Panasonic Tags

These tags are used in Panasonic/Leica cameras.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0001 ImageQuality int16u (quality of the main image, which may be in a different file)
1 = TIFF
2 = High
3 = Normal
6 = Very High
   7 = RAW
9 = Motion Picture
11 = Full HD Movie
12 = 4k Movie
0x0002 FirmwareVersion undef (for some camera models such as the FZ30 this may be an internal production reference number and not the actual firmware version)
0x0003 WhiteBalance int16u
1 = Auto
2 = Daylight
3 = Cloudy
4 = Incandescent
5 = Manual
8 = Flash
10 = Black & White
   11 = Manual 2
12 = Shade
13 = Kelvin
14 = Manual 3
15 = Manual 4
19 = Auto (cool)
0x0007 FocusMode int16u
1 = Auto
2 = Manual
4 = Auto, Focus button
5 = Auto, Continuous
   6 = AF-S
7 = AF-C
8 = AF-F
0x000f AFAreaMode int8u[2] (DMC-FZ10)
'0 1' = Spot Mode On
'0 16' = Spot Mode Off
(other models)
16 = Normal?
'0 1' = 9-area
'0 16' = 3-area (high speed)
'0 23' = 23-area
'0 49' = 49-area
'0 225' = 225-area
'1 0' = Spot Focusing
'1 1' = 5-area
'16 0' = 1-area
'16 16' = 1-area (high speed)
'16 32' = 1-area +
'17 0' = Full Area
'32 0' = Tracking
'32 1' = 3-area (left)?
'32 2' = 3-area (center)?
'32 3' = 3-area (right)?
'32 16' = Zone
'32 18' = Zone (horizontal/vertical)
'64 0' = Face Detect
'64 1' = Face Detect (animal detect on)
'64 2' = Face Detect (animal detect off)
'128 0' = Pinpoint focus
'240 0' = Tracking
0x001a ImageStabilization int16u
2 = On, Optical
3 = Off
4 = On, Mode 2
5 = On, Optical Panning
6 = On, Body-only
7 = On, Body-only Panning
9 = Dual IS
10 = Dual IS Panning
11 = Dual2 IS
12 = Dual2 IS Panning
0x001c MacroMode int16u 1 = On
2 = Off
257 = Tele-Macro
513 = Macro Zoom
0x001f ShootingMode int16u
1 = Normal
2 = Portrait
3 = Scenery
4 = Sports
5 = Night Portrait
6 = Program
7 = Aperture Priority
8 = Shutter Priority
9 = Macro
10 = Spot
11 = Manual
12 = Movie Preview
13 = Panning
14 = Simple
15 = Color Effects
16 = Self Portrait
17 = Economy
18 = Fireworks
19 = Party
20 = Snow
21 = Night Scenery
22 = Food
23 = Baby
24 = Soft Skin
25 = Candlelight
26 = Starry Night
27 = High Sensitivity
28 = Panorama Assist
29 = Underwater
30 = Beach
31 = Aerial Photo
32 = Sunset
33 = Pet
34 = Intelligent ISO
35 = Clipboard
36 = High Speed Continuous Shooting
37 = Intelligent Auto
39 = Multi-aspect
41 = Transform
42 = Flash Burst
   43 = Pin Hole
44 = Film Grain
45 = My Color
46 = Photo Frame
48 = Movie
51 = HDR
52 = Peripheral Defocus
55 = Handheld Night Shot
57 = 3D
59 = Creative Control
60 = Intelligent Auto Plus
62 = Panorama
63 = Glass Through
64 = HDR
66 = Digital Filter
67 = Clear Portrait
68 = Silky Skin
69 = Backlit Softness
70 = Clear in Backlight
71 = Relaxing Tone
72 = Sweet Child's Face
73 = Distinct Scenery
74 = Bright Blue Sky
75 = Romantic Sunset Glow
76 = Vivid Sunset Glow
77 = Glistening Water
78 = Clear Nightscape
79 = Cool Night Sky
80 = Warm Glowing Nightscape
81 = Artistic Nightscape
82 = Glittering Illuminations
83 = Clear Night Portrait
84 = Soft Image of a Flower
85 = Appetizing Food
86 = Cute Dessert
87 = Freeze Animal Motion
88 = Clear Sports Shot
89 = Monochrome
90 = Creative Control
92 = Handheld Night Shot
0x0020 Audio int16u 1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Stereo
0x0021 DataDump no  
0x0023 WhiteBalanceBias int16s  
0x0024 FlashBias int16s  
0x0025 InternalSerialNumber undef[16] (this number is unique, and contains the date of manufacture, but is not the same as the number printed on the camera body)
0x0026 PanasonicExifVersion undef  
0x0027 VideoFrameRate int16u (only valid for older models)
0 = n/a
0x0028 ColorEffect int16u
1 = Off
2 = Warm
3 = Cool
4 = Black & White
   5 = Sepia
6 = Happy
8 = Vivid
0x0029 TimeSincePowerOn int32u (time in 1/100 s from when the camera was powered on to when the image is written to memory card)
