Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001 MakerNoteVersion undef[4] 0x0002 ISO int16u[2] 0x0003 ColorMode string 0x0004 Quality string 0x0005 WhiteBalance string 0x0006 Sharpness string 0x0007 FocusMode string 0x0008 FlashSetting string 0x0009 FlashType string 0x000b WhiteBalanceFineTune int16s[n] 0x000c WB_RBLevels rational64u[4] 0x000d ProgramShift undef[4] 0x000e ExposureDifference undef[4] 0x000f ISOSelection string 0x0010 DataDump no 0x0011 PreviewIFD - --> Nikon PreviewIFD Tags 0x0012 FlashExposureComp undef[4] (may be set even if flash does not fire. Does not include the effect of flash bracketing.) 0x0013 ISOSetting int16u[2] 0x0014 ColorBalanceA
---> Nikon ColorBalanceA Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalanceB Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalanceC Tags0x0016 ImageBoundary int16u[4] 0x0017 ExternalFlashExposureComp undef[4] 0x0018 FlashExposureBracketValue undef[4] 0x0019 ExposureBracketValue rational64s 0x001a ImageProcessing string 0x001b CropHiSpeed int16u[7]
0 = Off
1 = 1.3x Crop
2 = DX Crop
3 = 5:4 Crop
4 = 3:2 Crop
6 = 16:9 Crop
8 = 2.7x Crop
9 = DX Movie Crop10 = 1.3x Movie Crop
11 = FX Uncropped
12 = DX Uncropped
13 = 2.8x Movie Crop
14 = 1.4x Movie Crop
15 = 1.5x Movie Crop
17 = 1:1 Crop0x001c ExposureTuning undef[3] 0x001d SerialNumber string! (this value is used as a key to decrypt other information -- writing this tag causes the other information to be re-encrypted with the new key) 0x001e ColorSpace int16u 1 = sRGB
2 = Adobe RGB
4 = BT.21000x001f VRInfo - --> Nikon VRInfo Tags 0x0020 ImageAuthentication int8u 0 = Off
1 = On0x0021 FaceDetect - --> Nikon FaceDetect Tags 0x0022 ActiveD-Lighting int16u
0 = Off
1 = Low
3 = Normal
5 = High
7 = Extra High8 = Extra High 1
9 = Extra High 2
10 = Extra High 3
11 = Extra High 4
65535 = Auto0x0023 PictureControlData undef!^ --> Nikon PictureControl Tags
--> Nikon PictureControl2 Tags
--> Nikon PictureControl3 Tags
--> Nikon PictureControlUnknown Tags0x0024 WorldTime - --> Nikon WorldTime Tags 0x0025 ISOInfo - --> Nikon ISOInfo Tags 0x002a VignetteControl int16u 0 = Off
1 = Low
3 = Normal
5 = High0x002b DistortInfo - --> Nikon DistortInfo Tags 0x002c UnknownInfo - --> Nikon UnknownInfo Tags 0x0032 UnknownInfo2 - --> Nikon UnknownInfo2 Tags 0x0034 ShutterMode int16u
0 = Mechanical
16 = Electronic
48 = Electronic Front Curtain
64 = Electronic (Movie)
80 = Auto (Mechanical)
81 = Auto (Electronic Front Curtain)
96 = Electronic (High Speed)0x0035 HDRInfo
---> Nikon HDRInfo Tags
--> Nikon HDRInfo2 Tags0x0037 MechanicalShutterCount int32u 0x0039 LocationInfo - --> Nikon LocationInfo Tags 0x003d BlackLevel int16u[4] 0x003e ImageSizeRAW yes 1 = Large
2 = Medium
3 = Small0x003f WhiteBalanceFineTune rational64s[2] 0x0044 JPGCompression yes 1 = Size Priority
3 = Optimal Quality0x0045 CropArea int16u[4] (left, top, width, height) 0x004e NikonSettings undef!^ --> NikonSettings Tags 0x004f ColorTemperatureAuto int16u 0x0080 ImageAdjustment string 0x0081 ToneComp string 0x0082 AuxiliaryLens string 0x0083 LensType int8u Bit 0 = MF
Bit 1 = D
Bit 2 = G
Bit 3 = VR
Bit 4 = 1
Bit 5 = FT-1
Bit 6 = E
Bit 7 = AF-P0x0084 Lens rational64u[4] 0x0085 ManualFocusDistance rational64u 0x0086 DigitalZoom rational64u 0x0087 FlashMode int8u
0 = Did Not Fire
1 = Fired, Manual
3 = Not Ready
7 = Fired, External
8 = Fired, Commander Mode
9 = Fired, TTL Mode
18 = LED Light0x0088 AFInfo - --> Nikon AFInfo Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo Tags0x0089 ShootingMode int16u~ (for the D70, Bit 5 = Unused LE-NR Slowdown)
Bit 0 = Continuous
Bit 1 = Delay
Bit 2 = PC Control
Bit 3 = Self-timer
Bit 4 = Exposure Bracketing
Bit 5 = Auto ISO
Bit 6 = White-Balance Bracketing
Bit 7 = IR Control
Bit 8 = D-Lighting Bracketing
Bit 11 = Pre-capture0x008b LensFStops undef[4] 0x008c ContrastCurve undef! 0x008d ColorHue string 0x008f SceneMode string 0x0090 LightSource string 0x0091 ShotInfoD40
---> Nikon ShotInfoD40 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD80 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD90 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD3a Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD3b Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD3X Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD3S Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD300a Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD300b Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD300S Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD700 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD780 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD7500 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD800 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD810 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD850 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD5000 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD5100 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD5200 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD7000 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD4 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD4S Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD500 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD6 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoD610 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoZ6III Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoZ7II Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoZ8 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfoZ9 Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfo Tags
--> Nikon ShotInfo Tags0x0092 HueAdjustment int16s 0x0093 NEFCompression int16u --> Nikon NEFCompression Values 0x0094 SaturationAdj int16s 0x0095 NoiseReduction string 0x0096 NEFLinearizationTable undef! 0x0097 ColorBalance0100
---> Nikon ColorBalance1 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance3 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance4 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance4 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance4 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown2 Tags
--> Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown Tags0x0098 LensData0100
---> Nikon LensData00 Tags
--> Nikon LensData01 Tags
--> Nikon LensData01 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0204 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0400 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0402 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0403 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0800 Tags
--> Nikon LensDataUnknown Tags0x0099 RawImageCenter int16u[2] 0x009a SensorPixelSize rational64u[2] 0x009c SceneAssist string 0x009d DateStampMode int16u (feature to imprint date/time on image)
0 = Off
1 = Date & Time
2 = Date
3 = Date Counter0x009e RetouchHistory int16u[10] [Values 0-9]
0 = None
3 = B & W
4 = Sepia
5 = Trim
6 = Small Picture
7 = D-Lighting
8 = Red Eye
9 = Cyanotype
10 = Sky Light
11 = Warm Tone
12 = Color Custom
13 = Image Overlay
14 = Red Intensifier
15 = Green Intensifier
16 = Blue Intensifier
17 = Cross Screen
18 = Quick Retouch
19 = NEF Processing
23 = Distortion Control
25 = Fisheye
26 = Straighten
29 = Perspective Control30 = Color Outline
31 = Soft Filter
32 = Resize
33 = Miniature Effect
34 = Skin Softening
35 = Selected Frame
37 = Color Sketch
38 = Selective Color
39 = Glamour
40 = Drawing
44 = Pop
45 = Toy Camera Effect 1
46 = Toy Camera Effect 2
47 = Cross Process (red)
48 = Cross Process (blue)
49 = Cross Process (green)
50 = Cross Process (yellow)
51 = Super Vivid
52 = High-contrast Monochrome
53 = High Key
54 = Low Key0x00a0 SerialNumber string 0x00a2 ImageDataSize int32u 0x00a5 ImageCount int32u 0x00a6 DeletedImageCount int32u 0x00a7 ShutterCount int32u! (includes both mechanical and electronic shutter activations for models with this feature. This value is used as a key to decrypt other information, and writing this tag causes the other information to be re-encrypted with the new key) 0x00a8 FlashInfo0100
---> Nikon FlashInfo0100 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0102 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0103 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0106 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0107 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0300 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfoUnknown Tags0x00a9 ImageOptimization string 0x00aa Saturation string 0x00ab VariProgram string 0x00ac ImageStabilization string 0x00ad AFResponse string 0x00b0 MultiExposure
---> Nikon MultiExposure Tags
--> Nikon MultiExposure Tags
--> Nikon MultiExposure2 Tags0x00b1 HighISONoiseReduction int16u
0 = Off
1 = Minimal
2 = Low
3 = Medium Low4 = Normal
5 = Medium High
6 = High0x00b3 ToningEffect string 0x00b6 PowerUpTime undef (date/time when camera was last powered up) 0x00b7 AFInfo2 - --> Nikon AFInfo2V0100 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0101 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0200 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0300 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0400 Tags0x00b8 FileInfo - --> Nikon FileInfo Tags
--> Nikon FileInfo Tags0x00b9 AFTune - --> Nikon AFTune Tags 0x00bb RetouchInfo - --> Nikon RetouchInfo Tags 0x00bd PictureControlData undef!^ --> Nikon PictureControl Tags 0x00bf SilentPhotography yes 0 = Off
1 = On0x00c3 BarometerInfo - --> Nikon BarometerInfo Tags 0x0e00 PrintIM - --> PrintIM Tags 0x0e01 NikonCaptureData undef!^ --> NikonCapture Tags
(this data is dropped when copying Nikon MakerNotes since it may be too large to fit in the EXIF segment of a JPEG image, but it may be copied as a block into existing Nikon MakerNotes later if desired)0x0e09 NikonCaptureVersion string^ 0x0e0e NikonCaptureOffsets undef^ --> Nikon CaptureOffsets Tags 0x0e10 NikonScanIFD - --> Nikon Scan Tags 0x0e13 NikonCaptureEditVersions
undef!^(the ExtractEmbedded option may be used to decode settings from the stored edit versions, otherwise this is extracted as a binary data block)
--> NikonCapture Tags0x0e1d NikonICCProfile undef! --> ICC_Profile Tags 0x0e1e NikonCaptureOutput undef!^ --> Nikon CaptureOutput Tags 0x0e22 NEFBitDepth int16u[4]! '0 0 0 0' = n/a (JPEG)
'8 8 8 0' = 8 x 3
'12 0 0 0' = 12
'14 0 0 0' = 14
'16 16 16 0' = 16 x 3
Value NEFCompression Value NEFCompression 1 = Lossy (type 1) 7 = Unpacked 12 bits 2 = Uncompressed 8 = Small 3 = Lossless 9 = Packed 12 bits 4 = Lossy (type 2) 10 = Packed 14 bits 5 = Striped packed 12 bits 13 = High Efficiency 6 = Uncompressed (reduced to 12 bit) 14 = High Efficiency*
Tags used by Nikon NX Studio in Nikon NKSC sidecar files and trailers.
These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-ast family 1 group.
Tag Name Writable Values / Notes About no GPSAltitude no GPSAltitudeRef no 0 = Above Sea Level
1 = Below Sea LevelGPSImgDirection no GPSImgDirectionRef no 'M' = Magnetic North
'T' = True NorthGPSLatitude no GPSLatitudeRef no 0 = North
1 = SouthGPSLongitude no GPSLongitudeRef no 2 = East
3 = WestGPSMapDatum no GPSVersionID no IPTC - --> IPTC Tags Version no XMLPackets - --> XMP Tags
These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-nine family 1 group.
Tag Name Writable Values / Notes About no Label no NineEdits - --> Nikon NineEdits Tags Rating no Trim no Version no
XML-based tags used to store editing information.
Tag Name Writable Values / Notes FilterParametersBinary no FilterParametersCustomCustomData no FilterParametersExportExportData no
These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-sdc family 1 group.
Tag Name Writable Values / Notes About no AppName no AppVersion no Version no
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x00fe SubfileType no 0x0 = Full-resolution image
0x1 = Reduced-resolution image
0x2 = Single page of multi-page image
0x3 = Single page of multi-page reduced-resolution image
0x4 = Transparency mask
0x5 = Transparency mask of reduced-resolution image
0x6 = Transparency mask of multi-page image
0x7 = Transparency mask of reduced-resolution multi-page image
0x8 = Depth map
0x9 = Depth map of reduced-resolution image
0x10 = Enhanced image data
0x10001 = Alternate reduced-resolution image
0x10004 = Semantic Mask
0xffffffff = invalid
Bit 0 = Reduced resolution
Bit 1 = Single page
Bit 2 = Transparency mask
Bit 3 = TIFF/IT final page
Bit 4 = TIFF-FX mixed raster content0x0103 Compression no --> EXIF Compression Values 0x011a XResolution no 0x011b YResolution no 0x0128 ResolutionUnit no 1 = None
2 = inches
3 = cm0x0201 PreviewImageStart int32u* 0x0202 PreviewImageLength int32u* 0x0213 YCbCrPositioning no 1 = Centered
2 = Co-sited
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 624 WB_RBLevels int16u[2]! (as shot) 626 WB_RBLevelsAuto int16u[2]! 628 WB_RBLevelsDaylight int16u[14]! (red/blue levels for 0,+3,+2,+1,-1,-2,-3) 642 WB_RBLevelsIncandescent int16u[14]! 656 WB_RBLevelsFluorescent int16u[6]! (red/blue levels for fluorescent W,N,D) 662 WB_RBLevelsCloudy int16u[14]! 676 WB_RBLevelsFlash int16u[14]! 690 WB_RBLevelsShade int16u[14]! (not valid for E8700)
Color balance tags used by the P6000.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 4 ColorBalanceVersion undef[4] 5096 WB_RGGBLevels int32u[4]! 5112 WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight int32u[4]! 5128 WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy int32u[4]! 5160 WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten int32u[4]! 5176 WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW int32u[4]! 5192 WB_RGGBLevelsFlash int32u[4]! 5224 WB_RGGBLevelsCustom int32u[4]! (all zero if preset WB not used) 5240 WB_RGGBLevelsAuto int32u[4]!
Color balance tags used by the P1000, P7000, P7100 and B700.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 4 ColorBalanceVersion undef[4] 32 BlackLevel int16u 56 WB_RGGBLevels int32u[4]! 76 WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight int32u[4]! 96 WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy int32u[4]! 116 WB_RGGBLevelsShade int32u[4]! (valid only for some models) 136 WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten int32u[4]! 156 WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW int32u[4]! 176 WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentN int32u[4]! 196 WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentD int32u[4]! 216 WB_RGGBLevelsHTMercury int32u[4]! 256 WB_RGGBLevelsCustom int32u[4]! (all zero if preset WB not used) 276 WB_RGGBLevelsAuto int32u[4]!
