Copy Date Digitized into Date Created

Started by Marps, June 26, 2015, 07:06:56 AM

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I am a total newb with this stuff, so forgive me if I am asking a silly question...First a little background...

I am a Mac user and I am trying to migrate a significant number of family photos out of Apple Photos into a traditional File and Foldering system based on when the photo was taken.  I was hoping to use Hazel to automatically create a subfoldering system to do this (example  Unfortunately it appears that several of our older photos that have gone from computer to computer do not have the correct Date Created date.  The ExIF Date Digitized and the file's Date Created are not the same. 

So, that means I cannot run my Hazel workflow as it depends on Date Created.  Will this tool allow me to modify Date Created with Date Digitized?  Will it allow me to do it in large batches?  If not Date Created, possibly another field like Comments?  Any suggestions would be helpful.  If there is another way to go at this I am open to it, but I want to get to a system where I can automatically create folders using a tool like Hazel.

Thanks so much in advance.

Phil Harvey

ExifTool will let you copy the value of one tag to another.  The problem is that it can't currently access the System:FileCreateDate on Mac systems.  It can, however, access System:FileModifyDate if that will work for you.  To copy from there to EXIF:DateTimeOriginal, use this command:

exiftool "-exif:datetimeoriginal<system:filemodifydate" DIR

or, more simply:

exiftool "-datetimeoriginal<filemodifydate" DIR

(since EXIF is the preferred write group, and there is only one FileModifyDate tag)

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).