0x002a BurstMode int16u (decoding may be different for some models)
0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB)
3 = Focus Bracketing
4 = Unlimited
8 = White Balance Bracketing
17 = On (with flash)
18 = Aperture Bracketing
0x002b SequenceNumber int32u  
0x002c ContrastMode int16u (this decoding seems to work for some models such as the LC1, LX2, FZ7, FZ8, FZ18 and FZ50, but may not be correct for other models such as the FX10, G1, L1, L10 and LC80)
0x0 = Normal
0x1 = Low
0x2 = High
0x5 = Normal 2
0x6 = Medium Low
0x7 = Medium High
0xd = High Dynamic
0x18 = Dynamic Range (film-like)
0x2e = Match Filter Effects Toy
0x37 = Match Photo Style L. Monochrome
0x100 = Low
0x110 = Normal
0x120 = High
(these values are used by the G2, GF1, GF2, GF3, GF5 and GF6)
0 = -2
1 = -1
2 = Normal
3 = +1
4 = +2
5 = Normal 2
7 = Nature (Color Film)
9 = Expressive
12 = Smooth (Color Film) or Pure (My Color)
17 = Dynamic (B&W Film)
22 = Smooth (B&W Film)
25 = High Dynamic
26 = Retro
27 = Dynamic (Color Film)
28 = Low Key
29 = Toy Effect
32 = Vibrant (Color Film) or Expressive (My Color)
33 = Elegant (My Color)
37 = Nostalgic (Color Film)
41 = Dynamic Art (My Color)
42 = Retro (My Color)
45 = Cinema
47 = Dynamic Mono
50 = Impressive Art
51 = Cross Process
100 = High Dynamic 2
101 = Retro 2
102 = High Key 2
103 = Low Key 2
104 = Toy Effect 2
107 = Expressive 2
112 = Sepia
117 = Miniature
122 = Dynamic Monochrome
127 = Old Days
132 = Dynamic Monochrome 2
135 = Impressive Art 2
136 = Cross Process 2
137 = Toy Pop
138 = Fantasy
256 = Normal 3
272 = Standard
288 = High
(these values are used by the TZ10 and ZS7)
0 = Normal
1 = -2
2 = +2
5 = -1
6 = +1
0x002d NoiseReduction int16u (the encoding for this value is not consistent between models)
0 = Standard
1 = Low (-1)
2 = High (+1)
3 = Lowest (-2)
4 = Highest (+2)
5 = +5
   6 = +6
65531 = -5
65532 = -4
65533 = -3
65534 = -2
65535 = -1
0x002e SelfTimer int16u
0 = Off (0)
1 = Off
2 = 10 s
3 = 2 s
4 = 10 s / 3 pictures
258 = 2 s after shutter pressed
266 = 10 s after shutter pressed
778 = 3 photos after 10 s
0x0030 Rotation int16u 1 = Horizontal (normal)
3 = Rotate 180
6 = Rotate 90 CW
8 = Rotate 270 CW
0x0031 AFAssistLamp int16u 1 = Fired
2 = Enabled but Not Used
3 = Disabled but Required
4 = Disabled and Not Required
0x0032 ColorMode int16u 0 = Normal
1 = Natural
2 = Vivid
0x0033 BabyAge string (or pet age)
0x0034 OpticalZoomMode int16u 1 = Standard
2 = Extended
0x0035 ConversionLens int16u 1 = Off
2 = Wide
3 = Telephoto
4 = Macro
0x0036 TravelDay int16u  
0x0038 BatteryLevel int16u
1 = Full
2 = Medium
3 = Low
4 = Near Empty
   7 = Near Full
8 = Medium Low
256 = n/a
0x0039 Contrast int16u 0 = Normal
0x003a WorldTimeLocation int16u 1 = Home
2 = Destination
0x003b TextStamp int16u 1 = Off
2 = On
0x003c ProgramISO int16u -1 = n/a
65534 = Intelligent ISO
65535 = n/a
0x003d AdvancedSceneType int16u (used together with SceneMode to derive Composite AdvancedSceneMode)
0x003e TextStamp int16u 1 = Off
2 = On
0x003f FacesDetected int16u  
0x0040 Saturation int16u 0 = Normal
0x0041 Sharpness int16u 0 = Normal
0x0042 FilmMode int16u
0 = n/a
1 = Standard (color)
2 = Dynamic (color)
3 = Nature (color)
4 = Smooth (color)
   5 = Standard (B&W)
6 = Dynamic (B&W)
7 = Smooth (B&W)
10 = Nostalgic
11 = Vibrant
0x0043 JPEGQuality int16u 0 = n/a (Movie)
2 = High
3 = Standard
6 = Very High
255 = n/a (RAW only)
0x0044 ColorTempKelvin int16u  
0x0045 BracketSettings int16u
0 = No Bracket
1 = 3 Images, Sequence 0/-/+
2 = 3 Images, Sequence -/0/+
3 = 5 Images, Sequence 0/-/+
4 = 5 Images, Sequence -/0/+
5 = 7 Images, Sequence 0/-/+
6 = 7 Images, Sequence -/0/+
0x0046 WBShiftAB int16u (positive is a shift toward blue)
0x0047 WBShiftGM int16u (positive is a shift toward green)
0x0048 FlashCurtain int16u 0 = n/a
1 = 1st
2 = 2nd
0x0049 LongExposureNoiseReduction int16u 1 = Off
