Solved - Combine Exiftool with Exiftool GUI

Started by KKAH, November 10, 2011, 05:39:16 AM

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Hallo ;),

I'm just new here and use Exiftool and it's GUI the first time.
How can I combine both programs to use more buttons than only "Quick" in Exiftool GUI.
When I click an aother button than "Quick" in Exiftool GUI I'll get a Window "Exiftool not found".


P.S.: I have to give an additional information:
I just have seen, that I have installed the "stand alone" Version for Windows. As I tried to install the full version I couldn't extract the tar.gz-file under Windows.


I am also a novice.
I'll do some explanations as ExifTool program
  ExifToolGUI and take me.
Latest ExiftoolGUI version 4.23 here, 2750.0.html (3.2 MB)
  we take here ~ phil / exiftool /

Initially, we have two archives: exiftoolgui423 and exiftool-8.69
1. We unpack both archives in one folder which can be on any of disks and having for simplicity of storing name ExifToolGUI
2. We find the contents of the folder file exiftool (-k), right-click to rename ask.
3. The new name leaving only exiftool, get ready for work program.
Runs clatter ExifToolGUI
By switching the button in the upper right corner, see what interests us. An example of the picture.

Hi Phil AND Bogdan
Well to let out such complete set already ready to application, it will expand program audience.


Hi dgsjsg :),

have very many thanks! :)
That's it! :) It works  8)!




Hi Sergej,

First, thank you for helping on how to start using ExifTool+GUI.

Quote from: dgsjsj on November 10, 2011, 07:06:43 AM
Hi Phil AND Bogdan
Well to let out such complete set already ready to application, it will expand program audience.
If I understand correctly, you suggest to create some manual about how to "install" ExifTool+GUI? If that's the case... link to complete manual is here, in this forum:,2750.0.html
And here's the actual manual content:



Quote from: BogdanH on November 10, 2011, 11:53:28 AM

If I understand correctly, you suggest to create some manual about how to "install" ExifTool+GUI? If that's the case... link to complete manual is here, in this forum:,2750.0.html
And here's the actual manual content:

Hi Bogdan.
I suggest to pack back what we unpacked in the folder and there ExifToolGUI  & renamed.
1. Create a folder ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej
2. Unpack the archive there exiftoolgui423
3. To unpack exiftool-8.69 on the way to \ ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej \ exiftoolgui
4. Change the name of exiftool (-k) for exiftool, without (-k)
5. Making the first start-up programs ExifToolGUI
6. After this folder ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej size 6.10 MB compress any archive, we archive 3.42 MB with the same name.
7. This new archive, I propose to lay out for (name of the archive in this example, the comic), checked the operation of this kit on the first home computer, on different disks. The set starts, even if it is unpacked on a flash drive and run from there.
Hi Bogdan.
Я предлагаю запаковать обратно то, что мы распаковывали в папку ExifToolGUI и там же переименовывали.
1.   Создаём папку ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej
2.   Распаковываем туда  архив exiftoolgui423
3.   Следом распаковываем exiftool-8.69 по пути в \ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej\exiftoolgui
4.   Изменяем имя exiftool(-k) на exiftool, без (-k)
5.   Делаем первый пуск программы по ExifToolGUI
6.   После этого папку  ExifToolGUI_Phil_ Bogdan_ Sergej  размером 6,10 МБ  сжимаем любым архиватором,  получаем архив 3,42 МБ с таким же именем.
7.   Этот новый архив я и предлагаю выкладывать для использования (имя архива в данном примере шуточное) Проверил работу данного комплекта на втором домашнем компьютере, на разных дисках. Комплект запускается даже если его распаковать на флешке и запускать оттуда.

think this option will significantly increase the number of users of the program. Between you and Phil think should not have a copyright ambitions. If you honestly care about the authorship of many of this author and they want to torment him with questions.


Hi Bogdan.
Please tell me is it possible to translate the program interface into Russian? 8)
Regards, Sergei


Hi Sergei,

I believe, that making ExifTool and GUI to work, doesn't require some special knowledge. That is, copying two files into some folder and renaming "exiftool(-k)" to "exiftool" is very basic task. And when new ExifTool version is available, user simply download and save it into existing folder -it can't be easier.
Both, ExifTool and ExifToolGUI are free -so I really don't understand what you mean by "copyright ambitions".

I'm sorry, I don't plan to make translated GUI -I can't spend more time on GUI as I allready do.


Phil Harvey

Sergei:  Have you tried the -lang ru option at the command line?  I'm not sure if there is any way to use this via the GUI.

The ExifTool Russian translation isn't complete, but most of the common tags have been translated.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Hi Phil Bogdan et al.
I have not tried 1.Net-Lang RU option on the command line.
I'm sorry, I have an allergy to it.
2.Dumayu common tags are international and the translation can only make a mess.
3. I had in mind only the translation of the graphical interface.


Hi Sergei,

This is the first time I see ShowEXIF ;-)
I have tried to download it, but I have only found "beta" version from 2008. Does more recent version exist?



Author`s E-mail :
Latest version: v0.06-16beta (500 KB)
The program ShowExif ;-)
The impression that the work of the resource is stopped in 2008.
The newer version I didn't see & Others the version I didn't see.
If you want you can contact the author and find out.