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how it works tab XMP ?

Started by Eman, June 22, 2011, 10:04:35 AM

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from photo example1
it would make a direct command ? for the insertion "Title" because clicking (XMP => write title => SAVE => OK) on 300 photos (1pack) is time consuming

To Bogdan:
You know you tell me what is the difference between example1 (enter the Title correctly) and example2 ((enter the Title incorrectly))

What is the procedure example1 (XMP => write title => SAVE => OK) ? => syntax for Exiftool direct ?
need to be used in title.bat


Thank you for screenshot, which was helpfull.

When using ExifTool direct, don't write "exiftool" into command field, because GUI automatically calls ExifTool. That is, you only enter options and tagnames with values:
exiftool -Exif:Artist="John"

When saving into XMP, don't use -L option, because Utf-8 character encoding is expected for XMP.
When modifying XMP data by using ExifTool direct, you need to specify metadata "group" before particular tag name. For example:
-if GUI finds "Xmp" in command field, it automatically encodes value into Utf-8 character format.

It is always a good practice to use group name when specifying tags, because tags with equal names can exist in different group. For example, tag City can exist in IPTC and in XMP area. So correct usage (with GUI) would be:
-Xmp:City="Koščove" -here, GUI will automatically translate to Utf-8
-Iptc:City=""Koščove" -here, GUI will automatically use -L option.
-Artist="My Name" -again, -L will be added automatically (because "Xmp" doesn't exist) and value will be saved into Exif:Artist tag.



-Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby"  it´s OK in GUI

when I want to use the exiftool -Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby" P3291144.jpg in BAT(cmd) file
result is Ko??ov? ?aby

can be added to GUI preferences on/off report 1 image file update ?

"ExifTool direct" can be extended from one command to the more that could be used
-Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby1" P3291144.jpg
-Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby2" P3291154.jpg
-Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby3" P3291168.jpg


By default, Cmd-Prompt window displays ansi encoded data -that is: Cmd-Prompt window doesn't know data inside Xmp is Utf-8 encoded. To display that (Xmp) data properly, characters must decoded before displaying.
I have problem right now to find proper ExifTool FAQ section which covers this -hopefully Phil will jump in with proper FAQ number link.
In short: by default, in Cmpd-Prompt window, you can't check Xmp content for foreign characters (ččš..etc.).

I'm not sure if I understand question about option to disable ExifTool's report message..?
I believe, this info is crucial (especially for those who are just entering metadata world)  -actually I allready "crippled" reporting text by limiting it to about 25 lines.

And the last one: If every file has different tag value, then every file must be tagged separately. Of course, you can make that in single line, for example:
-xmp:Title="img1" P372.jpg -execute -xmp:Title="img2" P735.jpg ...etc.
-but that's not very practical. Not only you can make a mistake somewhere in the line it also takes quite a long time. For such cases I use either editing in Quick view (for most "popular" tags), or XMP^Edit option (if even more tags are needed to be modified).


Phil Harvey

Quote from: BogdanH on June 22, 2011, 02:31:15 PM
I have problem right now to find proper ExifTool FAQ section which covers this -hopefully Phil will jump in with proper FAQ number link.

The main server is down right now, but you can still access the FAQ on the alternate ExifTool web server.  You're looking for FAQ 10 I think.  (Note: Please do not make links to pages on the alternate server, because this server is not permanent.)

- Phil

Edit: The main web server is back up.  Here is the link to FAQ number 10.
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you for FAQ link, Phil (yes, I couldn't connect to that page before -it's fine now).

Actually I had FAQ 18 (which is linked in FAQ 10) in mind when I wrote above post -though, one need to read both to understand the issue.



I do not know the syntax to formulate  ;)

exiftool -charset utf8 -Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby" P3291144.jpg
result Ko??ov? ?aby

CMD properties
Change the font did not help


You should use "Lucida Console" font -see

I have just tried and it works (for displaying Xmp data).



"Lucida console" does not solve anything

exiftool -charset -Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby" P3291144.jpg Ko??ov? ?aby
exiftool -Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby" P3291144.jpg Ko??ov? ?aby
exiftool -L -Xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby" P3291144.jpg KoÜAovÚ ×?aby

Quick panel is the fastest option but window "1 image file update" it slows down so I would need to be able to disable that message


We are working in Command Prompt window, right? -because this has nothing to do with GUI.  I don't know if Lucida font is necessary, but I use it, because I like it (and Phil recommends it).

First command you need to execute is:
chcp 65001

Now you can use Exiftool... to save into xmp:title, you type:
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby1" MyPhoto.jpg

To see what is inside xmp:Title, you type:
exiftool -xmp:Title MyPhoto.jpg -without charset option!
and you will get:

Title    : Koščové žľaby1
<-I believe this is a bug (Phil?)

-I don't know if you need to use "Latin2" charset, but it works here.


Phil Harvey


Thanks for answering this question.

I just tried this myself and get similar to Bogdan:

Title    : Koščové žľaby1
<- yes, this is probably a bug, but not my bug.

I don't know what the extra "1" line is, but if I send the output to a file like this:

exiftool -xmp:title MyPhoto.jpg > out.txt

Then look at the file with a UTF-8 capable text editor on my Mac, I can see the result is exactly as expected.

So it seems that cmd.exe has problems displaying some UTF-8 characters, or the TT-Lucida font has a bug.

Hmmm.  I just tried "type out.txt" at the command prompt on the PC, and it gave the correct result with no extra line.    I don't understand why this doesn't give me the same result.  Very odd.  Windows is so quirky. :(

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Quotechcp 65001
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby1" MyPhoto.jpg
but it works only for giving commands to one

some ideas for BAT(cmd) file

file contents
chcp 65001
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby2" P3291144.jpg
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby4" P3291145.jpg
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby6" P3291146.jpg

screen takes place and nothing happens


Yes, I assumed this bug is console/font related... btw. here, I always* get last three characters displayed duplicated in next line (no matter of the tag content length). For console, I can only select one of two TT fonts, and both behave the same... Third (raster -non TT) font doesn't show this issue, however it doesn't display characters properly.
Anyway, above workaround is good enough for checking Xmp content -especially if redirected to txt file.


* Correction: This is dependant on (foreign) characters which needed to be displayed.


Quote from: Eman on June 23, 2011, 01:57:40 PM
...but it works only for giving commands to one..
I'm not very familiar with usage of ExifTool in Cmd-Prompt window... but as I allready mentioned: if each file has different content (tag Title in this case), then each file must be processed separately. Of course, you can do that in single ExifTool command line by using -execute command.
I havent tried, but your XY.bat file could look something like:
exiftool -xmp:title="Name1" PhotoA.jpg -execute -xmp:title="Name2" PhotoB.jpg -common_args -charset Latin2

Now you type into Cmd-Prompt window:
chcp 65001

-it's just an idea (as said, I havent tried that). Maybe you can find better solution by reading ExifTool documentation here:




it´s final cmd file. it´s fast

chcp 1250
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby2" P3291144.jpg
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby9" P3291154.jpg
exiftool -charset Latin2 -xmp:Title="Koščové žľaby8" P3291168.jpg