2 = On
0x004b PanasonicImageWidth int32u  
0x004c PanasonicImageHeight int32u  
0x004d AFPointPosition rational64u[2] (X Y coordinates of primary AF area center, in the range 0.0 to 1.0)
0x004e FaceDetInfo - --> Panasonic FaceDetInfo Tags
0x0051 LensType string  
0x0052 LensSerialNumber string  
0x0053 AccessoryType string  
0x0054 AccessorySerialNumber string  
0x0059 Transform undef[4] (decoded as two 16-bit signed integers)
'-1 1' = Slim Low
'-3 2' = Slim High
'0 0' = Off
'1 1' = Stretch Low
'3 2' = Stretch High
0x005d IntelligentExposure int16u (not valid for some models)
0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Standard
3 = High
0x0060 LensFirmwareVersion undef[4]  
0x0061 FaceRecInfo - --> Panasonic FaceRecInfo Tags
0x0062 FlashWarning int16u 0 = No
1 = Yes (flash required but disabled)
0x0063 RecognizedFaceFlags? undef[4]  
0x0065 Title undef  
0x0066 BabyName undef (or pet name)
0x0067 Location undef  
0x0069 Country undef  
0x006b State undef  
0x006d City undef (City/Town as stored by some models, or County/Township for others)
0x006f Landmark undef  
0x0070 IntelligentResolution int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Standard
3 = High
4 = Extended
0x0076 MergedImages int16u (number of images in HDR or Live View Composite picture)
0x0077 BurstSpeed int16u (images per second)
0x0079 IntelligentD-Range int16u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Standard
3 = High
0x007c ClearRetouch int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x0080 City2 undef (City/Town/Village as stored by some models)
0x0086 ManometerPressure int16u  
0x0089 PhotoStyle int16u
0 = Auto
1 = Standard or Custom
2 = Vivid
3 = Natural
4 = Monochrome
5 = Scenery
6 = Portrait
   8 = Cinelike D
9 = Cinelike V
11 = L. Monochrome
12 = Like709
15 = L. Monochrome D
17 = V-Log
18 = Cinelike D2
0x008a ShadingCompensation int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x008b WBShiftIntelligentAuto int16u (value is -9 for blue to +9 for amber. Valid for Intelligent-Auto modes)
0x008c AccelerometerZ int16u (positive is acceleration upwards)
0x008d AccelerometerX int16u (positive is acceleration to the left)
0x008e AccelerometerY int16u (positive is acceleration backwards)
0x008f CameraOrientation int8u
0 = Normal
1 = Rotate CW
2 = Rotate 180
   3 = Rotate CCW
4 = Tilt Upwards
5 = Tilt Downwards
0x0090 RollAngle int16u (converted to degrees of clockwise camera rotation)
0x0091 PitchAngle int16u (converted to degrees of upward camera tilt)
0x0092 WBShiftCreativeControl int8u (WB shift or style strength. Valid for Creative-Control modes)
0x0093 SweepPanoramaDirection int8u 0 = Off
1 = Left to Right
2 = Right to Left
3 = Top to Bottom
4 = Bottom to Top
0x0094 SweepPanoramaFieldOfView int16u  
0x0096 TimerRecording int8u 0 = Off
1 = Time Lapse
2 = Stop-motion Animation
3 = Focus Bracketing
0x009d InternalNDFilter rational64u  
0x009e HDR int16u
0 = Off
100 = 1 EV
200 = 2 EV
300 = 3 EV
   32868 = 1 EV (Auto)
32968 = 2 EV (Auto)
33068 = 3 EV (Auto)
0x009f ShutterType int16u 0 = Mechanical
1 = Electronic
2 = Hybrid
0x00a1 FilterEffect rational64u[0.5]
'0 0' = Off
'0 1' = Expressive
'0 2' = Retro
'0 4' = High Key
'0 8' = Sepia
'0 16' = High Dynamic
'0 32' = Miniature Effect
'0 1024' = Dynamic Monochrome
'0 1048576' = Sunshine
'0 134217728' = Silky Monochrome
'0 16384' = One Point Color
'0 2048' = Soft Focus
'0 2097152' = Bleach Bypass
'0 256' = Low Key
'0 32768' = Star Filter
'0 33554432' = Monochrome
'0 4096' = Impressive Art
'0 4194304' = Toy Pop
'0 512' = Toy Effect
'0 524288' = Old Days
'0 67108864' = Rough Monochrome
'0 8192' = Cross Process
'0 8388608' = Fantasy
0x00a3 ClearRetouchValue rational64u  
0x00a7 OutputLUT yes (2-column by 432-row binary lookup table of unsigned short values for converting to 16-bit output (1st column) from 14 bits (2nd column) with camera contrast)