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 VRInfoVersion no 4 VibrationReduction int8u 0 = n/a
1 = On
2 = Off6 VRMode int8u (Z Series cameras thru October 2023)
0 = Off
1 = Normal
3 = Sport
0 = Normal
1 = On (1)
2 = Active
3 = Sport8 VRType int8u 2 = In-body
3 = In-body + Lens
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 1 FaceDetectFrameSize int16u[2] 3 FacesDetected int16u 4 Face1Position int16u[4] (top, left, width and height of face detect area in coordinates of FaceDetectFrameSize) 8 Face2Position int16u[4] 12 Face3Position int16u[4] 16 Face4Position int16u[4] 20 Face5Position int16u[4] 24 Face6Position int16u[4] 28 Face7Position int16u[4] 32 Face8Position int16u[4] 36 Face9Position int16u[4] 40 Face10Position int16u[4] 44 Face11Position int16u[4] 48 Face12Position int16u[4]
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 PictureControlVersion no 4 PictureControlName string[20] 24 PictureControlBase string[20] 48 PictureControlAdjust int8u 0 = Default Settings
1 = Quick Adjust
2 = Full Control49 PictureControlQuickAdjust int8u 50 Sharpness int8u 51 Contrast int8u 52 Brightness int8u 53 Saturation int8u 54 HueAdjustment int8u 55 FilterEffect int8u
0x80 = Off
0x81 = Yellow
0x82 = Orange0x83 = Red
0x84 = Green
0xff = n/a56 ToningEffect int8u
0x80 = B&W
0x81 = Sepia
0x82 = Cyanotype
0x83 = Red
0x84 = Yellow
0x85 = Green0x86 = Blue-green
0x87 = Blue
0x88 = Purple-blue
0x89 = Red-purple
0xff = n/a57 ToningSaturation int8u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 PictureControlVersion no 4 PictureControlName string[20] 24 PictureControlBase string[20] 48 PictureControlAdjust int8u 0 = Default Settings
1 = Quick Adjust
2 = Full Control49 PictureControlQuickAdjust int8u 51 Sharpness int8u 53 Clarity int8u 55 Contrast int8u 57 Brightness int8u 59 Saturation int8u 61 Hue int8u 63 FilterEffect int8u
0x80 = Off
0x81 = Yellow
0x82 = Orange0x83 = Red
0x84 = Green
0xff = n/a64 ToningEffect int8u
0x80 = B&W
0x81 = Sepia
0x82 = Cyanotype
0x83 = Red
0x84 = Yellow
0x85 = Green0x86 = Blue-green
0x87 = Blue
0x88 = Purple-blue
0x89 = Red-purple
0xff = n/a65 ToningSaturation int8u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 PictureControlVersion no 8 PictureControlName string[20] 28 PictureControlBase string[20] 54 PictureControlAdjust int8u 0 = Default Settings
1 = Quick Adjust
2 = Full Control55 PictureControlQuickAdjust int8u 57 Sharpness int8u 59 MidRangeSharpness int8u 61 Clarity int8u 63 Contrast int8u 65 Brightness int8u 67 Saturation int8u 69 Hue int8u 71 FilterEffect int8u
0x80 = Off
0x81 = Yellow
0x82 = Orange0x83 = Red
0x84 = Green
0xff = n/a72 ToningEffect int8u
0x80 = B&W
0x81 = Sepia
0x82 = Cyanotype
0x83 = Red
0x84 = Yellow
0x85 = Green0x86 = Blue-green
0x87 = Blue
0x88 = Purple-blue
0x89 = Red-purple
0xff = n/a73 ToningSaturation int8u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 PictureControlVersion no
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 TimeZone int16s 2 DaylightSavings int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes3 DateDisplayFormat int8u 0 = Y/M/D
1 = M/D/Y
2 = D/M/Y
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ISO int8u (val = 100 * 2**(raw/12-5)) 4 ISOExpansion int16u
0x0 = Off
0x101 = Hi 0.3
0x102 = Hi 0.5
0x103 = Hi 0.7
0x104 = Hi 1.0
0x105 = Hi 1.3
0x106 = Hi 1.5
0x107 = Hi 1.7
0x108 = Hi 2.0
0x109 = Hi 2.3
0x10a = Hi 2.5
0x10b = Hi 2.7
0x10c = Hi 3.00x10d = Hi 3.3
0x10e = Hi 3.5
0x10f = Hi 3.7
0x110 = Hi 4.0
0x111 = Hi 4.3
0x112 = Hi 4.5
0x113 = Hi 4.7
0x114 = Hi 5.0
0x201 = Lo 0.3
0x202 = Lo 0.5
0x203 = Lo 0.7
0x204 = Lo 1.06 ISO2 int8u (val = 100 * 2**(raw/12-5)) 10 ISOExpansion2 int16u
0x0 = Off
0x101 = Hi 0.3
0x102 = Hi 0.5
0x103 = Hi 0.7
0x104 = Hi 1.0
0x105 = Hi 1.3
0x106 = Hi 1.50x107 = Hi 1.7
0x108 = Hi 2.0
0x201 = Lo 0.3
0x202 = Lo 0.5
0x203 = Lo 0.7
0x204 = Lo 1.0
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 DistortionVersion? no 4 AutoDistortionControl int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (underwater)
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 UnknownInfoVersion? no
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 UnknownInfo2Version? no
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 HDRInfoVersion no 4 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (normal)
48 = Auto5 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 1 EV
2 = 2 EV
3 = 3 EV
255 = n/a6 HDRSmoothing int8u
0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Low3 = High
48 = Auto
255 = n/a7 HDRLevel2 int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 1 EV
2 = 2 EV
3 = 3 EV
255 = n/a
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 HDRInfoVersion no 4 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (normal)5 HDRLevel int8u
0 = n/a
1 = Normal
2 = Low3 = High
4 = High+
5 = Auto
Tags written by some Nikon GPS-equipped cameras like the AW100.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LocationInfoVersion undef[4] 4 TextEncoding int8u 0 = n/a
1 = UTF8
2 = UTF165 CountryCode undef[3] 8 POILevel int8u 9 Location undef[70]
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FirmwareVersion51 no 10 NEFCompression int16u --> Nikon NEFCompression Values
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FirmwareVersion no 4 BurstGroupID int16u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Single Area
1 = Dynamic Area
2 = Dynamic Area (closest subject)
3 = Group Dynamic
4 = Single Area (wide)
5 = Dynamic Area (wide)1 AFPoint int8u (in some focus modes this value is not meaningful)
0 = Center
1 = Top
2 = Bottom
3 = Mid-left
4 = Mid-right
5 = Upper-left6 = Upper-right
7 = Lower-left
8 = Lower-right
9 = Far Left
10 = Far Right2 AFPointsInFocus int16u
0x0 = (none)
0x7ff = All 11 Points
Bit 0 = Center
Bit 1 = Top
Bit 2 = Bottom
Bit 3 = Mid-left
Bit 4 = Mid-rightBit 5 = Upper-left
Bit 6 = Upper-right
Bit 7 = Lower-left
Bit 8 = Lower-right
Bit 9 = Far Left
Bit 10 = Far Right
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in D40 and D40X images.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 582 ShutterCount int32u 586.1 VibrationReduction int8u [val >> 3 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On729 CustomSettingsD40 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD40 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in D80 images.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 586 ShutterCount int32u 590.1 Rotation int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = Horizontal
1 = Rotate 270 CW
2 = Rotate 90 CW
3 = Rotate 180590.2 VibrationReduction int8u [val >> 3 & 0x3]
0 = Off
3 = On590.3 FlashFired int8u [val >> 5 & 0x7]
Bit 1 = Internal
Bit 2 = External708 NikonImageSize int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
0 = Large (10.0 M)
1 = Medium (5.6 M)
2 = Small (2.5 M)708.1 ImageQuality int8u [val & 0xf]
0 = NEF (RAW)
1 = JPEG Fine
2 = JPEG Normal
3 = JPEG Basic
4 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Fine
5 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Normal
6 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Basic748 CustomSettingsD80 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD80 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D90 with firmware 1.00.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 693 ISO2 int8u 725 ShutterCount int32u 884 CustomSettingsD90 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD90 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3 with firmware 1.00 and earlier.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 598 ISO2 int8u 630 ShutterCount int32u 723.1 NikonImageSize int8u [val >> 3 & 0x3]
0 = Large
1 = Medium
2 = Small723.2 ImageQuality int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Fine
1 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Norm
2 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Basic
3 = NEF (RAW)
4 = TIF (RGB)
5 = JPEG Fine
6 = JPEG Normal
7 = JPEG Basic769 CustomSettingsD3 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3 with firmware 1.10, 2.00, 2.01 and 2.02.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 ImageArea int8u 0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)605 ISO2 int8u 637 ShutterCount int32u (firmware 1.10) 639 ShutterCount int32u (firmware 2.00, 2.01 and 2.02) 650 PreFlashReturnStrength int8u (valid in TTL and TTL-BL flash control modes) 732.1 NikonImageSize int8u [val >> 3 & 0x3]
0 = Large
1 = Medium
2 = Small732.2 ImageQuality int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Fine
1 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Norm
2 = NEF (RAW) + JPEG Basic
3 = NEF (RAW)
4 = TIF (RGB)
5 = JPEG Fine
6 = JPEG Normal
7 = JPEG Basic778 CustomSettingsD3 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3X with firmware 1.00.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 605 ISO2 int8u 640 ShutterCount int32u 779 CustomSettingsD3X - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3S with firmware 1.00 and earlier.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 ImageArea int8u 0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)
3 = 1.2x (30x20)545 ISO2 int8u 578 ShutterCount int32u 671.1 JPGCompression int8u [val >> 6 & 0x1]
0 = Size Priority
1 = Optimal Quality718 CustomSettingsD3S - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300 with firmware 1.00 and earlier.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 604 ISO2 int8u 633 ShutterCount int32u 721 AFFineTuneAdj int16u
0x0 = 0
0x3a = +1
0x3b = +2
0x3c = +4
0x3d = +8
0x3e = +16
0xc2 = -16
0xc3 = -8
0xc4 = -4
0xc5 = -2
0xc6 = -1
0x103e = +17
0x10c2 = -17
0x203d = +90x203e = +18
0x20c2 = -18
0x20c3 = -9
0x303e = +19
0x30c2 = -19
0x403c = +5
0x403d = +10
0x403e = +20
0x40c2 = -20
0x40c3 = -10
0x40c4 = -5
0x603d = +11
0x60c3 = -11
0x803b = +30x803c = +6
0x803d = +12
0x80c3 = -12
0x80c4 = -6
0x80c5 = -3
0xa03d = +13
0xa0c3 = -13
0xc03c = +7
0xc03d = +14
0xc0c3 = -14
0xc0c4 = -7
0xe03d = +15
0xe0c3 = -15790 CustomSettingsD300 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300 with firmware 1.10.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 613 ISO2 int8u 644 ShutterCount int32u 732 AFFineTuneAdj int16u (firmware version 1.10B) (other versions)
0x0 = 0
0x83e = +11
0x8c2 = -11
0x203c = +3
0x203d = +6
0x203e = +12
0x20c2 = -12
0x20c3 = -6
0x20c4 = -3
0x383e = +13
0x38c2 = -13
0x503d = +7
0x503e = +14
0x50c2 = -140x50c3 = -7
0x683e = +15
0x68c2 = -15
0x803a = +1
0x803b = +2
0x803c = +4
0x803d = +8
0x803e = +16
0x80c2 = -16
0x80c3 = -8
0x80c4 = -4
0x80c5 = -2
0x80c6 = -1
0x983e = +170x98c2 = -17
0xb03d = +9
0xb03e = +18
0xb0c2 = -18
0xb0c3 = -9
0xc83e = +19
0xc8c2 = -19
0xe03c = +5
0xe03d = +10
0xe03e = +20
0xe0c2 = -20
0xe0c3 = -10
0xe0c4 = -5
0x0 = 0
0x43e = +13
0x4c2 = -13
0x183d = +7
0x183e = +14
0x18c2 = -14
0x18c3 = -7
0x2c3e = +15
0x2cc2 = -15
0x403a = +1
0x403b = +2
0x403c = +4
0x403d = +8
0x403e = +160x40c2 = -16
0x40c3 = -8
0x40c4 = -4
0x40c5 = -2
0x40c6 = -1
0x543e = +17
0x54c2 = -17
0x683d = +9
0x683e = +18
0x68c2 = -18
0x68c3 = -9
0x7c3e = +19
0x7cc2 = -19
0x903c = +50x903d = +10
0x903e = +20
0x90c2 = -20
0x90c3 = -10
0x90c4 = -5
0xb83d = +11
0xb8c3 = -11
0xe03b = +3
0xe03c = +6
0xe03d = +12
0xe0c3 = -12
0xe0c4 = -6
0xe0c5 = -3802 CustomSettingsD300 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300S with firmware 1.00.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 613 ISO2 int8u 646 ShutterCount int32u 804 CustomSettingsD300S - --> NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D700 with firmware 1.02f.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 613 ISO2 int8u 647 ShutterCount int32u 804 CustomSettingsD700 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD700 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D780.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 156 OrientOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 RollAngle fixed32u (converted to degrees of clockwise camera roll) 4 PitchAngle fixed32u (converted to degrees of upward camera tilt) 8 YawAngle fixed32u (the camera yaw angle when shooting in portrait orientation)
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D7500.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 160 OrientOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D800.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 1216 RepeatingFlashOutputExternal int8u 1218 RepeatingFlashRateExternal int8u 1219 RepeatingFlashCountExternal int8u 1234 FlashExposureComp2 int8s (includes the effect of flash bracketing) 1242 RepeatingFlashRateBuilt-in int8u 1243 RepeatingFlashCountBuilt-in int8u 1308 SequenceNumber int8u 1531 ShutterCount int32u 1772 CustomSettingsD800 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD800 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D810.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 SettingsOffset - --> Nikon SettingsInfoD810 Tags 36 BracketingOffset - --> Nikon BracketingInfoD810 Tags 56 ISOAutoOffset - --> Nikon ISOAutoInfoD810 Tags 64 CustomSettingsOffset - --> NikonCustom SettingsD810 Tags 132 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 316 SecondarySlotFunction int8u [val & 0x3]
0 = Overflow
2 = Backup
3 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 15 AEBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x20 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x30 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x40 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x50 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x81 = +3F0.3
0x82 = -3F0.3
0x83 = +2F0.3
0x84 = -2F0.3
0x85 = 3F0.3
0x86 = 5F0.3
0x87 = 7F0.3
0x88 = 9F0.3
0x91 = +3F0.5
0x92 = -3F0.5
0x93 = +2F0.5
0x94 = -2F0.5
0x95 = 3F0.5
0x96 = 5F0.5
0x97 = 7F0.5
0x98 = 9F0.5
0xa1 = +3F0.7
0xa2 = -3F0.7
0xa3 = +2F0.7
0xa4 = -2F0.70xa5 = 3F0.7
0xa6 = 5F0.7
0xa7 = 7F0.7
0xa8 = 9F0.7
0xb1 = +3F1
0xb2 = -3F1
0xb3 = +2F1
0xb4 = -2F1
0xb5 = 3F1
0xb6 = 5F1
0xb7 = 7F1
0xb8 = 9F1
0xc1 = +3F2
0xc2 = -3F2
0xc3 = +2F2
0xc4 = -2F2
0xc5 = 3F2
0xc6 = 5F2
0xd1 = +3F3
0xd2 = -3F3
0xd3 = +2F3
0xd4 = -2F3
0xd5 = 3F3
0xd6 = 5F316 WBBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = WB Bracketing Disabled
0x1 = b3F 1
0x2 = A3F 1
0x3 = b2F 1
0x4 = A2F 1
0x5 = 3F 1
0x6 = 5F 1
0x7 = 7F 1
0x8 = 9F 1
0x10 = 0F 2
0x11 = b3F 2
0x12 = A3F 2
0x13 = b2F 2
0x14 = A2F 20x15 = 3F 2
0x16 = 5F 2
0x17 = 7F 2
0x18 = 9F 2
0x20 = 0F 3
0x21 = b3F 3
0x22 = A3F 3
0x23 = b2F 3
0x24 = A2F 3
0x25 = 3F 3
0x26 = 5F 3
0x27 = 7F 3
0x28 = 9F 323 NikonMeteringMode int8u [val & 0x3]
0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 4 ISOAutoShutterTime int8u [val & 0x3f]
0 = 1/4000 s
1 = 1/3200 s
2 = 1/2500 s
3 = 1/2000 s
4 = 1/1600 s
5 = 1/1250 s
6 = 1/1000 s
7 = 1/800 s
8 = 1/640 s
9 = 1/500 s
10 = 1/400 s
11 = 1/320 s
12 = 1/250 s
13 = 1/200 s
14 = 1/160 s
15 = 1/125 s
16 = 1/100 s
17 = 1/80 s
18 = 1/60 s19 = 1/50 s
20 = 1/40 s
21 = 1/30 s
22 = 1/15 s
23 = 1/8 s
24 = 1/4 s
25 = 1/2 s
26 = 1 s
27 = 2 s
28 = 4 s
29 = 8 s
30 = 15 s
31 = 30 s
32 = Auto (Slowest)
33 = Auto (Slower)
34 = Auto
35 = Auto (Faster)
36 = Auto (Fastest)5 ISOAutoHiLimit int8u [val & 0xff]
0x24 = ISO 200
0x26 = ISO 250
0x27 = ISO 280
0x28 = ISO 320
0x2a = ISO 400
0x2c = ISO 500
0x2d = ISO 560
0x2e = ISO 640
0x30 = ISO 800
0x32 = ISO 1000
0x33 = ISO 1100
0x34 = ISO 1250
0x36 = ISO 1600
0x38 = ISO 2000
0x39 = ISO 2200
0x3a = ISO 2500
0x3c = ISO 3200
0x3e = ISO 4000
0x3f = ISO 4500
0x40 = ISO 5000
0x42 = ISO 64000x44 = ISO 8000
0x45 = ISO 9000
0x46 = ISO 10000
0x48 = ISO 12800
0x4a = ISO 16000
0x4b = ISO 18000
0x4c = ISO 20000
0x4e = ISO 25600
0x50 = ISO 32000
0x51 = ISO 36000
0x52 = ISO 40000
0x54 = ISO 51200
0x56 = ISO Hi 0.3
0x57 = ISO Hi 0.5
0x58 = ISO Hi 0.7
0x5a = ISO Hi 1.0
0x60 = ISO Hi 2.0
0x66 = ISO Hi 3.0
0x6c = ISO Hi 4.0
0x72 = ISO Hi 5.0
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D850.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 MenuSettingsOffset - --> Nikon MenuSettingsD850 Tags 76 MoreSettingsOffset - --> Nikon MoreSettingsD850 Tags 88 CustomSettingsOffset - --> NikonCustom SettingsD850 Tags 160 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 1757 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)
3 = 1.2x (30x20)
4 = 1:1 (24x24)
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 36 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u (valid for JPEG images only)
[val & 0x3]
0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D37 PrimarySlot int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = XQD Card
1 = SD Card
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D5000 with firmware 1.00.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 693 ISO2 int8u 726 ShutterCount int32u 888 CustomSettingsD5000 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD5000 Tags
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 801 ShutterCount int32u 1031 CustomSettingsD5100 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD5100 Tags
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 3032 ShutterCount int32u 3285 CustomSettingsD5200 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD5200 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D7000 with firmware 1.01b.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 800 ShutterCount int32u 1028 CustomSettingsD7000 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD7000 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D4.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 1873 CustomSettingsD4 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD4 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D4S.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 464 SecondarySlotFunction int8u [val & 0x3]
0 = Overflow
2 = Backup
3 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary5964 AEBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x20 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x30 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x40 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x50 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x81 = +3F0.3
0x82 = -3F0.3
0x83 = +2F0.3
0x84 = -2F0.3
0x85 = 3F0.3
0x86 = 5F0.3
0x87 = 7F0.3
0x88 = 9F0.3
0x91 = +3F0.5
0x92 = -3F0.5
0x93 = +2F0.5
0x94 = -2F0.5
0x95 = 3F0.5
0x96 = 5F0.5
0x97 = 7F0.5
0x98 = 9F0.5
0xa1 = +3F0.7
0xa2 = -3F0.7
0xa3 = +2F0.7
0xa4 = -2F0.70xa5 = 3F0.7
0xa6 = 5F0.7
0xa7 = 7F0.7
0xa8 = 9F0.7
0xb1 = +3F1
0xb2 = -3F1
0xb3 = +2F1
0xb4 = -2F1
0xb5 = 3F1
0xb6 = 5F1
0xb7 = 7F1
0xb8 = 9F1
0xc1 = +3F2
0xc2 = -3F2
0xc3 = +2F2
0xc4 = -2F2
0xc5 = 3F2
0xc6 = 5F2
0xd1 = +3F3
0xd2 = -3F3
0xd3 = +2F3
0xd4 = -2F3
0xd5 = 3F3
0xd6 = 5F35965 WBBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = WB Bracketing Disabled
0x1 = b3F 1
0x2 = A3F 1
0x3 = b2F 1
0x4 = A2F 1
0x5 = 3F 1
0x6 = 5F 1
0x7 = 7F 1
0x8 = 9F 1
0x10 = 0F 2
0x11 = b3F 2
0x12 = A3F 2
0x13 = b2F 2
0x14 = A2F 20x15 = 3F 2
0x16 = 5F 2
0x17 = 7F 2
0x18 = 9F 2
0x20 = 0F 3
0x21 = b3F 3
0x22 = A3F 3
0x23 = b2F 3
0x24 = A2F 3
0x25 = 3F 3
0x26 = 5F 3
0x27 = 7F 3
0x28 = 9F 36221 ReleaseMode int8u [val & 0xff]
0 = Single Frame
1 = Continuous High Speed
3 = Continuous Low Speed
4 = Timer
32 = Mirror-Up
64 = Quiet6301 CustomSettingsD4S - --> NikonCustom SettingsD4 Tags
(firmware version 1.00)6338 MultiSelectorLiveViewMode int8u [val >> 6 & 0x3]
0 = Reset
1 = Zoom
3 = None6378 ISOAutoShutterTime int8u [val & 0x3f]
0 = 1/4000 s
1 = 1/3200 s
2 = 1/2500 s
3 = 1/2000 s
4 = 1/1600 s
5 = 1/1250 s
6 = 1/1000 s
7 = 1/800 s
8 = 1/640 s
9 = 1/500 s
10 = 1/400 s
11 = 1/320 s
12 = 1/250 s
13 = 1/200 s
14 = 1/160 s
15 = 1/125 s
16 = 1/100 s
17 = 1/80 s
18 = 1/60 s19 = 1/50 s
20 = 1/40 s
21 = 1/30 s
22 = 1/15 s
23 = 1/8 s
24 = 1/4 s
25 = 1/2 s
26 = 1 s
27 = 2 s
28 = 4 s
29 = 8 s
30 = 15 s
31 = 30 s
32 = Auto (Slowest)
33 = Auto (Slower)
34 = Auto
35 = Auto (Faster)
36 = Auto (Fastest)6379 ISOAutoHiLimit int8u [val & 0xff]
0x24 = ISO 200
0x26 = ISO 250
0x27 = ISO 280
0x28 = ISO 320
0x2a = ISO 400
0x2c = ISO 500
0x2d = ISO 560
0x2e = ISO 640
0x30 = ISO 800
0x32 = ISO 1000
0x33 = ISO 1100
0x34 = ISO 1250
0x36 = ISO 1600
0x38 = ISO 2000
0x39 = ISO 2200
0x3a = ISO 2500
0x3c = ISO 3200
