EXIF: WhiteBalance in Quick View

Started by tomczak, March 05, 2011, 03:06:57 PM

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Would it make sense to list: EXIF:WhiteBalance in Quick View (and perhaps in Details - Camera Settings list)?  This is probably the only thing that I'm missing that I would like to know at first glance.  Cheers.



Now, this is sensitive... As you might noticed in some of the latest threads here, tags shown in Quick view and in filelist Details, are "decoded" internally by GUI. I did that to gain max speed, so GUI responds reasonable fast when browsing. However, I have to find compromise:
1. I'm not in position to decode all (thousands?) metadata tags.
2. Too keep reasonable speed, I need to set some limit on how many of them to decode.
3. Summing 1+2: Quick view and filelist Details should be considered as "short overview" of most relevant tag values.

The big question for me is, what tags are "most relevant" for most users? WhiteBalance, Flash usage, ExposureMode, etc... As far I could read, majority of amateur photographers set WhiteBalance to Auto anyway. I tend to believe, for majority, Flash usage would be more usefull in filelist Details...
That is, I will think about your suggestion.