0x00ab TouchAE int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x00ac MonochromeFilterEffect int16u 0 = Off
1 = Yellow
2 = Orange
3 = Red
4 = Green
0x00ad HighlightShadow int16u[2]  
0x00af TimeStamp string  
0x00b3 VideoBurstResolution int16u 1 = Off or 4K
4 = 6K
0x00b4 MultiExposure int16u 0 = n/a
1 = Off
2 = On
0x00b9 RedEyeRemoval int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x00bb VideoBurstMode int32u
0x1 = Off
0x4 = Post Focus
0x18 = 4K Burst
0x28 = 4K Burst (Start/Stop)
0x48 = 4K Pre-burst
0x108 = Loop Recording
0x408 = Focus Stacking
0x810 = 6K Burst
0x820 = 6K Burst (Start/Stop)
0x1001 = High Resolution Mode
0x00bc DiffractionCorrection int16u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
0x00bd FocusBracket int16u (positive is further, negative is closer)
0x00be LongExposureNRUsed int16u 0 = No
1 = Yes
0x00bf PostFocusMerging int32u[2] '0 0' = Post Focus Auto Merging or None
0x00c1 VideoPreburst int16u 0 = No
1 = 4K or 6K
0x00c4 LensTypeMake int16u  
0x00c5 LensTypeModel int16u  
0x00ca SensorType int16u 0 = Multi-aspect
1 = Standard
0x00d1 ISO int32u  
0x00d2 MonochromeGrainEffect int16u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Standard
3 = High
0x00d6 NoiseReductionStrength rational64s  
0x00e4 LensTypeModel int16u  
0x00e8 MinimumISO int32u  
0x00e9 AFSubjectDetection int16u
0 = n/a
1 = Human Eye/Face/Body
2 = Animal
3 = Human Eye/Face
4 = Animal Body
5 = Animal Eye/Body
6 = Car
7 = Motorcycle
8 = Car (main part priority)
9 = Motorcycle (helmet priority)
10 = Train
11 = Train (main part priority)
12 = Airplane
13 = Airplane (nose priority)
0x00ee DynamicRangeBoost int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x0e00 PrintIM - --> PrintIM Tags
0x2003 TimeInfo - --> Panasonic TimeInfo Tags
0x8000 MakerNoteVersion undef  
0x8001 SceneMode int16u
0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Portrait
3 = Scenery
4 = Sports
5 = Night Portrait
6 = Program
7 = Aperture Priority
8 = Shutter Priority
9 = Macro
10 = Spot
11 = Manual
12 = Movie Preview
13 = Panning
14 = Simple
15 = Color Effects
16 = Self Portrait
17 = Economy
18 = Fireworks
19 = Party
20 = Snow
21 = Night Scenery
22 = Food
23 = Baby
24 = Soft Skin
25 = Candlelight
26 = Starry Night
27 = High Sensitivity
28 = Panorama Assist
29 = Underwater
30 = Beach
31 = Aerial Photo
32 = Sunset
33 = Pet
34 = Intelligent ISO
35 = Clipboard
36 = High Speed Continuous Shooting
37 = Intelligent Auto
39 = Multi-aspect
41 = Transform
42 = Flash Burst
   43 = Pin Hole
44 = Film Grain
45 = My Color
46 = Photo Frame
48 = Movie
51 = HDR
52 = Peripheral Defocus
55 = Handheld Night Shot
57 = 3D
59 = Creative Control
60 = Intelligent Auto Plus
62 = Panorama
63 = Glass Through
64 = HDR
66 = Digital Filter
67 = Clear Portrait
68 = Silky Skin
69 = Backlit Softness
70 = Clear in Backlight
71 = Relaxing Tone
72 = Sweet Child's Face
73 = Distinct Scenery
74 = Bright Blue Sky
75 = Romantic Sunset Glow
76 = Vivid Sunset Glow
77 = Glistening Water
78 = Clear Nightscape
79 = Cool Night Sky
80 = Warm Glowing Nightscape
81 = Artistic Nightscape
82 = Glittering Illuminations
83 = Clear Night Portrait
84 = Soft Image of a Flower
85 = Appetizing Food
86 = Cute Dessert
87 = Freeze Animal Motion
88 = Clear Sports Shot
89 = Monochrome
90 = Creative Control
92 = Handheld Night Shot
0x8002 HighlightWarning int16u 0 = Disabled
1 = No
2 = Yes
0x8003 DarkFocusEnvironment int16u 1 = No
2 = Yes
0x8004 WBRedLevel int16u  
0x8005 WBGreenLevel int16u  
0x8006 WBBlueLevel int16u  
0x8008 TextStamp int16u 1 = Off
2 = On
0x8009 TextStamp int16u 1 = Off
2 = On
0x8010 BabyAge string (or pet age)
0x8012 Transform undef[4] (decoded as two 16-bit signed integers)
'-1 1' = Slim Low
'-3 2' = Slim High
'0 0' = Off
'1 1' = Stretch Low
'3 2' = Stretch High

