Version 9.43 - no SRR status (was included in 9.41)

Started by htsmd, December 08, 2013, 10:40:14 AM

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Good day to all,

Just installed EXIFTool 9.43 and inserted the GUI tool. Have been working on some issues with Pentax K3, particularly related to whether the shake reduction feature was actually active when the shutter was fired or not.

In version 9.41, which was the first version I have had the pleasure to use, under "Maker", there were 2 rows, Shake Reduction and just above that SRR status.
The Shake reduction row would show whether the feature was turned on or off, and the SRR status would show whether it was activated or not when the shot was taken. This showed for my K10D but had not yet been decoded to show with the K3. Was hoping it might show with a later version, as there is a slight delay when panning or taking the shot too quickly, until the feature is actually running when the shutter is released.

In version 9.43, the SRR row no longer appears in the GUI assisted report.

Hopefully, this will shortly be available, as it is currently much sought after by those owners of the K3 who are having issues with blurring.

Thanks to all for a superior metadata reader!

Phil Harvey

Yes, the SRResult has been removed from the ExifTool 9.42 output because I had some reports that it was not valid for the K-3.  Since the K-3, the size of the SRInfo record has been reduced from 4 to 2 bytes, and it appears that the meaning of the first byte (which was previously the SRResult) has changed.

It could be that the information which was comparable to SRResult is no longer stored in the images.  If you are willing to take a dedicated set of test shots, perhaps we can find out.  Set the camera to manual focus and exposure, small JPEG format, send me a set of 10 pictures (philharvey66 at  All pictures should have SR On.  4 should have the camera relatively stable, and 4 you should shake badly enough to blur the image.  Make sure you take them in a random order so I don't get fooled by other binary sequences.  An example would be:  0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 where the 0's are stable and the 1's are blurred.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).