D800 cropped image not supported

Started by Matt Kubitza, April 16, 2015, 06:20:59 PM

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Matt Kubitza

Hi all,

I use a netbook to store images when I am on trips. Unfortunately I did not update the freaking Nikon Transfer from version 1.5.3 to the new one on the netbook and ended up with a batch of corrupted files. Thanks to the nice little utility from Phil I could recuperated the majority of them. One thing is frustrating me, however. There are a great number of macros I shot one day, and they file sizes are 52+/-Mb (usually my file sizes are around 74+/- MB ... I shoot RAW, uncompressed). When I tried to convert/repair them, a notice came up stating "Error: This size of D800 cropped image is not yet supported"; I do not remember cropping any images while I was shooting them, so this really baffles me. Weird thing is: I can view the images in ViewNX2 from Nikon, it tells me some details of them, but I cannot export/convert/manipulate them. I am somewhat at a loss. Being not very good at editing EXIF files I was wondering if there was a quick fix for that, if any one else had encountered this?

A very frustrated Matt

Phil Harvey

Hi Matt,

Odd.  What is the value of the CropHiSpeed tag for these images?

And if you want to send me a sample, I'll take a look.  My email is philharvey66 at gmail.com

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Matt Kubitza

Hi Phil,

using your exiftool, what I can see here is the following:

Crop Hi Speed: On (7424x4924 cropped to 6784x3788 at pixel 296,568. I have meanwhile downloaded PhotoME as well, and I am comparing the EXIF on a healthy (fixed) file with this sick one ... and under their heading "additional image data (2) is where the differences come in. The healthy file will show width in px and height in px, whereas the sick file does not have those tags and goes directly to "compression scheme", which is jpeg -old style ...

hope this helps.

I will attach a file to an email, but it is rather large ... we'll see if it goes through ...


Matt Kubitza

Would not attach to outlook .... too big, sent you a link to a file I uploaded to dropbox. Hope this works for you.

Phil Harvey

Hi Matt,

The damage to these files is in SubIFD1.  Use this command to compare the files:

exiftool -subifd1:all -a FILE

I don't know why this image was cropped, but we should be able to recover the raw image.  If you can reproduce the conditions under which the cropped image was generated, and send me a full set of samples with the same CropHiSpeed, then I will add support for this to the fix_corrupted_nef utility.  I will need original and corrupted samples at each of the 3 compression settings and each of the 2 bit depths (for a total of 12 samples).

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Matt Kubitza

Hi Phil,

all of these images I have were shot the same way, with a tele extender mounted to the macro lens, on tripod, using live view to manually focus. I wonder if Nikon automatically crops images when you magnify live view to more than 100% in order to focus. That could be an issue, but all the documentation form Nikon does not mention it. I will look through the files to see if the issue is always the same. I might not have samples of all three corrupted compression settings, will have a look. May take me a bit.


Matt Kubitza

Hi Phil,

I am having trouble using the command line in the cmd window. tells me "exiftool is not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have followed your instructions to place the file on the desktop. tried it in its original format, renamed it by deleting the (-k), even tried to rename it exiftool.exe ....to no avail.

Looked through those corrupt files. They all seem to have the same thing showing: Crop Hi Speed: On (7424x4924 cropped to 6784x3788 at pixel 296,568. I don't even know how the tag HiCropSpeed is generated and what exactly it would refer to. Sorry, I am of little help and many questions ....



Phil Harvey

Hi Matt,

Another way to see the SubIFD1 information I mentioned is to change the name of "exiftool(-k).exe" to "exiftool(-subifd1:all -a -k).exe" and drop the file on this app.

- Phil

Edit: Darn.  This won't work because ":" is not allowed in Windows file names. :(  So maybe better to read this post for some help.
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Matt Kubitza


as far as crop modes are concerned, I had a look at my camera setting. You can shoot in either FX mode (36x24), or 1.2 x (30x20), DX (24x16) of 5:4 (30x24) neither of these setting work our mathematically to the crop factor reducing the image from 7424x4924 to 6784x3788. And the file size is a given, so it will not change. What I found weird is that the image resolution height and width direction is 0 or 1095139329.5dpi ... very strange.

I'll read the link --- oops, have already done that .... if anything fails, read the instructions ... has not helped me. I used to be quite good at DOS (in the 80ies), but my mind is not that young anymore.

Matt Kubitza

Hi again, Phil,

got the exiftool working ... needed to put it into the windows directory (duhh). checked three files, they are all the same, except the "other image start" shows different values. All other values are the same.

Phil Harvey

Right.  The differences will be between corrupted and uncorrupted files.  You can look at the tags in SubIFD1 to see if the file has been corrupted.  An original NEF should have the raw data in SubIFD1, but a corrupted NEF will say that a JPEG is stored here.  It is all of the missing/incorrect tags in this IFD that the fix_corrupted_nef utility repairs.  The fact that there is an OtherImageStart tag in this IFD is a symptom of a corrupted NEF.  And you are right, the X/YResolution tags are also messed up.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Matt Kubitza

Hi Phil,

i sure wished there was a way of copy/pasting a screenshot in here so i'll just attach it. Since this is pretty much all i can supply you (I don't think I can reproduce corrupted files simply since I got rid of the purpetrator .....) the last file on the printed screen was a healthy one. Any ideas?

Phil Harvey

Well, having one corrupted image is better than none.

If you send me a set of 6 uncorrupted images for this crop setting (12 and 14-bit depth at each of the 3 compression settings), then I will see what I can do.  I won't be able to test it for the other types, but I should be able to add support for them.  I actually use the corrupted OtherImageLength to identify the 12 and 14-bit uncompressed images, but I should be able to figure out what this would be for 12-bit uncompressed type.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).

Matt Kubitza

Phil, your efforts are highly appreciated. I can surely shoot a picture in six different settings, that should not be a problem. The trick is to figure out how this crop setting actually manifested itself. Since the size of it does not mathematically correspond with any of the crop settings the camera is capable off. So lemme go and shoot .... anything in particular? :)

Matt Kubitza


sent 8 files your way on dropbox. Link should show up in your email. there are 4 -14bit images, and 4 - 12 bit images