Panasonic DSA Tags

XMP Digital Shift Assistant tags written by some Leica cameras.

These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpDSA family 1 group.

Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
ApplyAutomatically boolean/  
CorrectionAlreadyApplied boolean/  
FocalLength35mm real/  
NormalizedCropCorners real/+  
PitchAngle real/  
RollAngle real/  
ScalingFactorHeight real/  
TargetAspectRatio real/  
ValidCropCorners boolean/  
Version string/  

Panasonic FaceDetInfo Tags

Face detection position information.

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 NumFacePositions int16u (number of detected face positions stored in this record. May be less than FacesDetected)
1 Face1Position int16u[4] (4 numbers: X/Y coordinates of the face center and width/height of face. Coordinates are relative to an image twice the size of the thumbnail, or 320 pixels wide)
5 Face2Position int16u[4]  
9 Face3Position int16u[4]  
13 Face4Position int16u[4]  
17 Face5Position int16u[4]  

Panasonic FaceRecInfo Tags

Tags written by cameras with facial recognition. These cameras not only detect faces in an image, but also recognize specific people based a user-supplied set of known faces.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 FacesRecognized int16u  
4 RecognizedFace1Name string[20]  
24 RecognizedFace1Position int16u[4] (coordinates in same format as face detection tags above)
32 RecognizedFace1Age string[20]  
52 RecognizedFace2Name string[20]  
72 RecognizedFace2Position int16u[4]  
80 RecognizedFace2Age string[20]  
100 RecognizedFace3Name string[20]  
120 RecognizedFace3Position int16u[4]  
128 RecognizedFace3Age string[20]  

