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Negative values and GPS

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:04 AM

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[Originally posted by linuxuser on 2007-05-07 21:05:33-07]

Maybe I found a little bug with GPS. E.g. 27 deg 45' 21.60" N, 15 deg 34' 48.00" W is the same as 27.756 -15.58 (Canary Islands). If you enter -15.58 (minus!) _and_ _W_ I get 0, if I enter 15.58 (positive) and _W_ it is ok. Shouldn't there be a preference for the value, since it defines already the reference and therefore the reference be ignored?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-07 21:54:11-07]

Are you talking about XMP or EXIF GPSLongitude?  The EXIF coordinates
should not be signed, but this will work with XMP:GPSLongitude since
it carries the reference direction.

- Phil


[Originally posted by linuxuser on 2007-05-08 08:44:38-07]

I use both, and the problem is with the EXIF-group. It is written by a script and of course I can check that the entries are treated positive, but if you enter the values manually and have decimal-values it would be easier if you can ignore the reference, if there are negative coordinates. Maybe you have an idea how you can  make it simplier.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-08 12:02:22-07]

This is a good suggestion.  I will implement it in the next ExifTool release.

- Phil