0x3e = ISO 4000
0x3f = ISO 4500
0x40 = ISO 5000
0x42 = ISO 64000x44 = ISO 8000
0x45 = ISO 9000
0x46 = ISO 10000
0x48 = ISO 12800
0x4a = ISO 16000
0x4b = ISO 18000
0x4c = ISO 20000
0x4e = ISO 25600
0x50 = ISO 32000
0x51 = ISO 36000
0x52 = ISO 40000
0x54 = ISO 51200
0x56 = ISO Hi 0.3
0x57 = ISO Hi 0.5
0x58 = ISO Hi 0.7
0x5a = ISO Hi 1.0
0x60 = ISO Hi 2.0
0x66 = ISO Hi 3.0
0x6c = ISO Hi 4.0
0x72 = ISO Hi 5.06461 CustomSettingsD4S - --> NikonCustom SettingsD4 Tags
(firmware version 1.01)13579 OrientationInfo - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 13971 Rotation int8u [val >> 4 & 0x3]
0 = Horizontal
1 = Rotate 270 CW
2 = Rotate 90 CW
3 = Rotate 180
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D5 and D500.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 RotationInfoOffset - --> Nikon RotationInfoD500 Tags 20 JPGInfoOffset - --> Nikon JPGInfoD500 Tags 44 BracketingOffset - --> Nikon BracketingInfoD500 Tags 80 ShootingMenuOffset - --> Nikon ShootingMenuD500 Tags 88 CustomSettingsOffset - --> Nikon CustomSettingsD500 Tags 160 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 168 OtherOffset - --> Nikon OtherInfoD500 Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 26 Rotation int8u [val & 0x3]
0 = Horizontal
1 = Rotate 270 CW
2 = Rotate 90 CW
3 = Rotate 18032 Interval int8u~ 36 IntervalFrame int8u~ 1330 FlickerReductionIndicator int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = On
1 = Off
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 36 JPGCompression int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = Size Priority
1 = Optimal Quality
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 15 AEBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x20 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x30 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x40 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x50 = AE Bracketing Disabled
0x81 = +3F0.3
0x82 = -3F0.3
0x83 = +2F0.3
0x84 = -2F0.3
0x85 = 3F0.3
0x86 = 5F0.3
0x87 = 7F0.3
0x88 = 9F0.3
0x91 = +3F0.5
0x92 = -3F0.5
0x93 = +2F0.5
0x94 = -2F0.5
0x95 = 3F0.5
0x96 = 5F0.5
0x97 = 7F0.5
0x98 = 9F0.5
0xa1 = +3F0.7
0xa2 = -3F0.7
0xa3 = +2F0.7
0xa4 = -2F0.70xa5 = 3F0.7
0xa6 = 5F0.7
0xa7 = 7F0.7
0xa8 = 9F0.7
0xb1 = +3F1
0xb2 = -3F1
0xb3 = +2F1
0xb4 = -2F1
0xb5 = 3F1
0xb6 = 5F1
0xb7 = 7F1
0xb8 = 9F1
0xc1 = +3F2
0xc2 = -3F2
0xc3 = +2F2
0xc4 = -2F2
0xc5 = 3F2
0xc6 = 5F2
0xd1 = +3F3
0xd2 = -3F3
0xd3 = +2F3
0xd4 = -2F3
0xd5 = 3F3
0xd6 = 5F316 WBBracketingSteps int8u [val & 0xff]
0x0 = WB Bracketing Disabled
0x1 = b3F 1
0x2 = A3F 1
0x3 = b2F 1
0x4 = A2F 1
0x5 = 3F 1
0x6 = 5F 1
0x7 = 7F 1
0x8 = 9F 1
0x10 = 0F 2
0x11 = b3F 2
0x12 = A3F 2
0x13 = b2F 2
0x14 = A2F 20x15 = 3F 2
0x16 = 5F 2
0x17 = 7F 2
0x18 = 9F 2
0x20 = 0F 3
0x21 = b3F 3
0x22 = A3F 3
0x23 = b2F 3
0x24 = A2F 3
0x25 = 3F 3
0x26 = 5F 3
0x27 = 7F 3
0x28 = 9F 323 ADLBracketingStep int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal3 = High
4 = Extra High
8 = Auto24 ADLBracketingType int8u [val & 0xf]
0 = Off
1 = 2 Shots
2 = 3 Shots
3 = 4 Shots
4 = 5 Shots
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u [val & 0x3]
0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D2 PrimarySlot int8u (D500 only)
[val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = XQD Card
1 = SD Card4 ISOAutoShutterTime int8u [val & 0x3f]
0 = 1/4000 s
1 = 1/3200 s
2 = 1/2500 s
3 = 1/2000 s
4 = 1/1600 s
5 = 1/1250 s
6 = 1/1000 s
7 = 1/800 s
8 = 1/640 s
9 = 1/500 s
10 = 1/400 s
11 = 1/320 s
12 = 1/250 s
13 = 1/200 s
14 = 1/160 s
15 = 1/125 s
16 = 1/100 s
17 = 1/80 s
18 = 1/60 s19 = 1/50 s
20 = 1/40 s
21 = 1/30 s
22 = 1/15 s
23 = 1/8 s
24 = 1/4 s
25 = 1/2 s
26 = 1 s
27 = 2 s
28 = 4 s
29 = 8 s
30 = 15 s
31 = 30 s
32 = Auto (Slowest)
33 = Auto (Slower)
34 = Auto
35 = Auto (Faster)
36 = Auto (Fastest)5 ISOAutoHiLimit int8u [val & 0xff]
0x24 = ISO 200
0x26 = ISO 250
0x27 = ISO 280
0x28 = ISO 320
0x2a = ISO 400
0x2c = ISO 500
0x2d = ISO 560
0x2e = ISO 640
0x30 = ISO 800
0x32 = ISO 1000
0x33 = ISO 1100
0x34 = ISO 1250
0x36 = ISO 1600
0x38 = ISO 2000
0x39 = ISO 2200
0x3a = ISO 2500
0x3c = ISO 3200
0x3e = ISO 4000
0x3f = ISO 4500
0x40 = ISO 5000
0x42 = ISO 64000x44 = ISO 8000
0x45 = ISO 9000
0x46 = ISO 10000
0x48 = ISO 12800
0x4a = ISO 16000
0x4b = ISO 18000
0x4c = ISO 20000
0x4e = ISO 25600
0x50 = ISO 32000
0x51 = ISO 36000
0x52 = ISO 40000
0x54 = ISO 51200
0x56 = ISO Hi 0.3
0x57 = ISO Hi 0.5
0x58 = ISO Hi 0.7
0x5a = ISO Hi 1.0
0x60 = ISO Hi 2.0
0x66 = ISO Hi 3.0
0x6c = ISO Hi 4.0
0x72 = ISO Hi 5.07 FlickerReduction int8u [val >> 5 & 0x1]
0 = Enable
1 = Disable7.1 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)
3 = 1.2x (30x20)
4 = 1.3x (18x12)
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 CustomSettingsD5
---> NikonCustom SettingsD5 Tags
--> NikonCustom SettingsD500 Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 532 NikonMeteringMode int8u (D500 only)
[val & 0x3]
0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D6.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 48 SequenceOffset - --> Nikon SeqInfoD6 Tags 156 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 164 IntervalOffset - --> Nikon IntervalInfoD6 Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 36 IntervalShooting int16u~ 43 ImageArea int8u
0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)3 = 1.2x (30x20)
4 = 1:1 (24x24)
6 = 16:9
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 380 Intervals int32u 384 ShotsPerInterval int32u 388 IntervalExposureSmoothing int8u 0 = Off
1 = On390 IntervalPriority int8u 0 = Off
1 = On424 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 428 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 432 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 436 FocusShiftExposureLock int8u 0 = Off
1 = On526 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On532 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash538 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a542 FlashOutput? int8u 552 FlashRemoteControl? int8u 0 = Group
1 = Quick Wireless
2 = Remote Repeating556 FlashMasterControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Manual
2 = Auto
3 = Off558 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 562 FlashMasterOutput? int8u 564 FlashWirelessOption? int8u 0 = Optical AWL
1 = Off714 MovieType? int8u 0 = MOV
1 = MP4
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D610.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 1999 CustomSettingsD610 - --> NikonCustom SettingsD610 Tags
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z6III.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 136 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 144 MenuOffset - --> Nikon MenuSettingsZ6III Tags
These tags are used by the Z6III.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 364 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15444 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)446 MultiExposureShots int8u 476 IntervalDurationHours int32u 480 IntervalDurationMinutes int32u 484 IntervalDurationSeconds int32u 492 Intervals int32u 496 ShotsPerInterval int32u 500 IntervalExposureSmoothing int8u 0 = Off
1 = On502 IntervalPriority int8u 0 = Off
1 = On536 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 540 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 544 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 548 FocusShiftExposureLock int8u 0 = Off
1 = On648 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On650 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 2000
16 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 500020 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO 32000
28 = ISO 40000
29 = ISO 51200
30 = ISO 64000
31 = ISO Hi 0.3
32 = ISO Hi 0.7
33 = ISO Hi 1.0
35 = ISO Hi 1.7718 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On719 AutoDistortionControl int8u 0 = Off
1 = On720 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On722 NikonMeteringMode int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight724 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash730 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a734 FlashOutput? int8u 742 FlashWirelessOption? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Optical AWL
2 = Optical/Radio AWL
3 = Radio AWL744 FlashRemoteControl? int8u 0 = Group
1 = Quick Wireless
2 = Remote Repeating748 FlashMasterControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Manual
2 = Auto
3 = Off750 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 754 FlashMasterOutput? int8u 832 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)834 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport838 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting840 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F842 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7852 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)858 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary864 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = Extra High
2 = High
3 = Normal
4 = Low868 Slot2JpgSize? int8u 0 = Large (6048x4032)
1 = Medium (4528x3024)
2 = Small (3024x2016)878 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes880 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large884 ToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG888 PortraitImpressionBalance int8u 0 = Off
1 = Mode 1
2 = Mode 2
3 = Mode 3902 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On904 PixelShiftShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)906 PixelShiftNumberShots int8u 0 = 4
1 = 8
2 = 16
3 = 32908 PixelShiftDelay int8u~ 910 PixelShiftInterval int8u~ 1002 SubjectDetectionAreaMF int8u 0 = Off
1 = All
2 = Wide (L)
3 = Wide (S)1004 LinkVRToFocusPoint? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1046 MovieSlowMotion? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (4x)
2 = On (5x)1050 MovieType int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)1162 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x30241164 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 240p
1 = 200p
2 = 120p3 = 100p
4 = 60p
5 = 50p6 = 30p
7 = 25p
8 = 24p1255 CustomSettingsZ6III - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ6III Tags 2300 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese2302 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)2308 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo12444 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release2450 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On2476 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On2480 SaveFocusPosition? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On2487 SilentPhotography? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On2496 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z7II.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 48 IntervalOffset - --> Nikon IntervalInfoZ7II Tags 56 PortraitOffset - --> Nikon PortraitInfoZ7II Tags 136 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 152 OrientationOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 160 MenuOffset - --> Nikon MenuInfoZ7II Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 36 IntervalShooting int16u~ 43 ImageArea int8u
0 = FX (36x24)
1 = DX (24x16)
2 = 5:4 (30x24)3 = 1.2x (30x20)
4 = 1:1 (24x24)
6 = 16:9
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 160 PortraitImpressionBalance int8u[2]~
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 16 MenuSettingsOffsetZ7II - --> Nikon MenuSettingsZ7II Tags
These tags are used by the Z5, Z6, Z7, Z6II, Z7II, Z50, Zfc and Zf.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 92 ReleaseMode no 0 = Continuous Low
1 = Continuous High
2 = Continuous High (Extended)
4 = Timer
5 = Single Frame160 IntervalDurationHours int32u 164 IntervalDurationMinutes int32u 168 IntervalDurationSeconds int32u 176 Intervals int32u 180 ShotsPerInterval int32u 184 IntervalExposureSmoothing int8u 0 = Off
1 = On186 IntervalPriority int8u 0 = Off
1 = On220 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 224 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 228 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 232 FocusShiftExposureLock int8u 0 = Off
1 = On322 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On323 AutoDistortionControl int8u 0 = Off
1 = On326 NikonMeteringMode int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight328 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash334 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a338 FlashOutput? int8u 346 FlashWirelessOption? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Optical AWL
2 = Optical/Radio AWL
3 = Radio AWL348 FlashRemoteControl? int8u 0 = Group
1 = Quick Wireless
2 = Remote Repeating352 FlashMasterControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Manual
2 = Auto
3 = Off354 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 358 FlashMasterOutput? int8u 502 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024504 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p506 MovieSlowMotion? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (4x)
2 = On (5x)510 MovieType? int8u 0 = MOV
1 = MP4516 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0568 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High572 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High574 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High576 MovieVignetteControlSameAsPhoto? int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes577 MovieDiffractionCompensation? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On578 MovieAutoDistortionControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On584 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F590 MovieVibrationReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (Normal)
2 = On (Sport)591 MovieVibrationReductionSameAsPhoto? int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes858 HDMIOutputN-Log? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z8.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 48 SequenceOffset - --> Nikon SeqInfoZ9 Tags 128 AutoCaptureOffset - --> Nikon AutoCaptureInfo Tags 132 OrientOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 140 MenuOffset - --> Nikon MenuInfoZ8 Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 32 FocusShiftShooting int8u~ 40 IntervalShooting int16u~
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AutoCapturedFrame int8u 0 = No
5 = Yes1 AutoCaptureCriteria int8u~ Bit 0 = Distance
Bit 1 = Motion
Bit 2 = Subject Detection55 AutoCaptureRecordingTime int8u
0 = 1 Sec
1 = 3 Sec
2 = 5 Sec
4 = 30 Sec
5 = No Limit6 = 2 Sec
7 = 10 Sec
8 = 20 Sec
9 = 1 Min
10 = 3 Min11 = 5 Min
12 = 10 Min
13 = 30 Min56 AutoCaptureWaitTime int8u
0 = No Wait
1 = 10 Sec
2 = 30 Sec
3 = 1 Min
4 = 5 Min5 = 10 Min
6 = 30 Min
7 = 1 Sec
8 = 2 Sec
9 = 3 Sec10 = 5 Sec
11 = 20 Sec
12 = 3 Min74 AutoCaptureDistanceFar int8u~ 78 AutoCaptureDistanceNear int8u~ 95 AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionDirection int8u~ Bit 0 = Top Left
Bit 1 = Top Right
Bit 2 = Bottom Left
Bit 3 = Bottom Right
Bit 4 = Left
Bit 5 = Right
Bit 6 = Top Center
Bit 7 = Bottom Center99 AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionSpeed int8u 100 AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionSize int8u 105 AutoCaptureCriteriaSubjectSize int8u 106 AutoCaptureCriteriaSubjectType int8u 0 = Auto (all)
1 = People
2 = Animals
3 = Vehicle
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 16 MenuSettingsOffsetZ8
-(Firmware versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ8 Tags
(Firmware version 2.0)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ8v2 Tags
These tags are used by the Z8 firmware 1.00.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 72 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15152 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)154 MultiExposureShots int8u 184 IntervalDurationHours int32u 188 IntervalDurationMinutes int32u 192 IntervalDurationSeconds int32u 200 Intervals int32u 204 ShotsPerInterval int32u 208 IntervalExposureSmoothing int8u 0 = Off
1 = On210 IntervalPriority int8u 0 = Off
1 = On244 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 248 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 252 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 256 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On286 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D288 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On324 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1338 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On340 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0342 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0350 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s432 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High434 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On436 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On440 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash548 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)550 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport554 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting556 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F558 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7570 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)576 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary582 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = Extra High
2 = High
3 = Normal
4 = Low586 Slot2JpgSize? int8u 0 = Large (8256x5504)
1 = Medium (6192x4128)
2 = Small (4128x2752)592 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On594 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes596 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large618 ToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG622 PortraitImpressionBalance int8u 0 = Off
1 = Mode 1
2 = Mode 2
3 = Mode 3636 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On730 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX740 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)742 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0744 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On746 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0820 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High822 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High828 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz830 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight832 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F834 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)836 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport840 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On842 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual844 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 846 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On848 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range850 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On882 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024884 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p886 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On887 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On888 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes896 MovieHighResZoom? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On943 CustomSettingsZ8 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ8 Tags 1684 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1690 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo11698 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1712 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1716 NonCPULens1FocalLength? int16u~ 1718 NonCPULens2FocalLength? int16u~ 1720 NonCPULens3FocalLength? int16u~ 1722 NonCPULens4FocalLength? int16u~ 1724 NonCPULens5FocalLength? int16u~ 1726 NonCPULens6FocalLength? int16u~ 1728 NonCPULens7FocalLength? int16u~ 1730 NonCPULens8FocalLength? int16u~ 1732 NonCPULens9FocalLength? int16u~ 1734 NonCPULens10FocalLength? int16u~ 1736 NonCPULens11FocalLength? int16u~ 1738 NonCPULens12FocalLength? int16u~ 1740 NonCPULens13FocalLength? int16u~ 1742 NonCPULens14FocalLength? int16u~ 1744 NonCPULens15FocalLength? int16u~ 1746 NonCPULens16FocalLength? int16u~ 1748 NonCPULens17FocalLength? int16u~ 1750 NonCPULens18FocalLength? int16u~ 1752 NonCPULens19FocalLength? int16u~ 1754 NonCPULens20FocalLength? int16u~ 1756 NonCPULens1MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1758 NonCPULens2MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1760 NonCPULens3MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1762 NonCPULens4MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1764 NonCPULens5MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1766 NonCPULens6MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1768 NonCPULens7MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1770 NonCPULens8MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1772 NonCPULens9MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1774 NonCPULens10MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1776 NonCPULens11MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1778 NonCPULens12MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1780 NonCPULens13MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1782 NonCPULens14MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1784 NonCPULens15MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1786 NonCPULens16MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1788 NonCPULens17MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1790 NonCPULens18MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1792 NonCPULens19MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1794 NonCPULens20MaxAperture? int16u