Panasonic TimeInfo Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 PanasonicDateTime undef[8]  
16 TimeLapseShotNumber int32u  

Panasonic Leica2 Tags

These tags are used by the Leica M8.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0300 Quality int16u 1 = Fine
2 = Basic
0x0302 UserProfile int32u 1 = User Profile 1
2 = User Profile 2
3 = User Profile 3
4 = User Profile 0 (Dynamic)
0x0303 SerialNumber int32u  
0x0304 WhiteBalance int16u (values above 0x8000 are converted to Kelvin color temperatures)
0 = Auto or Manual
1 = Daylight
2 = Fluorescent
3 = Tungsten
   4 = Flash
10 = Cloudy
11 = Shade
0x0310 LensType int32u --> Panasonic LensType Values
0x0311 ExternalSensorBrightnessValue rational64s ("blue dot" measurement)
0x0312 MeasuredLV rational64s (imaging sensor or TTL exposure meter measurement)
0x0313 ApproximateFNumber rational64u  
0x0320 CameraTemperature int32s  
0x0321 ColorTemperature int32u  
0x0322 WBRedLevel rational64u  
0x0323 WBGreenLevel rational64u  
0x0324 WBBlueLevel rational64u  
0x0325 UV-IRFilterCorrection int32u 0 = Not Active
1 = Active
0x0330 CCDVersion int32u  
0x0331 CCDBoardVersion int32u  
0x0332 ControllerBoardVersion int32u  
0x0333 M16CVersion int32u  
0x0340 ImageIDNumber int32u  

Panasonic LensType Values

the LensType value is obtained by splitting the stored value into 2 integers: The stored value divided by 4, and its lower 2 bits. The second number is used only if necessary to identify certain manually coded lenses on the M9, or the focal length of some multi-focal lenses.

1= Elmarit-M 21mm f/2.8 42= Tri-Elmar-M 28-35-50mm f/4 ASPH.
3= Elmarit-M 28mm f/2.8 (III) 43= Summarit-M 35mm f/2.5
4= Tele-Elmarit-M 90mm f/2.8 (II) 44= Summarit-M 50mm f/2.5
5= Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 (II) 45= Summarit-M 75mm f/2.5
6= Summicron-M 35mm f/2 (IV) 46= Summarit-M 90mm f/2.5
7= Summicron-M 90mm f/2 (II) 47= Summilux-M 21mm f/1.4 ASPH.
9= Elmarit-M 135mm f/2.8 (I/II) 48= Summilux-M 24mm f/1.4 ASPH.
11= Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 49= Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH.
12= Thambar-M 90mm f/2.2 50= Elmar-M 24mm f/3.8 ASPH.
16= Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21mm f/4 ASPH. 51= Super-Elmar-M 21mm f/3.4 Asph
23= Summicron-M 50mm f/2 (III) 52= Apo-Telyt-M 18mm f/3.8 ASPH.
24= Elmarit-M 21mm f/2.8 ASPH. 53= Apo-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4
25= Elmarit-M 24mm f/2.8 ASPH. 58= Noctilux-M 75mm f/1.25 ASPH.
26= Summicron-M 28mm f/2 ASPH. '0 0'= Uncoded lens
27= Elmarit-M 28mm f/2.8 (IV) '6 0'= Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4
28= Elmarit-M 28mm f/2.8 ASPH. '9 0'= Apo-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4
29= Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH. '16 1'= Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21mm f/4 ASPH. (at 16mm)
30= Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. '16 2'= Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21mm f/4 ASPH. (at 18mm)
31= Noctilux-M 50mm f/1 '16 3'= Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21mm f/4 ASPH. (at 21mm)
32= Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 ASPH. '29 0'= Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPHERICAL
33= Summicron-M 50mm f/2 (IV, V) '31 0'= Noctilux-M 50mm f/1.2
34= Elmar-M 50mm f/2.8 '39 0'= Tele-Elmar-M 135mm f/4 (II)
35= Summilux-M 75mm f/1.4 '41 3'= Apo-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH.
36= Apo-Summicron-M 75mm f/2 ASPH. '42 1'= Tri-Elmar-M 28-35-50mm f/4 ASPH. (at 28mm)
37= Apo-Summicron-M 90mm f/2 ASPH. '42 2'= Tri-Elmar-M 28-35-50mm f/4 ASPH. (at 35mm)
38= Elmarit-M 90mm f/2.8 '42 3'= Tri-Elmar-M 28-35-50mm f/4 ASPH. (at 50mm)
39= Macro-Elmar-M 90mm f/4 '51 2'= Super-Elmar-M 14mm f/3.8 Asph
40= Macro-Adapter M '53 2'= Apo-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4
41= Apo-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH. '53 3'= Apo-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 (VI)

