PanasonicRaw Tags

These tags are found in IFD0 of Panasonic/Leica RAW, RW2 and RWL images.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0001 PanasonicRawVersion undef  
0x0002 SensorWidth no  
0x0003 SensorHeight no  
0x0004 SensorTopBorder no  
0x0005 SensorLeftBorder no  
0x0006 SensorBottomBorder no  
0x0007 SensorRightBorder no  
0x0008 SamplesPerPixel int16u!  
0x0009 CFAPattern int16u! 0 = n/a
1 = [Red,Green][Green,Blue]
2 = [Green,Red][Blue,Green]
3 = [Green,Blue][Red,Green]
4 = [Blue,Green][Green,Red]
0x000a BitsPerSample int16u!  
0x000b Compression int16u! 34316 = Panasonic RAW 1
34826 = Panasonic RAW 2
34828 = Panasonic RAW 3
34830 = Panasonic RAW 4
0x000e LinearityLimitRed int16u  
0x000f LinearityLimitGreen int16u  
0x0010 LinearityLimitBlue int16u  
0x0011 RedBalance int16u (found in Digilux 2 RAW images)
0x0012 BlueBalance int16u  
0x0013 WBInfo - --> PanasonicRaw WBInfo Tags
0x0017 ISO int16u  
0x0018 HighISOMultiplierRed int16u  
0x0019 HighISOMultiplierGreen int16u  
0x001a HighISOMultiplierBlue int16u  
0x001b NoiseReductionParams undef[n]! (the camera's default noise reduction setup. The first number is the number of entries, then for each entry there are 4 numbers: an ISO speed, and noise-reduction strengths the R, G and B channels)
0x001c BlackLevelRed int16u  
0x001d BlackLevelGreen int16u  
0x001e BlackLevelBlue int16u  
0x0024 WBRedLevel int16u  
0x0025 WBGreenLevel int16u  
0x0026 WBBlueLevel int16u  
0x0027 WBInfo2 - --> PanasonicRaw WBInfo2 Tags
0x002d RawFormat int16u!  
0x002e JpgFromRaw undef! --> JPEG Tags
(processed as an embedded document because it contains full EXIF)
0x002f CropTop int16u  
0x0030 CropLeft int16u  
0x0031 CropBottom int16u  
0x0032 CropRight int16u  
0x0037 ISO int32u  
0x010f Make string  
0x0110 Model string  
0x0111 StripOffsets no  
0x0112 Orientation int16u
1 = Horizontal (normal)
2 = Mirror horizontal
3 = Rotate 180
4 = Mirror vertical
5 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
6 = Rotate 90 CW
7 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
8 = Rotate 270 CW
0x0116 RowsPerStrip no  
0x0117 StripByteCounts no  
0x0118 RawDataOffset no  
0x0119 DistortionInfo - --> PanasonicRaw DistortionInfo Tags
0x011c Gamma int16u  
0x0120 CameraIFD - --> PanasonicRaw CameraIFD Tags
0x0121 Multishot int32u 0 = Off
65536 = Pixel Shift
0x0127 JpgFromRaw2 no  
0x013b Artist string  
0x02bc ApplicationNotes int8u! --> XMP Tags
0x8298 Copyright string  
0x83bb IPTC-NAA int32u! --> IPTC Tags
0x8769 ExifOffset - --> EXIF Tags
0x8825 GPSInfo - --> GPS Tags

PanasonicRaw CameraIFD Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x1001 MultishotOn no 0 = No
1 = Yes
0x1100 FocusStepNear no  
0x1101 FocusStepCount no  
0x1102 FlashFired no 0 = No
1 = Yes
0x1105 ZoomPosition no (in the range 0-255 for most cameras)
0x1200 LensAttached no (many CameraIFD tags are invalid if there is no lens attached)
0 = No
1 = Yes
0x1201 LensTypeMake no  
0x1202 LensTypeModel no  
0x1203 FocalLengthIn35mmFormat no  
0x1301 ApertureValue no  
0x1302 ShutterSpeedValue no  
0x1303 SensitivityValue no  
0x1305 HighISOMode no 1 = On
2 = Off
0x1412 FacesDetected no 0 = No
1 = Yes
0x3200 WB_CFA0_LevelDaylight no  
0x3201 WB_CFA1_LevelDaylight no  
0x3202 WB_CFA2_LevelDaylight no  
0x3203 WB_CFA3_LevelDaylight no  
0x3300 WhiteBalanceSet no --> PanasonicRaw WhiteBalance Values
0x3420 WB_RedLevelAuto no  
0x3421 WB_BlueLevelAuto no  
0x3501 Orientation no
1 = Horizontal (normal)
2 = Mirror horizontal
3 = Rotate 180
4 = Mirror vertical
5 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
6 = Rotate 90 CW
7 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
8 = Rotate 270 CW
0x3600 WhiteBalanceDetected no --> PanasonicRaw WhiteBalance Values

PanasonicRaw WhiteBalance Values

0= Auto 5= Flash 10= Custom#3
1= Daylight 6= n/a 11= Custom#4
2= Cloudy 7= n/a 12= Shade
3= Tungsten 8= Custom#1 13= Kelvin
4= n/a 9= Custom#2 16= AWBc

PanasonicRaw WBInfo Tags

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 NumWBEntries int16u  
1 WBType1 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
2 WB_RBLevels1 int16u[2]  
4 WBType2 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
5 WB_RBLevels2 int16u[2]  
7 WBType3 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
8 WB_RBLevels3 int16u[2]  
10 WBType4 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
11 WB_RBLevels4 int16u[2]  
13 WBType5 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
14 WB_RBLevels5 int16u[2]  
16 WBType6 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
17 WB_RBLevels6 int16u[2]  
19 WBType7 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
20 WB_RBLevels7 int16u[2]  

PanasonicRaw WBInfo2 Tags

Index2Tag Name WritableValues / Notes
0 NumWBEntries int16u  
1 WBType1 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
2 WB_RGBLevels1 int16u[3]  
5 WBType2 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
6 WB_RGBLevels2 int16u[3]  
9 WBType3 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
10 WB_RGBLevels3 int16u[3]  
13 WBType4 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
14 WB_RGBLevels4 int16u[3]  
17 WBType5 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
18 WB_RGBLevels5 int16u[3]  
21 WBType6 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
22 WB_RGBLevels6 int16u[3]  
25 WBType7 int16u --> EXIF LightSource Values
26 WB_RGBLevels7 int16u[3]  

PanasonicRaw DistortionInfo Tags

Lens distortion correction information.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0002 DistortionParam02 int16s  
0x0004 DistortionParam04 int16s  
0x0005 DistortionScale int16s  
7.1 DistortionCorrection int16s [val & 0xf]
0 = Off
1 = On
0x0008 DistortionParam08 int16s  
0x0009 DistortionParam09 int16s  
0x000b DistortionParam11 int16s  
0x000c DistortionN? int16s  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jul 11, 2024

<-- ExifTool Tag Names