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Search by EXIF?

Started by tomczak, February 26, 2011, 01:43:41 PM

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Is there a plan (or a technical possibility) to implement search by EXIF tag?  I can't find an easy way of sorting through images and picking only those that have certain tags, for further processing.  If that could be done on subfolders as well, that would be awesome.  Perhaps that could be done with Direct Exiftool command already, but I don't know how...




Searching/selecting files by metadata tag criteria is a job ment for DAM applications (you know, database driven cataloging software, like: Lightroom, iMatch, idImager, etc.). Reason is somehow obvious: speed and flexibility.
As you can see, in GUI above v4.x, there are few Details (button) view options, where one can easy findout which files are, for example, missing (or have wrong) Exif:Artist tag value... or if Xmp:Location info is missing (or wrong), etc. -and files can be sorted by tag content.
However, to keep reasonable speed, Details view(s) isn't customizable. To make story short: I'm not able to decode all metadata tags, so I've picked only some most interesting tags (I hope). But, if you would like to see some particular tag when in Details view, for example Exif:ColorSpace, then let me know and I'll see if I can do it.