Panasonic Leica3 Tags

These tags are used by the Leica R8 and R9 digital backs.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x000b SerialInfo - --> Panasonic SerialInfo Tags
0x000d WB_RGBLevels int16u[3]  

Panasonic SerialInfo Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
4 SerialNumber no  

Panasonic Leica4 Tags

This information is written by the M9.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x3000 Subdir3000 - --> Panasonic Subdir Tags
0x3100 Subdir3100 - --> Panasonic Subdir Tags
0x3400 Subdir3400 - --> Panasonic Subdir Tags
0x3900 Subdir3900 - --> Panasonic Subdir Tags

Panasonic Subdir Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x300a Contrast int32u 0 = Low
1 = Medium Low
2 = Normal
3 = Medium High
4 = High
0x300b Sharpening int32u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = Medium High
4 = High
0x300d Saturation int32u
0 = Low
1 = Medium Low
2 = Normal
3 = Medium High
   4 = High
5 = Black & White
6 = Vintage B&W
0x3033 WhiteBalance int32u
0 = Auto
1 = Tungsten
2 = Fluorescent
3 = Daylight Fluorescent
4 = Daylight
5 = Flash
6 = Cloudy
7 = Shade
8 = Manual
9 = Kelvin
0x3034 JPEGQuality int32u 94 = Basic
97 = Fine
0x3036 WB_RGBLevels rational64u[3]  
0x3038 UserProfile string  
0x303a JPEGSize int32u 0 = 5216x3472
1 = 3840x2592
2 = 2592x1728
3 = 1728x1152
4 = 1280x864
0x3103 SerialNumber string  
0x3109 FirmwareVersion string  
0x312a BaseISO int32u  
0x312b SensorWidth int32u  
0x312c SensorHeight int32u  
0x312d SensorBitDepth int32u  
0x3402 CameraTemperature int32s  
0x3405 LensType int32u --> Panasonic LensType Values
0x3406 ApproximateFNumber rational64u  
0x3407 MeasuredLV int32s (imaging sensor or TTL exposure meter measurement)
0x3408 ExternalSensorBrightnessValue int32s ("blue dot" measurement)
0x3901 Data1 - --> Panasonic Data1 Tags
0x3902 Data2 - --> Panasonic Data2 Tags

Panasonic Data1 Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
22 LensType int32u --> Panasonic LensType Values

Panasonic Data2 Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
[no tags known]

Panasonic Leica5 Tags

This information is written by the X1, X2, X VARIO and T.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0303 LensType string (Leica T only)
0x0305 SerialNumber int32u  
0x0407 OriginalFileName string  
0x0408 OriginalDirectory string  
0x040a FocusInfo - --> Panasonic FocusInfo Tags
0x040d ExposureMode int8u[4] '0 0 0 0' = Program AE
'1 0 0 0' = Aperture-priority AE
'1 1 0 0' = Aperture-priority AE (1)
'2 0 0 0' = Shutter speed priority AE
'3 0 0 0' = Manual
0x0410 ShotInfo - --> Panasonic ShotInfo Tags
0x0412 FilmMode string  
0x0413 WB_RGBLevels rational64u[3]  
0x0500 InternalSerialNumber undef  
0x05ff CameraIFD - --> PanasonicRaw CameraIFD Tags

Panasonic FocusInfo Tags

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 FocusDistance int16u  
1 FocalLength int16u  

Panasonic ShotInfo Tags

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 FileIndex int16u  

Panasonic Leica6 Tags

This information is written by the S2 and M (Typ 240), as a trailer in JPEG images.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0300 PreviewImage undef (S2 and M (Typ 240))
0x0301 UnknownBlock? no (unknown 320kB block, not copied to JPEG images)
0x0303 LensType string  
0x0304 FocusDistance int32u (focus distance in mm for most models, but cm for others)
0x0311 ExternalSensorBrightnessValue rational64s (Leica S only)
0x0312 MeasuredLV rational64s (Leica S only)
0x0320 FirmwareVersion int8u[4] (Leica S only)
0x0321 LensSerialNumber int32u (Leica S only)