12 = f/1.2
24 = f/1.4
40 = f/1.8
48 = f/2.0
64 = f/2.5
72 = f/2.8
84 = f/3.3
88 = f/3.596 = f/4.0
104 = f/4.5
112 = f/5.0
120 = f/5.6
128 = f/6.3
136 = f/7.1
144 = f/8
156 = f/9.5168 = f/11
180 = f/13
188 = f/15
192 = f/16
204 = f/19
216 = f/22
313 = N/A1808 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1826 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1827 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1862 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1890 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1899 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes
These tags are used by the Z8 firmware 1.00.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 72 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15152 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)154 MultiExposureShots int8u 184 IntervalDurationHours int32u 188 IntervalDurationMinutes int32u 192 IntervalDurationSeconds int32u 200 Intervals int32u 204 ShotsPerInterval int32u 208 IntervalExposureSmoothing int8u 0 = Off
1 = On210 IntervalPriority int8u 0 = Off
1 = On244 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 248 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 252 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 256 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On286 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D288 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On324 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1338 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On340 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0342 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0350 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s432 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High434 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On436 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On440 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash548 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)550 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport554 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting556 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F558 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7570 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)576 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary582 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = Extra High
2 = High
3 = Normal
4 = Low586 Slot2JpgSize? int8u 0 = Large (8256x5504)
1 = Medium (6192x4128)
2 = Small (4128x2752)592 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On594 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes596 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large618 ToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG622 PortraitImpressionBalance int8u 0 = Off
1 = Mode 1
2 = Mode 2
3 = Mode 3636 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On730 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX740 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)742 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0744 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On746 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0820 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High822 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High828 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz830 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight832 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F834 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)836 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport840 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On842 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual844 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 846 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On848 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range850 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On878 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024880 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p886 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On887 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On888 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes896 MovieHighResZoom? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On943 CustomSettingsZ8 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ8 Tags 1698 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1700 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1706 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo11728 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1732 NonCPULens1FocalLength? int16u~ 1734 NonCPULens2FocalLength? int16u~ 1736 NonCPULens3FocalLength? int16u~ 1738 NonCPULens4FocalLength? int16u~ 1740 NonCPULens5FocalLength? int16u~ 1742 NonCPULens6FocalLength? int16u~ 1744 NonCPULens7FocalLength? int16u~ 1746 NonCPULens8FocalLength? int16u~ 1748 NonCPULens9FocalLength? int16u~ 1750 NonCPULens10FocalLength? int16u~ 1752 NonCPULens11FocalLength? int16u~ 1754 NonCPULens12FocalLength? int16u~ 1756 NonCPULens13FocalLength? int16u~ 1758 NonCPULens14FocalLength? int16u~ 1760 NonCPULens15FocalLength? int16u~ 1762 NonCPULens16FocalLength? int16u~ 1764 NonCPULens17FocalLength? int16u~ 1766 NonCPULens18FocalLength? int16u~ 1768 NonCPULens19FocalLength? int16u~ 1770 NonCPULens20FocalLength? int16u~ 1812 NonCPULens1MaxAperture? int32u~ 1816 NonCPULens2MaxAperture? int32u~ 1820 NonCPULens3MaxAperture? int32u~ 1824 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1828 NonCPULens5MaxAperture? int32u~ 1832 NonCPULens6MaxAperture? int32u~ 1836 NonCPULens7MaxAperture? int32u~ 1840 NonCPULens8MaxAperture? int32u~ 1842 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1843 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1844 NonCPULens9MaxAperture? int32u~ 1848 NonCPULens10MaxAperture? int32u~ 1852 NonCPULens11MaxAperture? int32u~ 1856 NonCPULens12MaxAperture? int32u~ 1860 NonCPULens13MaxAperture? int32u~ 1864 NonCPULens14MaxAperture? int32u~ 1868 NonCPULens15MaxAperture? int32u~ 1872 NonCPULens16MaxAperture? int32u~ 1876 NonCPULens17MaxAperture? int32u~ 1878 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1880 NonCPULens18MaxAperture? int32u~ 1884 NonCPULens19MaxAperture? int32u~ 1888 NonCPULens20MaxAperture? int32u~ 1906 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1915 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes2046 PixelShiftShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)2048 PixelShiftNumberShots int8u 0 = 4
1 = 8
2 = 16
3 = 322050 PixelShiftDelay int8u
0 = Off
1 = 1 s
2 = 2 s3 = 3 s
4 = 5 s
5 = 10 s2052 PlaybackButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2054 WBButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2056 BracketButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2058 LensFunc1ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2060 LensFunc2ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2062 PlaybackButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2064 BracketButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values
Value ButtonsZ9 Value ButtonsZ9 0 = None 71 = ISO 1 = Preview 72 = Shooting Mode 3 = FV Lock 73 = Exposure Compensation 4 = AE/AF Lock 76 = Silent Mode 5 = AE Lock Only 78 = LiveView Information 6 = AE Lock (reset on release) 79 = AWB Lock (hold) 7 = AE Lock (hold) 80 = Grid Display 8 = AF Lock Only 81 = Starlight View 9 = AF-On 82 = Select To Send (PC) 10 = Flash Disable/Enable 83 = Select To Send (FTP) 11 = Bracketing Burst 84 = Pattern Tone Range 12 = +NEF(RAW) 85 = Control Lock 18 = Virtual Horizon 86 = Save Focus Position 19 = Synchronized Release 87 = Recall Focus Position 20 = My Menu 88 = Recall Shooting Functions (Hold) 21 = My Menu Top Item 89 = Set Picture Control (HLG) 22 = Playback 90 = Skin Softening 23 = Rating 91 = Portrait Impression Balance 24 = Protect 92 = Fast AF-On 25 = Zoom 97 = High Frequency Flicker Reduction 26 = Focus Peaking 98 = Switch FX/DX 27 = Flash Mode/Compensation 99 = View Mode (Photo LV) 28 = Image Area 100 = Photo Flicker Reduction 30 = Non-CPU Lens 101 = Filtered Playback (Select Criteria) 31 = Active-D Lighting 103 = Start Series Playback 32 = Exposure Delay Mode 104 = View Assist 33 = 1 Stop Speed/Aperture 105 = Hi-Res Zoom+ 34 = White Balance 106 = Hi-Res Zoom- 35 = Metering 108 = Override Other Cameras 36 = Auto Bracketing 109 = DISP - Cycle Information Display (shooting) 37 = Multiple Exposure 110 = DISP - Cycle Information Display (playback) 38 = HDR Overlay 111 = Resume Shooting 39 = Picture Control 112 = Switch Eyes 40 = Quality 113 = Power Zoom + 41 = Focus Mode/AF AreaMode 114 = Power Zoom - 42 = Select Center Focus Point 115 = Delete 44 = Record Movie 116 = Pixel Shift Shooting 45 = Thumbnail On/Off 117 = Cycle AF-area Mode 46 = View Histograms 118 = Raw Processing (Current) 47 = Choose Folder 119 = Raw Processing (Multiple) 48 = Power Aperture (Open) 120 = Trim 49 = Power Aperture (Close) 121 = Resize (Current) 52 = Microphone Sensitivity 122 = Resize (Multiple) 53 = Release Mode 123 = D-Lighting 57 = Preset Focus Point 124 = Straighten 58 = AE/AWB Lock (hold) 125 = Distortion Control 59 = AF-AreaMode 126 = Perspective Control 60 = AF-AreaMode + AF-On 127 = Monochrome 61 = Recall Shooting Functions 128 = Overlay (Add) 64 = Filtered Playback 129 = Lighten 65 = Same as AF-On 130 = Darken 66 = Voice Memo 131 = Motion Blend 70 = Photo Shooting Bank
These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z9.
Index Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 48 SequenceOffset - --> Nikon SeqInfoZ9 Tags 88 Offset13 - --> Nikon Offset13InfoZ9 Tags 128 AutoCaptureOffset - --> Nikon AutoCaptureInfo Tags 132 OrientOffset - --> Nikon OrientationInfo Tags 140 MenuOffset - --> Nikon MenuInfoZ9 Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 3048 AFAreaInitialXPosition int8s~ 3049 AFAreaInitialYPosition int8s~ 3050 AFAreaInitialWidth int8u 3051 AFAreaInitialHeight int8u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 16 MenuSettingsOffsetZ9
-(Firmware versions 2.11 and earlier)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ9 Tags
(Firmware versions 3.0 and v3.10)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v3 Tags
(Firmware versions 4.x and 5.0)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v4 Tags
(Firmware versions 4.x and 5.0)
--> Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v5 Tags
These tags are used by the Z9.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 140 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)142 MultiExposureShots int8u 188 Intervals int32u 192 ShotsPerInterval int32u 232 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 236 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 240 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 244 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On274 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D276 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On308 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1322 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On324 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0326 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0334 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s416 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High418 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On420 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On424 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash426 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 430 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a434 FlashOutput? int8u 444 FlashRemoteControl? int8u 0 = Group
1 = Quick Wireless
2 = Remote Repeating456 FlashWirelessOption? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Optical AWL
2 = Optical/Radio AWL
3 = Radio AWL528 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)530 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport534 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting536 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F538 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7556 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary572 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On574 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes576 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large604 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX614 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)616 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0618 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On620 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0696 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High698 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High704 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz706 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight708 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F710 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)712 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport716 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On718 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual720 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 722 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On724 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range726 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On748 MovieToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG
2 = N-Log754 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024756 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p762 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On763 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On764 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes799 CustomSettingsZ9 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ9 Tags 1426 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1428 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1434 MonitorBrightness? no 1456 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1552 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1565 SetClockFromLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1572 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1573 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1608 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1632 RecordLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1636 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1645 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes
These tags are used by the Z9 firmware 3.00.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 72 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15154 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)156 MultiExposureShots int8u 204 Intervals int32u 208 ShotsPerInterval int32u 248 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 252 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 256 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 260 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On290 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D292 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On328 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1342 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On344 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0346 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0354 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s436 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High438 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On440 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On444 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash446 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 450 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a454 FlashOutput? int8u 548 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)550 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport554 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting556 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F558 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7576 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary592 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On594 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes596 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large636 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On646 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX656 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)658 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0660 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On662 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0736 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High738 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High744 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz746 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight748 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F750 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)752 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport756 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On758 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual760 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 762 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On764 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range766 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On788 MovieToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG
