Hang While Processing MOV With More Than One Tag

Started by DickDuffin, August 08, 2012, 09:09:09 PM

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I discovered exiftool while looking for a way to resolve date ambiguities while working with MS Windows and Windows Live Photo Gallery.  Instead, I ran into a new problem.  Exiftool hangs when processing a Quicktime file with more than one Descriptive Tag.  Zero or one tag works fine but two or more causes the following:

Command Line: exiftool(-v -a -u -g0 -k).exe

  ExifToolVersion = 8.97
  FileName = DSCN0462.MOV
  Directory = C:/MD/20110207 NIKON (Maurine's Visit to Ventura, Ca - Vintage Pho
tos Pro[snip]
  FileSize = 38928742
  FileModifyDate = 1344471711
  FilePermissions = 33206
  FileType = MOV
  MIMEType = video/quicktime
  FileType (SubDirectory) -->
  + [BinaryData directory, 16 bytes]
  | MajorBrand = qt
  | MinorVersion =  ..
  | CompatibleBrands = qt  niko
  MovieDataSize = 38856056
  Movie (SubDirectory) -->
  + [Movie directory]

***  exiftool output abbreviated  ***

  | | | | HandlerType = mdir
  | | | | HandlerVendorID =
  | | | ItemList (SubDirectory) -->
  | | | + [ItemList directory]
  | | | | Title = Maurine & Dick Documenting Legacy Family Photos
  | | Xtra (SubDirectory) -->
  | | + [Xtra directory, 227 bytes]
  | | | Warning = Unsupported Xtra version

Exiftool never finishes and the processor utilization bumps up about 12%...forever.  The software seems to understand it's processing something unsupported.  Is there hope of a fix?  Was a hang the intended method of concluding?

I tried adding a second tag to a working file with both Windows Explorer and Photo Gallery.  In both cases the hang occurred.  Removing the extra tag eliminated the hang.

Exiftool is an exceptional program.  Thank you for making it available and thank you for the -v option...  I'll be happy to provide more information if needed.

Phil Harvey

Thanks for this report.

Can you mail me a sample file which causes this problem, or make it available somewhere for download?  My email is philharvey66 at gmail.com

I can fix this if I can reproduce the problem.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Phil Harvey

I got your file, thanks.

This bug will be fixed in ExifTool 9.00.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you Phil...excellent, professional work!  Have you ever thought about running Microsoft or Apple?