Panasonic Leica9 Tags

This information is written by the Leica S (Typ 007) and M10 models.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0304 FocusDistance int32u (focus distance in mm for most models, but cm for others)
0x0311 ExternalSensorBrightnessValue rational64s  
0x0312 MeasuredLV rational64s  
0x034c UserProfile string  
0x0359 ISOSelected int32s 0 = Auto
0x035a FNumber int32s  
0x035b CorrelatedColorTemp int16u  
0x035c ColorTint int16s  
0x035d WhitePoint rational64u[2]  
0x0370 LensProfileName string  

Panasonic Type2 Tags

This type of maker notes is used by models such as the NV-DS65, PV-D2002, PV-DC3000, PV-DV203, PV-DV401, PV-DV702, PV-L2001, PV-SD4090, PV-SD5000 and iPalm.

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 MakerNoteType no  
3 Gain no  

Panasonic PANA Tags

Tags extracted from the PANA and LEIC user data found in MP4 videos from various Panasonic and Leica models.

Index1Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 Make no  
4 Model no  
12 Model no  
16 JPEG-likeData - --> EXIF Tags
22 Model no  
52 Version1 no  
62 Version2 no  
80 MakerNoteLeica5 - --> Panasonic Leica5 Tags
88 ThumbnailWidth no (Panasonic models)
90 ThumbnailHeight no  
92 ThumbnailImage no  
1334 ThumbnailWidth no (Leica X Vario)
1338 ThumbnailHeight no  
1342 ThumbnailLength no  
1350 ThumbnailImage no  
1358 ThumbnailWidth no (Leica X Vario)
1362 ThumbnailHeight no  
1366 ThumbnailLength no  
1374 ThumbnailImage no  
16488 ExifData - --> EXIF Tags
16512 ExifData - --> EXIF Tags
0x00200080 ExifData - --> EXIF Tags

Panasonic AdvancedSceneMode Values

A Composite tag derived from Model, SceneMode and AdvancedSceneType.

'0 1'= Off '59 1'= Expressive
'2 2'= Outdoor Portrait '59 2'= Retro
'2 3'= Indoor Portrait '59 3'= High Key
'2 4'= Creative Portrait '59 4'= Sepia
'3 2'= Nature '59 5'= High Dynamic
'3 3'= Architecture '59 6'= Miniature
'3 4'= Creative Scenery '59 9'= Low Key
'4 2'= Outdoor Sports '59 10'= Toy Effect
'4 3'= Indoor Sports '59 11'= Dynamic Monochrome
'4 4'= Creative Sports '59 12'= Soft
'9 2'= Flower '66 1'= Impressive Art
'9 3'= Objects '66 2'= Cross Process
'9 4'= Creative Macro '66 3'= Color Select
'18 1'= High Sensitivity '66 4'= Star
'20 1'= Fireworks '90 3'= Old Days
'21 2'= Illuminations '90 4'= Sunshine
'21 4'= Creative Night Scenery '90 5'= Bleach Bypass
'26 1'= High-speed Burst (shot 1) '90 6'= Toy Pop
'27 1'= High-speed Burst (shot 2) '90 7'= Fantasy
'29 1'= Snow '90 8'= Monochrome
'30 1'= Starry Sky '90 9'= Rough Monochrome
'31 1'= Beach '90 10'= Silky Monochrome
'36 1'= High-speed Burst (shot 3) '92 1'= Handheld Night Shot
'39 1'= Aerial Photo / Underwater / Multi-aspect 'DMC-TZ40 90 1'= Expressive
'45 2'= Cinema 'DMC-TZ40 90 2'= Retro
'45 7'= Expressive 'DMC-TZ40 90 3'= High Key
'45 8'= Retro 'DMC-TZ40 90 4'= Sepia
'45 9'= Pure 'DMC-TZ40 90 5'= High Dynamic
'45 10'= Elegant 'DMC-TZ40 90 6'= Miniature
'45 12'= Monochrome 'DMC-TZ40 90 9'= Low Key
'45 13'= Dynamic Art 'DMC-TZ40 90 10'= Toy Effect
'45 14'= Silhouette 'DMC-TZ40 90 11'= Dynamic Monochrome
'51 2'= HDR Art 'DMC-TZ40 90 12'= Soft
'51 3'= HDR B&W   

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jan 23, 2025

<-- ExifTool Tag Names