2 = N-Log794 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024796 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p802 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On803 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On804 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes812 MovieHighResZoom? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On847 CustomSettingsZ9 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ9 Tags 1474 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1476 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1482 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo11504 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1600 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1613 SetClockFromLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1620 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1621 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1656 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1680 RecordLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1684 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1693 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes1754 FocusShiftAutoReset? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1810 PreReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = None
1 = 0.3 Sec
2 = 0.5 Sec
3 = 1 Sec1812 PostReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = 1 Sec
1 = 2 Sec
2 = 3 Sec
3 = Max
These tags are used by the Z9 firmware 4.0.0 and 4.1.0.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 72 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15154 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)156 MultiExposureShots int8u 204 Intervals int32u 208 ShotsPerInterval int32u 248 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 252 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 256 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 260 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On290 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D292 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On328 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1342 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On344 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0346 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0354 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s436 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High438 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On440 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On444 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash446 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 450 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a454 FlashOutput? int8u 548 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)550 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport554 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting556 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F558 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7570 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)576 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary582 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = Extra High
2 = High
3 = Normal
4 = Low586 Slot2JpgSize? int8u 0 = Large (8256x5504)
1 = Medium (6192x4128)
2 = Small (4128x2752)592 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On594 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes596 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large636 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On646 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX656 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)658 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0660 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On662 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0736 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High738 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High744 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz746 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight748 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F750 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)752 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport756 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On758 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual760 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 762 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On764 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range766 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On788 MovieToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG
2 = N-Log794 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024796 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p802 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On803 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On804 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes812 MovieHighResZoom? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On847 CustomSettingsZ9v4 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ9v4 Tags 1498 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1500 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1506 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo11528 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1532 NonCPULens1FocalLength? int16s~ 1536 NonCPULens2FocalLength? int16s~ 1540 NonCPULens3FocalLength? int16s~ 1544 NonCPULens4FocalLength? int16s~ 1548 NonCPULens5FocalLength? int16s~ 1552 NonCPULens6FocalLength? int16s~ 1556 NonCPULens7FocalLength? int16s~ 1560 NonCPULens8FocalLength? int16s~ 1564 NonCPULens9FocalLength? int16s~ 1568 NonCPULens10FocalLength? int16s~ 1572 NonCPULens11FocalLength? int16s~ 1576 NonCPULens12FocalLength? int16s~ 1580 NonCPULens13FocalLength? int16s~ 1584 NonCPULens14FocalLength? int16s~ 1588 NonCPULens15FocalLength? int16s~ 1592 NonCPULens16FocalLength? int16s~ 1596 NonCPULens17FocalLength? int16s~ 1600 NonCPULens18FocalLength? int16s~ 1604 NonCPULens19FocalLength? int16s~ 1608 NonCPULens20FocalLength? int16s~ 1612 NonCPULens1MaxAperture? int16s~ 1616 NonCPULens2MaxAperture? int16s~ 1620 NonCPULens3MaxAperture? int16s~ 1624 NonCPULens4MaxAperture? int16s~ 1628 NonCPULens5MaxAperture? int16s~ 1632 NonCPULens6MaxAperture? int16s~ 1636 NonCPULens7MaxAperture? int16s~ 1640 NonCPULens8MaxAperture? int16s~ 1644 NonCPULens9MaxAperture? int16s~ 1648 NonCPULens10MaxAperture? int16s~ 1652 NonCPULens11MaxAperture? int16s~ 1656 NonCPULens12MaxAperture? int16s~ 1660 NonCPULens13MaxAperture? int16s~ 1664 NonCPULens14MaxAperture? int16s~ 1668 NonCPULens15MaxAperture? int16s~ 1672 NonCPULens16MaxAperture? int16s~ 1676 NonCPULens17MaxAperture? int16s~ 1680 NonCPULens18MaxAperture? int16s~ 1684 NonCPULens19MaxAperture? int16s~ 1688 NonCPULens20MaxAperture? int16s~ 1704 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1717 SetClockFromLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1724 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1725 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1760 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1784 RecordLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1788 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1797 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes1862 AutoCapturePreset int8u 0 = 1
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 51864 FocusShiftAutoReset? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1922 PreReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = None
1 = 0.3 Sec
2 = 0.5 Sec
3 = 1 Sec1924 PostReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = 1 Sec
1 = 2 Sec
2 = 3 Sec
3 = Max1938 VerticalISOButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 1940 ExposureCompensationButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 1942 ISOButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2002 ViewModeShowEffectsOfSettings? int8u 0 = Always
1 = Only When Flash Not Used2004 DispButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2048 ExposureDelay fixed32u~ 2052 CommandDialFrameAdvanceZoom? int8u 0 = Hold
1 = Focus Point
2 = Face Priority2054 SubCommandDialFrameAdvanceZoom? int8u 0 = Hold
1 = Focus Point
2 = Face Priority2056 PlaybackButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2058 WBButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2060 BracketButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2062 FlashModeButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2064 LensFunc1ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2066 LensFunc2ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2068 PlaybackButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2070 BracketButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2072 FlashModeButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values
These tags are used by the Z9 firmware 5.1.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 72 HighFrameRate int8u
0 = Off
1 = CH
2 = CH*
3 = C304 = C120
5 = C60
6 = C15158 MultipleExposureMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)160 MultiExposureShots int8u 208 Intervals int32u 212 ShotsPerInterval int32u 252 FocusShiftNumberShots int8u 256 FocusShiftStepWidth int8u 260 FocusShiftInterval int8u~ 264 FocusShiftExposureLock? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On294 PhotoShootingMenuBank int8u 0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D296 ExtendedMenuBanks int8u 0 = Off
1 = On332 PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea int8u 0 = FX
1 = DX
4 = 16:9
8 = 1:1346 AutoISO int8u 0 = Off
1 = On348 ISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0350 ISOAutoFlashLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0358 ISOAutoShutterTime no
-15 = Auto
-12 = 15 s
-9 = 8 s
-6 = 4 s
-3 = 2 s
0 = 1 s
1 = 1/1.3 s
2 = 1/1.6 s
3 = 1/2 s
4 = 1/2.5 s
5 = 1/3 s
6 = 1/4 s
7 = 1/5 s
8 = 1/6 s
9 = 1/8 s
10 = 1/10 s
11 = 1/13 s
12 = 1/15 s
13 = 1/20 s
14 = 1/25 s
15 = 1/30 s
16 = 1/40 s
17 = 1/50 s
18 = 1/60 s
19 = 1/80 s20 = 1/100 s
21 = 1/120 s
22 = 1/160 s
23 = 1/200 s
24 = 1/250 s
25 = 1/320 s
26 = 1/400 s
27 = 1/500 s
28 = 1/640 s
29 = 1/800 s
30 = 1/1000 s
31 = 1/1250 s
32 = 1/1600 s
33 = 1/2000 s
34 = 1/2500 s
35 = 1/3200 s
36 = 1/4000 s
37 = 1/5000 s
37.5 = 1/6000 s
38 = 1/6400 s
39 = 1/8000 s
40 = 1/10000 s
40.5 = 1/12000 s
41 = 1/13000 s
42 = 1/16000 s440 MovieVignetteControl? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High442 DiffractionCompensation int8u 0 = Off
1 = On444 FlickerReductionShooting int8u 0 = Off
1 = On448 FlashControlMode int8u 0 = TTL
1 = Auto External Flash
2 = GN (distance priority)
3 = Manual
4 = Repeating Flash450 FlashMasterCompensation? int8s 454 FlashGNDistance? no
0 = 0
1 = 0.1 m
2 = 0.2 m
3 = 0.3 m
4 = 0.4 m
5 = 0.5 m
6 = 0.6 m
7 = 0.7 m
8 = 0.8 m
9 = 0.9 m
10 = 1.0 m
11 = 1.1 m
12 = 1.3 m13 = 1.4 m
14 = 1.6 m
15 = 1.8 m
16 = 2.0 m
17 = 2.2 m
18 = 2.5 m
19 = 2.8 m
20 = 3.2 m
21 = 3.6 m
22 = 4.0 m
23 = 4.5 m
24 = 5.0 m
25 = 5.6 m26 = 6.3 m
27 = 7.1 m
28 = 8.0 m
29 = 9.0 m
30 = 10.0 m
31 = 11.0 m
32 = 13.0 m
33 = 14.0 m
34 = 16.0 m
35 = 18.0 m
36 = 20.0 m
255 = n/a458 FlashOutput? int8u 552 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)554 VRMode int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport558 BracketSet int8u 0 = AE/Flash
1 = AE
2 = Flash
3 = White Balance
4 = Active-D Lighting560 BracketProgram int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = Disabled
2 = 2F
3 = 3F
4 = 4F5 = 5F
7 = 7F
9 = 9F562 BracketIncrement int8u (AE and/or Flash Bracketing)
0 = 0.3
1 = 0.5
2 = 0.73 = 1.0
4 = 2.0
5 = 3.06 = 1.3
7 = 1.5
8 = 1.79 = 2.3
10 = 2.5
11 = 2.7574 HDR int8u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = On (Series)580 SecondarySlotFunction int8u 0 = Overflow
1 = Backup
2 = NEF Primary + JPG Secondary
3 = JPG Primary + JPG Secondary586 HDRLevel int8u 0 = Auto
1 = Extra High
2 = High
3 = Normal
4 = Low590 Slot2JpgSize? int8u 0 = Large (8256x5504)
1 = Medium (6192x4128)
2 = Small (4128x2752)596 DXCropAlert int8u 0 = Off
1 = On598 SubjectDetection int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes600 DynamicAFAreaSize int8u 0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Large640 HighFrequencyFlickerReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On650 MovieImageArea? int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = FX
1 = DX660 MovieType? int8u
1 = H.264 8-bit (MP4)
2 = H.265 8-bit (MOV)
3 = H.265 10-bit (MOV)
4 = ProRes 422 HQ 10-bit (MOV)
5 = ProRes RAW HQ 12-bit (MOV)
6 = NRAW 12-bit (NEV)662 MovieISOAutoHiLimit? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0664 MovieISOAutoControlManualMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On666 MovieISOAutoManualMode? int16u
0 = ISO 64
1 = ISO 80
2 = ISO 100
3 = ISO 125
4 = ISO 160
5 = ISO 200
6 = ISO 250
7 = ISO 320
8 = ISO 400
9 = ISO 500
10 = ISO 640
11 = ISO 800
12 = ISO 1000
13 = ISO 1250
14 = ISO 1600
15 = ISO 200016 = ISO 2500
17 = ISO 3200
18 = ISO 4000
19 = ISO 5000
20 = ISO 6400
21 = ISO 8000
22 = ISO 10000
23 = ISO 12800
24 = ISO 16000
25 = ISO 20000
26 = ISO 25600
27 = ISO Hi 0.3
28 = ISO Hi 0.7
29 = ISO Hi 1.0
32 = ISO Hi 2.0740 MovieActiveD-Lighting? int8u 0 = Off
2 = Low
3 = Normal
4 = High
5 = Extra High742 MovieHighISONoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Normal
3 = High748 MovieFlickerReduction int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 50Hz
2 = 60Hz750 MovieMeteringMode? int8u 0 = Matrix
1 = Center
2 = Spot
3 = Highlight752 MovieFocusMode? int8u 0 = Manual
1 = AF-S
2 = AF-C
4 = AF-F754 MovieAFAreaMode int8u
0 = Pinpoint
1 = Single
2 = Dynamic
3 = Wide (S)
4 = Wide (L)5 = 3D
6 = Auto
11 = Subject Tracking
12 = Wide (C1)
13 = Wide (C2)756 MovieVRMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Normal
2 = Sport760 MovieElectronicVR? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On762 MovieSoundRecording? int8u 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Manual764 MicrophoneSensitivity? int8u 766 MicrophoneAttenuator? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On768 MicrophoneFrequencyResponse? int8u 0 = Wide Range
1 = Vocal Range770 WindNoiseReduction? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On792 MovieToneMap? int8u 0 = SDR
1 = HLG
2 = N-Log798 MovieFrameSize? int8u 1 = 1920x1080
2 = 3840x2160
3 = 7680x4320
7 = 5376x3024800 MovieFrameRate? int8u
0 = 120p
1 = 100p
2 = 60p
3 = 50p4 = 30p
5 = 25p
6 = 24p806 MicrophoneJackPower? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On807 MovieDXCropAlert? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On808 MovieSubjectDetection? int8u
0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = People
3 = Animals4 = Vehicles
5 = Birds
6 = Airplanes816 MovieHighResZoom? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On851 CustomSettingsZ9v4 - --> NikonCustom SettingsZ9v4 Tags 1502 Language? int8u 4 = English
5 = Spanish
7 = French
15 = Portuguese1504 TimeZone int8u
3 = +10:00 (Sydney)
5 = +09:00 (Tokyo)
6 = +08:00 (Beijing, Honk Kong, Sinapore)
10 = +05:45 (Kathmandu)
11 = +05:30 (New Dehli)
12 = +05:00 (Islamabad)
13 = +04:30 (Kabul)
14 = +04:00 (Abu Dhabi)
15 = +03:30 (Tehran)
16 = +03:00 (Moscow, Nairobi)
17 = +02:00 (Athens, Helsinki)
18 = +01:00 (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)
19 = +00:00 (London)
20 = -01:00 (Azores)
21 = -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha)
22 = -03:00 (Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo)
23 = -03:30 (Newfoundland)
24 = -04:00 (Manaus, Caracas)
25 = -05:00 (New York, Toronto, Lima)
26 = -06:00 (Chicago, Mexico City)
27 = -07:00 (Denver)
28 = -08:00 (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
29 = -09:00 (Anchorage)
30 = -10:00 (Hawaii)1510 MonitorBrightness? int8u
0 = -5
1 = -4
2 = -33 = -2
4 = -1
5 = 06 = 1
7 = 2
8 = 39 = 4
10 = 5
14 = Hi115 = Hi2
16 = Lo2
17 = Lo11532 AFFineTune? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1536 NonCPULens1FocalLength? int16s~ 1540 NonCPULens2FocalLength? int16s~ 1542 NonCPULens3FocalLength? int16s~ 1548 NonCPULens4FocalLength? int16s~ 1552 NonCPULens5FocalLength? int16s~ 1556 NonCPULens6FocalLength? int16s~ 1560 NonCPULens7FocalLength? int16s~ 1564 NonCPULens8FocalLength? int16s~ 1568 NonCPULens9FocalLength? int16s~ 1572 NonCPULens10FocalLength? int16s~ 1576 NonCPULens11FocalLength? int16s~ 1580 NonCPULens12FocalLength? int16s~ 1584 NonCPULens13FocalLength? int16s~ 1588 NonCPULens14FocalLength? int16s~ 1592 NonCPULens15FocalLength? int16s~ 1596 NonCPULens16FocalLength? int16s~ 1600 NonCPULens17FocalLength? int16s~ 1604 NonCPULens18FocalLength? int16s~ 1608 NonCPULens19FocalLength? int16s~ 1612 NonCPULens20FocalLength? int16s~ 1616 NonCPULens1MaxAperture? int16s~ 1620 NonCPULens2MaxAperture? int16s~ 1624 NonCPULens3MaxAperture? int16s~ 1628 NonCPULens4MaxAperture? int16s~ 1632 NonCPULens5MaxAperture? int16s~ 1636 NonCPULens6MaxAperture? int16s~ 1640 NonCPULens7MaxAperture? int16s~ 1644 NonCPULens8MaxAperture? int16s~ 1648 NonCPULens9MaxAperture? int16s~ 1652 NonCPULens10MaxAperture? int16s~ 1656 NonCPULens11MaxAperture? int16s~ 1660 NonCPULens12MaxAperture? int16s~ 1664 NonCPULens13MaxAperture? int16s~ 1668 NonCPULens14MaxAperture? int16s~ 1672 NonCPULens15MaxAperture? int16s~ 1676 NonCPULens16MaxAperture? int16s~ 1680 NonCPULens17MaxAperture? int16s~ 1684 NonCPULens18MaxAperture? int16s~ 1688 NonCPULens19MaxAperture? int16s~ 1692 NonCPULens20MaxAperture? int16s~ 1708 HDMIOutputResolution int8u 0 = Auto
1 = 4320p
2 = 2160p
3 = 1080p
5 = 720p1721 SetClockFromLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1728 AirplaneMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1729 EmptySlotRelease? int8u 0 = Disable Release
1 = Enable Release1764 EnergySavingMode? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1788 RecordLocationData? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1792 USBPowerDelivery? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1801 SensorShield? int8u 0 = Stays Open
1 = Closes1866 AutoCapturePreset int8u 0 = 1
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 51868 FocusShiftAutoReset? int8u 0 = Off
1 = On1926 PreReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = None
1 = 0.3 Sec
2 = 0.5 Sec
3 = 1 Sec1928 PostReleaseBurstLength int8u 0 = 1 Sec
1 = 2 Sec
2 = 3 Sec
3 = Max1942 VerticalISOButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 1944 ExposureCompensationButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 1946 ISOButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2006 ViewModeShowEffectsOfSettings? int8u 0 = Always
1 = Only When Flash Not Used2008 DispButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2052 ExposureDelay fixed32u~ 2056 CommandDialFrameAdvanceZoom? int8u 0 = Hold
1 = Focus Point
2 = Face Priority2058 SubCommandDialFrameAdvanceZoom? int8u 0 = Hold
1 = Focus Point
2 = Face Priority2060 PlaybackButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2062 WBButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2064 BracketButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2066 FlashModeButton int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2068 LensFunc1ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2070 LensFunc2ButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2072 PlaybackButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2074 BracketButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values 2076 FlashModeButtonPlaybackMode int8u --> Nikon ButtonsZ9 Values
This information is encrypted for ShotInfoVersion 02xx, and some tags are only valid for specific models.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ShotInfoVersion no 4 FirmwareVersion no 16 DistortionControl int8u (P6000)
0 = Off
1 = On102 VR_0x66? int8u (D2X, D2Xs (unverified))
0 = Off
1 = On (normal)
2 = On (active)106 ShutterCount int32u (D2X, D2Xs) 110 DeletedImageCount int32u (D2X, D2Xs) 117 VibrationReduction int8u (D200)
0 = Off
1 = On (1)
2 = On (2)
3 = On (3)130 VibrationReduction int8u (D2X, D2Xs)
0 = Off
1 = On343 ShutterCount undef[2] (D50) 430 VibrationReduction int8u (D50)
0x0 = n/a
0xc = Off
0xf = On589 ShutterCount int32u (D60)
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 WB_RBGGLevels int16u[4]!
This information is encrypted for most camera models.
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 WB_RGGBLevels int16u[4]!
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 WB_RGBGLevels int16u[4]!
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 WB_GRBGLevels int16u[4]!
