is not the case.... and the hint has to be entered manually.

Nevertheless, in my current parameters, I have a hint for the tag Exif:GPSAltitudeRef that says "+ = Above Sea Level  - = Below Sea Level"

I am 100% sure I never entered myself such a hint (100% sure, except if Mr Alzheimer is playing with me...)

Where could this "hint" come from ? Is there anywhere in ExifTool landscape a kind of "database" of suggested hints for all tags that have a "non obvious" way of input ? I had a look in the ExifTool/TagNames table, but what is written about conversion between internal value and displayed value couldn't lead to such a hint.
So, any idea about where could this "hint" come from in my current .ini file ????



Hi Laurent,

Good question.

The only time GUI adds hints automatically, is when no usable INI file is found. But the hint 'Above/Below Sea level' is never added.

I have no idea where the hint you see comes from.


Edit: For the list look in the source code:
Method function ReadWorkSpaceTags(GUIini: TMemIniFile):integer; Line 329