EXIF User Comment

Started by MOL, May 03, 2012, 05:01:09 PM

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Hi Phil,

don't know if this is a (small) bug or a feature:

When I save an EXIF user comment like California, USA: San Francisco into a Canon CR2 file, ExifTool reads it back as California, USA= San Francisco. Every third party program I tested reads the colon in the user comment correctly.


Phil Harvey

I don't think this is ExifTool's problem.  What is your exact command, and what system are you using?

Also, it may be useful if you attached an image with this problem.  (A small one)

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


EXIF User Comment written by Canon's ZoomBrowser Ex
Vista Home Premium 32bit, all updates applied
Latest ExifTool

I'm working with the stay_open option, command (amongst others)


For some reason I cannot attach a *.zip file to this post. I will send the file in a separate e-mail to you. Let me know when it's in your inbox.



Duh ... found it. A bug in a string replace routine in my program. Sorry to have wasted your time, Phil.