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ColorBalanceVersion undef[4]
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ColorBalanceVersion undef[4]
This structure is used by the D100, and D1X with firmware version 1.1.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 6 LensIDNumber int8u (see LensID values below) 7 LensFStops int8u 8 MinFocalLength int8u 9 MaxFocalLength int8u 10 MaxApertureAtMinFocal int8u 11 MaxApertureAtMaxFocal int8u 12 MCUVersion int8u
Nikon encrypts the LensData information below if LensDataVersion is 0201 or higher, but the decryption algorithm is known so the information can be extracted.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 4 ExitPupilPosition int8u 5 AFAperture int8u 8 FocusPosition int8u 9 FocusDistance int8u (this focus distance is approximate, and not very accurate for some lenses) 10 FocalLength int8u 11 LensIDNumber int8u (see LensID values below) 12 LensFStops int8u 13 MinFocalLength int8u 14 MaxFocalLength int8u 15 MaxApertureAtMinFocal int8u 16 MaxApertureAtMaxFocal int8u 17 MCUVersion int8u 18 EffectiveMaxAperture int8u
Nikon encrypts the LensData information below if LensDataVersion is 0201 or higher, but the decryption algorithm is known so the information can be extracted.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 4 ExitPupilPosition int8u 5 AFAperture int8u 8 FocusPosition int8u 10 FocusDistance int8u (this focus distance is approximate, and not very accurate for some lenses) 11 FocalLength int8u 12 LensIDNumber int8u (see LensID values below) 13 LensFStops int8u 14 MinFocalLength int8u 15 MaxFocalLength int8u 16 MaxApertureAtMinFocal int8u 17 MaxApertureAtMaxFocal int8u 18 MCUVersion int8u 19 EffectiveMaxAperture int8u
Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J1/1V1/1J2.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 394 LensModel string[64]
Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J3/1S1/1V2.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 395 LensModel string[64]
Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J4/1J5.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 684 LensModel string[64]
Tags found in the encrypted LensData from cameras such as the Z6 and Z7.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no 4 ExitPupilPosition int8u 5 AFAperture int8u 11 FocusDistance int8u (this focus distance is approximate, and not very accurate for some lenses) 12 FocalLength int8u 13 LensIDNumber int8u (see LensID values below) 14 LensFStops int8u 15 MinFocalLength int8u 16 MaxFocalLength int8u 17 MaxApertureAtMinFocal int8u 18 MaxApertureAtMaxFocal int8u 19 MCUVersion int8u 20 EffectiveMaxAperture int8u 47 NewLensData undef[17] 48 LensID int16u (tags from here onward used for Nikkor Z lenses only)
1 = Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S
2 = Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S
4 = Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
8 = Nikkor Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct
9 = Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
11 = Nikkor Z DX 16-50mm f/3.5-6.3 VR
12 = Nikkor Z DX 50-250mm f/4.5-6.3 VR
13 = Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S
14 = Nikkor Z 85mm f/1.8 S
15 = Nikkor Z 24mm f/1.8 S
16 = Nikkor Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S
17 = Nikkor Z 20mm f/1.8 S
18 = Nikkor Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR
21 = Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.2 S
22 = Nikkor Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3
23 = Nikkor Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S
24 = Nikkor Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
25 = Nikkor Z 40mm f/2
26 = Nikkor Z DX 18-140mm f/3.5-6.3 VR
27 = Nikkor Z MC 50mm f/2.8
28 = Nikkor Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
29 = Nikkor Z 28mm f/2.8
30 = Nikkor Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S
31 = Nikkor Z 24-120mm f/4 S
32 = Nikkor Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S
35 = Nikkor Z 28-75mm f/2.8
36 = Nikkor Z 400mm f/4.5 VR S
37 = Nikkor Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S
38 = Nikkor Z 85mm f/1.2 S
39 = Nikkor Z 17-28mm f/2.8
40 = Nikkor Z 26mm f/2.8
41 = Nikkor Z DX 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ VR
42 = Nikkor Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR
43 = Nikkor Z DX 24mm f/1.7
44 = Nikkor Z 70-180mm f/2.8
45 = Nikkor Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
46 = Nikkor Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
47 = Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.2 S
48 = Nikkor Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR
51 = Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.4
52 = Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.4
2305 = Laowa FFII 10mm F2.8 C&D Dreamer
32768 = Nikkor Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S TC-1.4x
32769 = Nikkor Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S TC-1.4x52 LensFirmwareVersion int16u~ 54 MaxAperture int16u 56 FNumber int16u 60 FocalLength int16u 76 FocusDistanceRangeWidth? int8u 78 FocusDistance int16u~ 86 LensDriveEnd? int8u 88 FocusStepsFromInfinity? int8u 90 LensPositionAbsolute int32s 95 LensMountType int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = Z-mount
1 = F-mount
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 LensDataVersion no
These tags are used by the D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D50, D70, D70s, D80 and D200.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8 ExternalFlashFlags int8u 0x0 = (none)
Bit 0 = Fired
Bit 2 = Bounce Flash
Bit 4 = Wide Flash Adapter
Bit 5 = Dome Diffuser9.1 FlashCommanderMode int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On9.2 FlashControlMode int8u [val & 0x7f]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values10 FlashOutput
int8s11 FlashFocalLength int8u 12 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 13 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 14 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 15 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values16 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values17 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s18 FlashGroupBOutput
Value FlashFirmware Value FlashFirmware '0 0' = n/a '4 2' = 4.02 (SB-400) '1 1' = 1.01 (SB-800 or Metz 58 AF-1) '4 4' = 4.04 (SB-400) '1 3' = 1.03 (SB-800) '5 1' = 5.01 (SB-900) '2 1' = 2.01 (SB-800) '5 2' = 5.02 (SB-900) '2 4' = 2.04 (SB-600) '6 1' = 6.01 (SB-700) '2 5' = 2.05 (SB-600) '7 1' = 7.01 (SB-910) '3 1' = 3.01 (SU-800 Remote Commander) '14 3' = 14.03 (SB-5000) '4 1' = 4.01 (SB-400)
Value FlashControlMode Value FlashControlMode Value FlashControlMode 0 = Off 3 = Auto Aperture 6 = Manual 1 = iTTL-BL 4 = Automatic 7 = Repeating Flash 2 = iTTL 5 = GN (distance priority)
Value FlashGNDistance Value FlashGNDistance Value FlashGNDistance 0 = 0 13 = 1.4 m 26 = 6.3 m 1 = 0.1 m 14 = 1.6 m 27 = 7.1 m 2 = 0.2 m 15 = 1.8 m 28 = 8.0 m 3 = 0.3 m 16 = 2.0 m 29 = 9.0 m 4 = 0.4 m 17 = 2.2 m 30 = 10.0 m 5 = 0.5 m 18 = 2.5 m 31 = 11.0 m 6 = 0.6 m 19 = 2.8 m 32 = 13.0 m 7 = 0.7 m 20 = 3.2 m 33 = 14.0 m 8 = 0.8 m 21 = 3.6 m 34 = 16.0 m 9 = 0.9 m 22 = 4.0 m 35 = 18.0 m 10 = 1.0 m 23 = 4.5 m 36 = 20.0 m 11 = 1.1 m 24 = 5.0 m 255 = n/a 12 = 1.3 m 25 = 5.6 m
These tags are used by the D3 (firmware 1.x), D40, D40X, D60 and D300 (firmware 1.00).
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8 ExternalFlashFlags int8u Bit 0 = Fired
Bit 2 = Bounce Flash
Bit 4 = Wide Flash Adapter
Bit 5 = Dome Diffuser9.1 FlashCommanderMode int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On9.2 FlashControlMode int8u [val & 0x7f]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values10 FlashOutput
int8s12 FlashFocalLength int8u 13 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 14 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 15 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 16.1 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group A tags may apply to the built-in flash settings for some models)17.1 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group B tags may apply to group A settings for some models)17.2 FlashGroupCControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group C tags may apply to group B settings for some models)18 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s19 FlashGroupBOutput
int8s20 FlashGroupCOutput
These tags are used by the D3 (firmware 2.x), D3X, D3S, D4, D90, D300 (firmware 1.10), D300S, D600, D700, D800, D3000, D3100, D3200, D5000, D5100, D5200, D7000.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8 ExternalFlashFlags int8u Bit 0 = Fired
Bit 2 = Bounce Flash
Bit 4 = Wide Flash Adapter
Bit 5 = Dome Diffuser9.1 FlashCommanderMode int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On9.2 FlashControlMode int8u [val & 0x7f]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values10 FlashOutput
int8s12 FlashFocalLength int8u 13 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 14 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 15 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 16 FlashColorFilter int8u --> Nikon FlashColorFilter Values 17.1 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group A tags may apply to the built-in flash settings for some models)18.1 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group B tags may apply to group A settings for some models)18.2 FlashGroupCControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group C tags may apply to group B settings for some models)19 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s20 FlashGroupBOutput
int8s21 FlashGroupCOutput
int8s27 ExternalFlashCompensation int8s 29 FlashExposureComp3 int8s (does not include the effect of flash bracketing) 39 FlashExposureComp4 int8s (includes the effect of flash bracketing. Valid for repeating flash)
Value FlashColorFilter Value FlashColorFilter Value FlashColorFilter 0 = None 10 = TN-A2 68 = Amber 1 = FL-GL1 or SZ-2FL Fluorescent 65 = Red 128 = Incandescent 2 = FL-GL2 66 = Blue 9 = TN-A1 or SZ-2TN Incandescent 67 = Yellow
These tags are used by the Df, D610, D3300, D5300, D7100 and Coolpix A.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8 ExternalFlashFlags int8u Bit 0 = Fired
Bit 2 = Bounce Flash
Bit 4 = Wide Flash Adapter
Bit 5 = Dome Diffuser9.1 FlashCommanderMode int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On9.2 FlashControlMode int8u [val & 0x7f]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values12 FlashFocalLength int8u (only valid if flash pattern is "Standard Illumination") 13 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 14 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 15 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 16 FlashColorFilter int8u --> Nikon FlashColorFilter Values 17.1 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values18.1 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values18.2 FlashGroupCControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values39 FlashOutput
int8s40 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s41 FlashGroupBOutput
int8s42 FlashGroupCOutput
These tags are used by the D4S, D750, D810, D5500, D7200 (FlashInfoVersion 0107) and the D5, D500, D850 and D3400 (FlashInfoVersion 0108).
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8.1 ExternalFlashZoomOverride int8u (indicates that the user has overridden the flash zoom distance)
[val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = No
1 = Yes8.2 ExternalFlashStatus int8u [val & 0x1]
0 = Flash Not Attached
1 = Flash Attached9.1 ExternalFlashReadyState int8u [val & 0x7]
0 = n/a
1 = Ready
6 = Not Ready10 FlashCompensation int8s 12 FlashFocalLength int8u (only valid if flash pattern is "Standard Illumination") 13 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 14 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 15 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 17.1 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group A tags may apply to the built-in flash settings for some models)18.1 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group B tags may apply to group A settings for some models)18.2 FlashGroupCControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group C tags may apply to group B settings for some models)40 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s41 FlashGroupBOutput
int8s42 FlashGroupCOutput
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no 4 FlashSource int8u 0 = None
1 = External
2 = Internal6 ExternalFlashFirmware int8u[2] --> Nikon FlashFirmware Values 8 ExternalFlashFlags int8u Bit 0 = Flash Ready
Bit 2 = Bounce Flash
Bit 4 = Wide Flash Adapter
Bit 7 = Zoom Override9.1 FlashCommanderMode int8u [val >> 7 & 0x1]
0 = Off
1 = On9.2 FlashControlMode int8u [val & 0x7f]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values10 FlashCompensation int8s 13 RepeatingFlashRate int8u 14 RepeatingFlashCount int8u 15 FlashGNDistance int8u --> Nikon FlashGNDistance Values 16 FlashColorFilter int8u --> Nikon FlashColorFilter Values 17.1 FlashGroupAControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group A tags may apply to the built-in flash settings for some models)18.1 FlashGroupBControlMode int8u [val >> 4 & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group B tags may apply to group A settings for some models)18.2 FlashGroupCControlMode int8u [val & 0xf]
--> Nikon FlashControlMode Values
(note: group C tags may apply to group B settings for some models)33 FlashOutput int8u 37 FlashIlluminationPattern int8u 0 = Standard
1 = Center-weighted
2 = Even38 FlashFocalLength int8u (only valid if flash pattern is "Standard Illumination") 40 FlashGroupAOutput
int8s41 FlashGroupBOutput
int8s42 FlashGroupCOutput
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FlashInfoVersion no
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 MultiExposureVersion no 1 MultiExposureMode int32u 0 = Off
1 = Multiple Exposure
2 = Image Overlay
3 = HDR2 MultiExposureShots int32u 3 MultiExposureAutoGain int32u 0 = Off
1 = On
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 MultiExposureVersion no 1 MultiExposureMode int32u 0 = Off
1 = Multiple Exposure
3 = HDR2 MultiExposureShots int32u 3 MultiExposureOverlayMode int32u 0 = Add
1 = Average
2 = Light
3 = Dark
AF information for Nikon cameras with LiveView that were introduced 2007 thru 2015 (and the D5600 in 2016), including D3, D4, D3000, D3100-D3300, D5000-D5600, D6x0, D700, D7000, D7100, D810
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFInfo2Version no 4 AFDetectionMethod int8u 0 = Phase Detect
1 = Contrast Detect
2 = Hybrid5 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Single Area
1 = Dynamic Area
2 = Dynamic Area (closest subject)
3 = Group Dynamic
4 = Dynamic Area (9 points)
5 = Dynamic Area (21 points)
6 = Dynamic Area (51 points)
7 = Dynamic Area (51 points, 3D-tracking)
8 = Auto-area
9 = Dynamic Area (3D-tracking)
10 = Single Area (wide)
11 = Dynamic Area (wide)
12 = Dynamic Area (wide, 3D-tracking)
13 = Group Area
14 = Dynamic Area (25 points)
15 = Dynamic Area (72 points)
16 = Group Area (HL)
17 = Group Area (VL)
18 = Dynamic Area (49 points)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
199 = Auto
0 = Contrast-detect
1 = Contrast-detect (normal area)
2 = Contrast-detect (wide area)
3 = Contrast-detect (face priority)
4 = Contrast-detect (subject tracking)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
198 = Auto (People)
199 = Auto (Animal)
200 = Normal-area AF
201 = Wide-area AF
202 = Face-priority AF
203 = Subject-tracking AF
204 = Dynamic Area (S)
205 = Dynamic Area (M)
206 = Dynamic Area (L)
207 = 3D-tracking
208 = Wide-Area (C1/C2)7 PrimaryAFPoint int8u (models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows (A-E) and 11 columns (1-11): D3, D3S, D3X, D4, D4S, D300, D300S, D700, D750, D800, D800E, D810, D7100 and D7200) (models with 11-point AF: D90, D3000-D3300, D5000 and D5100)
0 = (none)
1 = C6 (Center)
2 = B6
3 = A5
4 = D6
5 = E5
6 = C7
7 = B7
8 = A6
9 = D7
10 = E611 = C5
12 = B5
13 = A4
14 = D5
15 = E4
16 = C8
17 = B8
18 = A7
19 = D8
20 = E7
21 = C922 = B9
23 = A8
24 = D9
25 = E8
26 = C10
27 = B10
28 = A9
29 = D10
30 = E9
31 = C11
32 = B1133 = D11
34 = C4
35 = B4
36 = A3
37 = D4
38 = E3
39 = C3
40 = B3
41 = A2
42 = D3
43 = E244 = C2
45 = B2
46 = A1
47 = D2
48 = E1
49 = C1
50 = B1
51 = D1(models with 39-point AF: D600, D610, D5200-D5600, D7000 and Df)
0 = (none)
1 = Center
2 = Top
3 = Bottom
4 = Mid-left
5 = Upper-left6 = Lower-left
7 = Far Left
8 = Mid-right
9 = Upper-right
10 = Lower-right
11 = Far Right0 = (none)
0 = (none)
1 = C6 (Center)
2 = B6
3 = A2
4 = D6
5 = E2
6 = C7
7 = B78 = A3
9 = D7
10 = E3
11 = C5
12 = B5
13 = A1
14 = D5
15 = E116 = C8
17 = B8
18 = D8
19 = C9
20 = B9
21 = D9
22 = C10
23 = B1024 = D10
25 = C11
26 = B11
27 = D11
28 = C4
29 = B4
30 = D4
31 = C332 = B3
33 = D3
34 = C2
35 = B2
36 = D2
37 = C1
38 = B1
39 = D18 AFPointsUsed
int8u(models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows: A1-9, B1-11, C1-11, D1-11, E1-9. Center point is C6)
(models with 11-point AF)(models with 39-point AF -- 5 rows: A1-3, B1-11, C1-11, D1-11, E1-3. Center point is C6)
0x0 = (none)
0x7ff = All 11 Points
Bit 0 = Center
Bit 1 = Top
Bit 2 = Bottom
Bit 3 = Mid-left
Bit 4 = Upper-leftBit 5 = Lower-left
Bit 6 = Far Left
Bit 7 = Mid-right
Bit 8 = Upper-right
Bit 9 = Lower-right
Bit 10 = Far Right
0 = (none)16 AFImageWidth int16u (this and the following tags are valid only for contrast-detect AF) 18 AFImageHeight int16u 20 AFAreaXPosition int16u (center of AF area in AFImage coordinates) 22 AFAreaYPosition int16u 24 AFAreaWidth int16u (size of AF area in AFImage coordinates) 26 AFAreaHeight int16u 28 ContrastDetectAFInFocus
undef[20]0 = No
1 = Yes
AF information for Nikon cameras D5, D500, D850, D3400, D3500 and D7500
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFInfo2Version no 4 AFDetectionMethod int8u 0 = Phase Detect
1 = Contrast Detect
2 = Hybrid5 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Single Area
1 = Dynamic Area
2 = Dynamic Area (closest subject)
3 = Group Dynamic
4 = Dynamic Area (9 points)
5 = Dynamic Area (21 points)
6 = Dynamic Area (51 points)
7 = Dynamic Area (51 points, 3D-tracking)
8 = Auto-area
9 = Dynamic Area (3D-tracking)
10 = Single Area (wide)
11 = Dynamic Area (wide)
12 = Dynamic Area (wide, 3D-tracking)
13 = Group Area
14 = Dynamic Area (25 points)
15 = Dynamic Area (72 points)
16 = Group Area (HL)
17 = Group Area (VL)
18 = Dynamic Area (49 points)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
199 = Auto
0 = Contrast-detect
1 = Contrast-detect (normal area)
2 = Contrast-detect (wide area)
3 = Contrast-detect (face priority)
4 = Contrast-detect (subject tracking)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
198 = Auto (People)
199 = Auto (Animal)
200 = Normal-area AF
201 = Wide-area AF
202 = Face-priority AF
203 = Subject-tracking AF
204 = Dynamic Area (S)
205 = Dynamic Area (M)
206 = Dynamic Area (L)
207 = 3D-tracking
208 = Wide-Area (C1/C2)8 AFPointsUsed
int8u(models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows: A1-9, B1-11, C1-11, D1-11, E1-9. Center point is C6)
(models with 11-point AF)(models with 153-point AF -- 9 rows (A-I) and 17 columns (1-17). Center point is E9)
0x0 = (none)
0x7ff = All 11 Points
Bit 0 = Center
Bit 1 = Top
Bit 2 = Bottom
Bit 3 = Mid-left
Bit 4 = Upper-leftBit 5 = Lower-left
Bit 6 = Far Left
Bit 7 = Mid-right
Bit 8 = Upper-right
Bit 9 = Lower-right
Bit 10 = Far Right
0 = (none)28 ContrastDetectAFInFocus
undef[20]0 = No
1 = Yes48 AFPointsInFocus
undef[20](AF points in focus at the time time image was captured) 68 PrimaryAFPoint int8u (models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows (A-E) and 11 columns (1-11): D7500) (models with 11-point AF: D3400, D3500)
0 = (none)
1 = C6 (Center)
2 = B6
3 = A5
4 = D6
5 = E5
6 = C7
7 = B7
8 = A6
9 = D7
10 = E611 = C5
12 = B5
13 = A4
14 = D5
15 = E4
16 = C8
17 = B8
18 = A7
19 = D8
20 = E7
21 = C922 = B9
23 = A8
24 = D9
25 = E8
26 = C10
27 = B10
28 = A9
29 = D10
30 = E9
31 = C11
32 = B1133 = D11
34 = C4
35 = B4
36 = A3
37 = D4
38 = E3
39 = C3
40 = B3
41 = A2
42 = D3
43 = E244 = C2
45 = B2
46 = A1
47 = D2
48 = E1
49 = C1
50 = B1
51 = D1(Nikon models with 153-point AF -- 9 rows (A-I) and 17 columns (1-17): D5, D500 and D850)
0 = (none)
1 = Center
2 = Top
3 = Bottom
4 = Mid-left
5 = Upper-left6 = Lower-left
7 = Far Left
8 = Mid-right
9 = Upper-right
10 = Lower-right
11 = Far Right0 = (none)
0 = (none)
1 = E9 (Center)
2 = D9
3 = C9
4 = B9
5 = A9
6 = F9
7 = G9
8 = H9
9 = I9
10 = E10
11 = D10
12 = C10
13 = B10
14 = A10
15 = F10
16 = G10
17 = H10
18 = I10
19 = E11
20 = D11
21 = C11
22 = B11
23 = A11
24 = F11
25 = G11
26 = H11
27 = I11
28 = E8
29 = D8
30 = C831 = B8
32 = A8
33 = F8
34 = G8
35 = H8
36 = I8
37 = E7
38 = D7
39 = C7
40 = B7
41 = A7
42 = F7
43 = G7
44 = H7
45 = I7
46 = E12
47 = D12
48 = C12
49 = B12
50 = A12
51 = F12
52 = G12
53 = H12
54 = I12
55 = E13
56 = D13
57 = C13
58 = B13
59 = A13
60 = F13
61 = G1362 = H13
63 = I13
64 = E14
65 = D14
66 = C14
67 = B14
68 = A14
69 = F14
70 = G14
71 = H14
72 = I14
73 = E15
74 = D15
75 = C15
76 = B15
77 = A15
78 = F15
79 = G15
80 = H15
81 = I15
82 = E16
83 = D16
84 = C16
85 = B16
86 = A16
87 = F16
88 = G16
89 = H16
90 = I16
91 = E17
92 = D1793 = C17
94 = B17
95 = A17
96 = F17
97 = G17
98 = H17
99 = I17
100 = E6
101 = D6
102 = C6
103 = B6
104 = A6
105 = F6
106 = G6
107 = H6
108 = I6
109 = E5
110 = D5
111 = C5
112 = B5
113 = A5
114 = F5
115 = G5
116 = H5
117 = I5
118 = E4
119 = D4
120 = C4
121 = B4
122 = A4
123 = F4124 = G4
125 = H4
126 = I4
127 = E3
128 = D3
129 = C3
130 = B3
131 = A3
132 = F3
133 = G3
134 = H3
135 = I3
136 = E2
137 = D2
138 = C2
139 = B2
140 = A2
141 = F2
142 = G2
143 = H2
144 = I2
145 = E1
146 = D1
147 = C1
148 = B1
149 = A1
150 = F1
151 = G1
152 = H1
153 = I170 AFImageWidth int16u (this and the following tags are valid only for contrast-detect AF) 72 AFImageHeight int16u 74 AFAreaXPosition int16u (center of AF area in AFImage coordinates) 76 AFAreaYPosition int16u 78 AFAreaWidth int16u (size of AF area in AFImage coordinates) 80 AFAreaHeight int16u 82 ContrastDetectAFInFocus int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes
AF information for Nikon 1 series cameras: Nikon 1 V1, V2, V3, J1, J2, J3, S1, S2 AW1.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFInfo2Version no 5 AFAreaMode int8u 128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)6 PhaseDetectAF int8u (PrimaryAFPoint and AFPointsUsed below are only valid when this is On)
4 = On (73-point)
5 = On (5)
6 = On (105-point)7 PrimaryAFPoint int8u (Nikon 1 models with older 135-point AF and 73-point phase-detect AF) (Nikon 1 models with newer 135-point AF and 73-point phase-detect AF -- 9 rows (B-J) and 15 columns (1-15), inside a grid of 11 rows by 15 columns. The points are numbered sequentially, with F8 at the center)
0 = (none)
1 = E8 (Center)
2 = D8
3 = C8
4 = B8
5 = A8
6 = F8
7 = G8
8 = H8
9 = I8
10 = E9
11 = D9
12 = C9
13 = B9
14 = A9
15 = F9
16 = G9
17 = H9
18 = I9
19 = E7
20 = D7
21 = C7
22 = B7
23 = A7
24 = F7
25 = G7
26 = H7
27 = I728 = E10
29 = D10
30 = C10
31 = B10
32 = A10
33 = F10
34 = G10
35 = H10
36 = I10
37 = E11
38 = D11
39 = C11
40 = B11
41 = A11
42 = F11
43 = G11
44 = H11
45 = I11
46 = E12
47 = D12
48 = C12
49 = B12
50 = A12
51 = F12
52 = G12
53 = H12
54 = I12
55 = E1356 = D13
57 = C13
58 = B13
59 = A13
60 = F13
61 = G13
62 = H13
63 = I13
64 = E14
65 = D14
66 = C14
67 = B14
68 = A14
69 = F14
70 = G14
71 = H14
72 = I14
73 = E15
74 = D15
75 = C15
76 = B15
77 = A15
78 = F15
79 = G15
80 = H15
81 = I15
82 = E6
83 = D684 = C6
85 = B6
86 = A6
87 = F6
88 = G6
89 = H6
90 = I6
91 = E5
92 = D5
93 = C5
94 = B5
95 = A5
96 = F5
97 = G5
98 = H5
99 = I5
100 = E4
101 = D4
102 = C4
103 = B4
104 = A4
105 = F4
106 = G4
107 = H4
108 = I4
109 = E3
110 = D3
111 = C3112 = B3
113 = A3
114 = F3
115 = G3
116 = H3
117 = I3
118 = E2
119 = D2
120 = C2
121 = B2
122 = A2
123 = F2
124 = G2
125 = H2
126 = I2
127 = E1
128 = D1
129 = C1
130 = B1
131 = A1
132 = F1
133 = G1
134 = H1
135 = I1
0 = (none)
82 = F8 (Center)
(Nikon 1 models with 171-point AF and 105-point phase-detect AF -- 9 rows (B-J) and 19 columns (2-20), inside a grid of 11 rows by 21 columns. The points are numbered sequentially, with F11 at the center)
0 = (none)
115 = F11 (Center)8 AFPointsUsed
undef[29](older models with 135-point AF -- 9 rows (A-I) and 15 columns (1-15). Center point is E8. The odd-numbered columns, columns 2 and 14, and the remaining corner points are not used for 41-point AF mode)
(newer models with 135-point AF -- 9 rows (B-J) and 15 columns (1-15). Center point is F8)
(models with 171-point AF -- 9 rows (B-J) and 19 columns (2-20). Center point is F10)
AF information for Nikon cameras with the Expeed 6 processor: D6, D780, Z5, Z6, Z6ii, Z7, Z7ii, Z50 and Zfc.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFInfo2Version no 4 AFDetectionMethod int8u 0 = Phase Detect
1 = Contrast Detect
2 = Hybrid5 AFAreaMode int8u
0 = Single Area
1 = Dynamic Area
2 = Dynamic Area (closest subject)
3 = Group Dynamic
4 = Dynamic Area (9 points)
5 = Dynamic Area (21 points)
6 = Dynamic Area (51 points)
7 = Dynamic Area (51 points, 3D-tracking)
8 = Auto-area
9 = Dynamic Area (3D-tracking)
10 = Single Area (wide)
11 = Dynamic Area (wide)
12 = Dynamic Area (wide, 3D-tracking)
13 = Group Area
14 = Dynamic Area (25 points)
15 = Dynamic Area (72 points)
16 = Group Area (HL)
17 = Group Area (VL)
18 = Dynamic Area (49 points)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
199 = Auto
0 = Contrast-detect
1 = Contrast-detect (normal area)
2 = Contrast-detect (wide area)
3 = Contrast-detect (face priority)
4 = Contrast-detect (subject tracking)
128 = Single
129 = Auto (41 points)
130 = Subject Tracking (41 points)
131 = Face Priority (41 points)
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
194 = Dynamic
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto
198 = Auto (People)
199 = Auto (Animal)
200 = Normal-area AF
201 = Wide-area AF
202 = Face-priority AF
203 = Subject-tracking AF
204 = Dynamic Area (S)
205 = Dynamic Area (M)
206 = Dynamic Area (L)
207 = 3D-tracking
208 = Wide-Area (C1/C2)7 AFCoordinatesAvailable int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes10 AFPointsUsed
undef[14](models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows: A1-9, B1-11, C1-11, D1-11, E1-9. Center point is C6)
(models with hybrid detect AF have 81 auto-area points -- 9 rows (A-I) and 9 columns (1-9). Center point is E5)42 AFImageWidth int16u 44 AFImageHeight int16u 46 AFAreaXPosition int16u 47 FocusPositionHorizontal no 48 AFAreaYPosition int16u 49 FocusPositionVertical no 50 AFAreaWidth int16u 52 AFAreaHeight int16u 56 PrimaryAFPoint int8u (models with 51-point AF -- 5 rows (A-E) and 11 columns (1-11): D3, D3S, D3X, D4, D4S, D300, D300S, D700, D750, D800, D800E, D810, D7100 and D7200) (models with hybrid detect AF have 81 auto-area points -- 9 rows (A-I) and 9 columns (1-9). Center point is E5)
0 = (none)
1 = C6 (Center)
2 = B6
3 = A5
4 = D6
5 = E5
6 = C7
7 = B7
8 = A6
9 = D7
10 = E611 = C5
12 = B5
13 = A4
14 = D5
15 = E4
16 = C8
17 = B8
18 = A7
19 = D8
20 = E7
21 = C922 = B9
23 = A8
24 = D9
25 = E8
26 = C10
27 = B10
28 = A9
29 = D10
30 = E9
31 = C11
32 = B1133 = D11
34 = C4
35 = B4
36 = A3
37 = D4
38 = E3
39 = C3
40 = B3
41 = A2
42 = D3
43 = E244 = C2
45 = B2
46 = A1
47 = D2
48 = E1
49 = C1
50 = B1
51 = D1(Nikon models with 105-point AF -- 7 rows (A-G) and 15 columns (1-15): D6)
0 = (none)
1 = E5 (Center)
2 = D5
3 = C5
4 = B5
5 = A5
6 = F5
7 = G5
8 = H5
9 = I5
10 = E6
11 = D6
12 = C6
13 = B6
14 = A6
15 = F6
16 = G617 = H6
18 = I6
19 = E4
20 = D4
21 = C4
22 = B4
23 = A4
24 = F4
25 = G4
26 = H4
27 = I4
28 = E7
29 = D7
30 = C7
31 = B7
32 = A7
33 = F734 = G7
35 = H7
36 = I7
37 = E3
38 = D3
39 = C3
40 = B3
41 = A3
42 = F3
43 = G3
44 = H3
45 = I3
46 = E8
47 = D8
48 = C8
49 = B8
50 = A851 = F8
52 = G8
53 = H8
54 = I8
55 = E2
56 = D2
57 = C2
58 = B2
59 = A2
60 = F2
61 = G2
62 = H2
63 = I2
64 = E9
65 = D9
66 = C9
67 = B968 = A9
69 = F9
70 = G9
71 = H9
72 = I9
73 = E1
74 = D1
75 = C1
76 = B1
77 = A1
78 = F1
79 = G1
80 = H1
81 = I1
0 = (none)
1 = D8 (Center)
2 = C8
3 = B8
4 = A8
5 = E8
6 = F8
7 = G8
8 = D9
9 = C9
10 = B9
11 = A9
12 = E9
13 = F9
14 = G9
15 = D10
16 = C10
17 = B10
18 = A10
19 = E10
20 = F10
21 = G1022 = D7
23 = C7
24 = B7
25 = A7
26 = E7
27 = F7
28 = G7
29 = D6
30 = C6
31 = B6
32 = A6
33 = E6
34 = F6
35 = G6
36 = D11
37 = C11
38 = B11
39 = A11
40 = E11
41 = F11
42 = G11
43 = D1244 = C12
45 = B12
46 = A12
47 = E12
48 = F12
49 = G12
50 = D13
51 = C13
52 = B13
53 = A13
54 = E13
55 = F13
56 = G13
57 = D14
58 = C14
59 = B14
60 = A14
61 = E14
62 = F14
63 = G14
64 = D15
65 = C1566 = B15
67 = A15
68 = E15
69 = F15
70 = G15
71 = D5
72 = C5
73 = B5
74 = A5
75 = E5
76 = F5
77 = G5
78 = D4
79 = C4
80 = B4
81 = A4
82 = E4
83 = F4
84 = G4
85 = D3
86 = C3
87 = B388 = A3
89 = E3
90 = F3
91 = G3
92 = D2
93 = C2
94 = B2
95 = A2
96 = E2
97 = F2
98 = G2
99 = D1
100 = C1
101 = B1
102 = A1
103 = E1
104 = F1
105 = G1
AF information for Nikon cameras with the Expeed 7 processor: The Zf, Z6_3, Z8, Z9 and Z50_3.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFInfo2Version no 4 AFDetectionMethod int8u 0 = Phase Detect
1 = Contrast Detect
2 = Hybrid5 AFAreaMode int8u
192 = Pinpoint
193 = Single
195 = Wide (S)
196 = Wide (L)
197 = Auto204 = Dynamic Area (S)
205 = Dynamic Area (M)
206 = Dynamic Area (L)
207 = 3D-tracking
208 = Wide (C1/C2)7 AFCoordinatesAvailable int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes10 AFPointsUsed
undef[29](either AFPointsUsed or AFAreaX/YPosition will be set, but not both) 62 AFImageWidth int16u 64 AFImageHeight int16u 66 AFAreaXPosition int16u 67 FocusPositionHorizontal no 68 AFAreaYPosition int16u 69 FocusPositionVertical no 70 AFAreaWidth int16u (size of AF area in AFImage pixels) 72 AFAreaHeight int16u 74 FocusResult int8u 0 = Out of Focus
1 = Focus
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 FileInfoVersion no 2 MemoryCardNumber int16u 3 DirectoryNumber int16u 4 FileNumber int16u
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 AFFineTune int8u 0 = Off
1 = On (1)
2 = On (2)
3 = On (Zoom)1 AFFineTuneIndex int8u (index of saved lens) 2 AFFineTuneAdj int8s (may only be valid for saved lenses) 3 AFFineTuneAdjTele int8s (only valid for zoom lenses (ie, AFTune=3))
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 RetouchInfoVersion no 5 RetouchNEFProcessing int8s -1 = Off
1 = On
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 BarometerInfoVersion no 6 Altitude int32s
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001 IFD0_Offset no 0x0002 PreviewIFD_Offset no 0x0003 SubIFD_Offset no
This information is written by the Nikon Scan software.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0002 FilmType string 0x0040 MultiSample string 0x0041 BitDepth int16u 0x0050 MasterGain rational64s 0x0051 ColorGain rational64s[3] 0x0060 ScanImageEnhancer int32u 0 = Off
1 = On0x0100 DigitalICE string 0x0110 ROCInfo - --> Nikon ROC Tags 0x0120 GEMInfo - --> Nikon GEM Tags 0x0200 DigitalDEEShadowAdj int32u 0x0201 DigitalDEEThreshold int32u 0x0202 DigitalDEEHighlightAdj int32u
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 DigitalROC int32u
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 DigitalGEM int32u
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 2 OutputImageWidth int32u 3 OutputImageHeight int32u 4 OutputResolution int32u
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0003 Quality yes 0x0004 ColorMode yes 0x0005 ImageAdjustment yes 0x0006 CCDSensitivity yes 0x0007 WhiteBalance yes 0x0008 Focus yes 0x000a DigitalZoom yes 0x000b Converter yes
As-yet unknown information found in SubIFD1 tag 0xc7d5 of NEF images from cameras such as the Z6 and Z7, and NRW images from some Coolpix cameras.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0005 DistortionInfo - --> Nikon DistortionInfo Tags 0x0006 VignetteInfo - --> Nikon VignetteInfo Tags
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 DistortionCorrectionVersion string[4] 4 DistortionCorrection int8u 1 = On (Optional)
2 = Off
3 = On (Required)20 RadialDistortionCoefficient1 rational64s~ 28 RadialDistortionCoefficient2 rational64s~ 36 RadialDistortionCoefficient3 rational64s~
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 VignetteCorrectionVersion string[4] 36 VignetteCoefficient1 rational64s~ 52 VignetteCoefficient2 rational64s~ 68 VignetteCoefficient3 rational64s~
Nikon-specific RIFF tags found in AVI videos.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 'nctg' NikonTags - --> Nikon AVITags Tags 'ncth' ThumbnailImage no 'ncvr' NikonVers - --> Nikon AVIVers Tags 'ncvw' PreviewImage no
These tags and the AVIVer tags below are found in proprietary-format records of Nikon AVI videos.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0003 Make no 0x0004 Model no 0x0005 Software no 0x0006 Equipment no 0x0007 Orientation no
1 = Horizontal (normal)
2 = Mirror horizontal
3 = Rotate 180
4 = Mirror vertical
5 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
6 = Rotate 90 CW
7 = Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
8 = Rotate 270 CW0x0008 ExposureTime no 0x0009 FNumber no 0x000a ExposureCompensation no 0x000b MaxApertureValue no 0x000c MeteringMode no
0 = Unknown
1 = Average
2 = Center-weighted average
3 = Spot
4 = Multi-spot
5 = Multi-segment
6 = Partial
255 = Other0x000f FocalLength no 0x0010 XResolution no 0x0011 YResolution no 0x0012 ResolutionUnit no 1 = None
2 = inches
3 = cm0x0013 DateTimeOriginal no 0x0014 CreateDate no 0x0016 Duration no 0x0018 FocusMode no 0x001b DigitalZoom no 0x001d ColorMode no 0x001e Sharpness no 0x001f WhiteBalance no 0x0020 NoiseReduction no
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001 MakerNoteType no 0x0002 MakerNoteVersion no
Nikon-specific QuickTime tags found in the NCDT atom of MOV videos from various Nikon models.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 'NCDB' NikonNCDB - --> Nikon NCDB Tags 'NCHD' MakerNoteVersion no 'NCM1' PreviewImage1 no 'NCM2' PreviewImage2 no 'NCTG' NikonTags - --> Nikon NCTG Tags 'NCTH' ThumbnailImage no 'NCVW' PreviewImage no
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes [no tags known]
These tags are found in proprietary-format records of the NCTG atom in MOV videos from some Nikon cameras.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001 Make no 0x0002 Model no 0x0003 Software no 0x0011 CreateDate no 0x0012 DateTimeOriginal no 0x0013 FrameCount no 0x0016 FrameRate no 0x0019 TimeZone no 0x0022 FrameWidth no 0x0023 FrameHeight no 0x0032 AudioChannels no 0x0033 AudioBitsPerSample no 0x0034 AudioSampleRate no 0x1002 NikonDateTime no 0x1013 ElectronicVR no 0 = Off
1 = On0x110829a ExposureTime no 0x110829d FNumber no 0x1108822 ExposureProgram no
0 = Not Defined
1 = Manual
2 = Program AE
3 = Aperture-priority AE
4 = Shutter speed priority AE
5 = Creative (Slow speed)
6 = Action (High speed)
7 = Portrait
8 = Landscape0x1109204 ExposureCompensation no 0x1109207 MeteringMode no
0 = Unknown
1 = Average
2 = Center-weighted average
3 = Spot
4 = Multi-spot
5 = Multi-segment
6 = Partial
255 = Other0x110920a FocalLength no 0x110a431 SerialNumber no 0x110a432 LensInfo no 0x110a433 LensMake no 0x110a434 LensModel no 0x110a435 LensSerialNumber no 0x1200000 GPSVersionID no 0x1200001 GPSLatitudeRef no 'N' = North
'S' = South0x1200002 GPSLatitude no 0x1200003 GPSLongitudeRef no 'E' = East
'W' = West0x1200004 GPSLongitude no 0x1200005 GPSAltitudeRef no 0 = Above Sea Level
1 = Below Sea Level0x1200006 GPSAltitude no 0x1200007 GPSTimeStamp no 0x1200008 GPSSatellites no 0x1200010 GPSImgDirectionRef no 'M' = Magnetic North
'T' = True North0x1200011 GPSImgDirection no 0x1200012 GPSMapDatum no 0x120001d GPSDateStamp no 0x2000001 MakerNoteVersion no 0x2000005 WhiteBalance no 0x2000007 FocusMode no 0x200000b WhiteBalanceFineTune no 0x200001b CropHiSpeed no
0 = Off
1 = 1.3x Crop
2 = DX Crop
3 = 5:4 Crop
4 = 3:2 Crop
6 = 16:9 Crop
8 = 2.7x Crop
9 = DX Movie Crop10 = 1.3x Movie Crop
11 = FX Uncropped
12 = DX Uncropped
13 = 2.8x Movie Crop
14 = 1.4x Movie Crop
15 = 1.5x Movie Crop
17 = 1:1 Crop0x200001e ColorSpace no 1 = sRGB
2 = Adobe RGB0x200001f VRInfo - --> Nikon VRInfo Tags 0x2000022 ActiveD-Lighting no
0 = Off
1 = Low
3 = Normal
5 = High
7 = Extra High8 = Extra High 1
9 = Extra High 2
10 = Extra High 3
11 = Extra High 4
65535 = Auto0x2000023 PictureControlData - --> Nikon PictureControl Tags
--> Nikon PictureControl2 Tags
--> Nikon PictureControl3 Tags
--> Nikon PictureControlUnknown Tags0x2000024 WorldTime - --> Nikon WorldTime Tags 0x2000025 ISOInfo - --> Nikon ISOInfo Tags 0x200002a VignetteControl no 0 = Off
1 = Low
3 = Normal
5 = High0x200002c UnknownInfo - --> Nikon UnknownInfo Tags 0x2000032 UnknownInfo2 - --> Nikon UnknownInfo2 Tags 0x2000039 LocationInfo - --> Nikon LocationInfo Tags 0x200003f WhiteBalanceFineTune no 0x200004e NikonSettings - --> NikonSettings Tags 0x2000083 LensType no Bit 0 = MF
Bit 1 = D
Bit 2 = G
Bit 3 = VR
Bit 4 = 1
Bit 6 = E0x2000084 Lens no 0x2000087 FlashMode no
0 = Did Not Fire
1 = Fired, Manual
3 = Not Ready
7 = Fired, External
8 = Fired, Commander Mode
9 = Fired, TTL Mode
18 = LED Light0x2000098 LensData0100
---> Nikon LensData00 Tags
--> Nikon LensData01 Tags
--> Nikon LensData01 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0204 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0400 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0402 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0403 Tags
--> Nikon LensData0800 Tags
--> Nikon LensDataUnknown Tags0x20000a7 ShutterCount no 0x20000a8 FlashInfo0100
---> Nikon FlashInfo0100 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0102 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0103 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0106 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfo0107 Tags
--> Nikon FlashInfoUnknown Tags0x20000ab VariProgram no 0x20000b1 HighISONoiseReduction no
0 = Off
1 = Minimal
2 = Low
3 = Medium Low4 = Normal
5 = Medium High
6 = High0x20000b7 AFInfo2 - --> Nikon AFInfo2V0100 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0101 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0200 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0300 Tags
--> Nikon AFInfo2V0400 Tags0x20000c3 BarometerInfo - --> Nikon BarometerInfo Tags
This information is found in MOV and QT videos from some Nikon cameras.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 Make no 24 Model no 38 ExposureTime no 42 FNumber no 50 ExposureCompensation no 68 WhiteBalance no
0 = Auto
1 = Daylight
2 = Shade3 = Fluorescent
4 = Tungsten
5 = Manual72 FocalLength no 175 Software no 223 ISO no
The Nikon LensID is constructed as a Composite tag from the raw hex values of 8 other tags: LensIDNumber, LensFStops, MinFocalLength, MaxFocalLength, MaxApertureAtMinFocal, MaxApertureAtMaxFocal, MCUVersion and LensType, in that order. The user-defined "Lenses" list may be used to specify the lens for ExifTool to choose in these cases (see the sample config file for details).
Value LensID '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01' = Manual Lens No CPU '00 00 00 00 00 00 E1 12' = TC-17E II '00 00 00 00 00 00 F1 0C' = TC-14E [II] or Sigma APO Tele Converter 1.4x EX DG or Kenko Teleplus PRO 300 DG 1.4x '00 00 00 00 00 00 F2 18' = TC-20E [II] or Sigma APO Tele Converter 2x EX DG or Kenko Teleplus PRO 300 DG 2.0x '00 00 48 48 53 53 00 01' = Loreo 40mm F11-22 3D Lens in a Cap 9005 '00 36 1C 2D 34 3C 00 06' = Tamron SP AF 11-18mm f/4.5-5.6 Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A13) '00 3C 1F 37 30 30 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 124 AF PRO DX (AF 12-24mm f/4) '00 3C 2B 44 30 30 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 17-35 F4 PRO FX (AF 17-35mm f/4) '00 3C 5C 80 30 30 00 0E' = Tokina AT-X 70-200 F4 FX VCM-S (AF 70-200mm f/4) '00 3E 80 A0 38 3F 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 200-500mm f/5-6.3 Di LD (IF) (A08) '00 3F 2D 80 2B 40 00 06' = Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A14) '00 3F 2D 80 2C 40 00 06' = Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A14) '00 3F 80 A0 38 3F 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 200-500mm f/5-6.3 Di (A08) '00 40 11 11 2C 2C 00 00' = Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fish-Eye '00 40 18 2B 2C 34 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 107 AF DX Fisheye (AF 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5) '00 40 2A 72 2C 3C 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 16.5-135 DX (AF 16.5-135mm F3.5-5.6) '00 40 2B 2B 2C 2C 00 02' = Tokina AT-X 17 AF PRO (AF 17mm f/3.5) '00 40 2D 2D 2C 2C 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 3.5/18 ZF.2 '00 40 2D 80 2C 40 00 06' = Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A14NII) '00 40 2D 88 2C 40 00 06' = Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A18NII) '00 40 2D 88 2C 40 62 06' = Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A18) '00 40 31 31 2C 2C 00 00' = Voigtlander Color Skopar 20mm F3.5 SLII Aspherical '00 40 37 80 2C 3C 00 02' = Tokina AT-X 242 AF (AF 24-200mm f/3.5-5.6) '00 40 64 64 2C 2C 00 00' = Voigtlander APO-Lanthar 90mm F3.5 SLII Close Focus '00 44 60 98 34 3C 00 02' = Tokina AT-X 840 D (AF 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6) '00 47 10 10 24 24 00 00' = Fisheye Nikkor 8mm f/2.8 AiS '00 47 25 25 24 24 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 14mm f/2.8 Aspherical (IF) (69E) '00 47 3C 3C 24 24 00 00' = Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AiS '00 47 44 44 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X M35 PRO DX (AF 35mm f/2.8 Macro) '00 47 53 80 30 3C 00 06' = Tamron AF 55-200mm f/4-5.6 Di II LD (A15) '00 48 1C 29 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX (AF 11-16mm f/2.8) '00 48 27 27 24 24 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/15 ZF.2 '00 48 29 3C 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 16-28 AF PRO FX (AF 16-28mm f/2.8) '00 48 29 50 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 165 PRO DX (AF 16-50mm f/2.8) '00 48 32 32 24 24 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/21 ZF.2 '00 48 37 5C 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 24-70 F2.8 PRO FX (AF 24-70mm f/2.8) '00 48 3C 3C 24 24 00 00' = Voigtlander Color Skopar 28mm F2.8 SL II '00 48 3C 60 24 24 00 02' = Tokina AT-X 280 AF PRO (AF 28-80mm f/2.8) '00 48 3C 6A 24 24 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 28-105mm f/2.8 LD Aspherical IF (176D) '00 48 50 50 18 18 00 00' = Nikkor H 50mm f/2 '00 48 50 72 24 24 00 06' = Tokina AT-X 535 PRO DX (AF 50-135mm f/2.8) '00 48 5C 80 30 30 00 0E' = Tokina AT-X 70-200 F4 FX VCM-S (AF 70-200mm f/4) '00 48 5C 8E 30 3C 00 06' = Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro 1:2 (A17NII) '00 48 68 68 24 24 00 00' = Series E 100mm f/2.8 '00 48 80 80 30 30 00 00' = Nikkor 200mm f/4 AiS '00 49 30 48 22 2B 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 20-40mm f/2.7-3.5 (166D) '00 4C 6A 6A 20 20 00 00' = Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 AiS '00 4C 7C 7C 2C 2C 00 02' = Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Model (B01) '00 53 2B 50 24 24 00 06' = Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A16) '00 54 2B 50 24 24 00 06' = Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A16NII) '00 54 38 38 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2/25 ZF.2 '00 54 3C 3C 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2/28 ZF.2 '00 54 44 44 0C 0C 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 1.4/35 ZF.2 '00 54 44 44 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2/35 ZF.2 '00 54 48 48 18 18 00 00' = Voigtlander Ultron 40mm F2 SLII Aspherical '00 54 50 50 0C 0C 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/50 ZF.2 '00 54 50 50 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/50 ZF.2 '00 54 53 53 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Otus 1.4/55 '00 54 55 55 0C 0C 00 00' = Voigtlander Nokton 58mm F1.4 SLII '00 54 56 56 30 30 00 00' = Coastal Optical Systems 60mm 1:4 UV-VIS-IR Macro Apo '00 54 62 62 0C 0C 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/85 ZF.2 '00 54 68 68 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZF.2 '00 54 68 68 24 24 00 02' = Tokina AT-X M100 AF PRO D (AF 100mm f/2.8 Macro) '00 54 72 72 18 18 00 00' = Carl Zeiss Apo Sonnar T* 2/135 ZF.2 '00 54 8E 8E 24 24 00 02' = Tokina AT-X 300 AF PRO (AF 300mm f/2.8) '00 57 50 50 14 14 00 00' = Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AI '00 58 64 64 20 20 00 00' = Soligor C/D Macro MC 90mm f/2.5 '01 00 00 00 00 00 02 00' = TC-16A '01 00 00 00 00 00 08 00' = TC-16A '01 54 62 62 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Otus 1.4/85 '01 58 50 50 14 14 02 00' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 '01 58 50 50 14 14 05 00' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 '02 2F 98 98 3D 3D 02 00' = Sigma APO 400mm F5.6 '02 34 A0 A0 44 44 02 00' = Sigma APO 500mm F7.2 '02 37 5E 8E 35 3D 02 00' = Sigma 75-300mm F4.5-5.6 APO '02 37 A0 A0 34 34 02 00' = Sigma APO 500mm F4.5 '02 3A 37 50 31 3D 02 00' = Sigma 24-50mm F4-5.6 UC '02 3A 5E 8E 32 3D 02 00' = Sigma 75-300mm F4.0-5.6 '02 3B 44 61 30 3D 02 00' = Sigma 35-80mm F4-5.6 '02 3B 5C 82 30 3C 02 00' = Sigma Zoom-K 70-210mm F4-5.6 '02 3C B0 B0 3C 3C 02 00' = Sigma APO 800mm F5.6 '02 3F 24 24 2C 2C 02 00' = Sigma 14mm F3.5 '02 3F 3C 5C 2D 35 02 00' = Sigma 28-70mm F3.5-4.5 UC '02 40 44 5C 2C 34 02 00' = Exakta AF 35-70mm 1:3.5-4.5 MC '02 40 44 73 2B 36 02 00' = Sigma 35-135mm F3.5-4.5 a '02 40 5C 82 2C 35 02 00' = Sigma APO 70-210mm F3.5-4.5 '02 42 44 5C 2A 34 02 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5 '02 42 44 5C 2A 34 08 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5 '02 46 37 37 25 25 02 00' = Sigma 24mm F2.8 Super Wide II Macro '02 46 3C 5C 25 25 02 00' = Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 '02 46 5C 82 25 25 02 00' = Sigma 70-210mm F2.8 APO '02 48 50 50 24 24 02 00' = Sigma Macro 50mm F2.8 '02 48 65 65 24 24 02 00' = Sigma Macro 90mm F2.8 '02 54 3C 3C 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Otus 1.4/28 ZF.2 '03 43 5C 81 35 35 02 00' = Soligor AF C/D Zoom UMCS 70-210mm 1:4.5 '03 48 5C 81 30 30 02 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-210mm f/4 '03 54 68 68 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Otus 1.4/100 '04 48 3C 3C 24 24 03 00' = AF Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 '05 54 50 50 0C 0C 04 00' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 '06 3F 68 68 2C 2C 06 00' = Cosina AF 100mm F3.5 Macro '06 54 53 53 24 24 06 00' = AF Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 '07 36 3D 5F 2C 3C 03 00' = Cosina AF Zoom 28-80mm F3.5-5.6 MC Macro '07 3E 30 43 2D 35 03 00' = Soligor AF Zoom 19-35mm 1:3.5-4.5 MC '07 40 2F 44 2C 34 03 02' = Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10) '07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02' = Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10) '07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02' = Voigtlander Ultragon 19-35mm F3.5-4.5 VMV '07 40 3C 5C 2C 35 03 00' = Tokina AF 270 II (AF 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5) '07 40 3C 62 2C 34 03 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5 '07 46 2B 44 24 30 03 02' = Tamron SP AF 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di LD Aspherical (IF) (A05) '07 46 3D 6A 25 2F 03 00' = Cosina AF Zoom 28-105mm F2.8-3.8 MC '07 47 3C 5C 25 35 03 00' = Tokina AF 287 SD (AF 28-70mm f/2.8-4.5) '07 48 3C 5C 24 24 03 00' = Tokina AT-X 287 AF (AF 28-70mm f/2.8) '08 40 44 6A 2C 34 04 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 '09 48 37 37 24 24 04 00' = AF Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 '0A 48 8E 8E 24 24 03 00' = AF Nikkor 300mm f/2.8 IF-ED '0A 48 8E 8E 24 24 05 00' = AF Nikkor 300mm f/2.8 IF-ED N '0B 3E 3D 7F 2F 3D 0E 00' = Tamron AF 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6 (71D) '0B 3E 3D 7F 2F 3D 0E 02' = Tamron AF 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6D (171D) '0B 48 7C 7C 24 24 05 00' = AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 IF-ED '0D 40 44 72 2C 34 07 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 '0E 48 5C 81 30 30 05 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-210mm f/4 '0E 4A 31 48 23 2D 0E 02' = Tamron SP AF 20-40mm f/2.7-3.5 (166D) '0F 58 50 50 14 14 05 00' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 N '10 3D 3C 60 2C 3C D2 02' = Tamron AF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspherical (177D) '10 48 8E 8E 30 30 08 00' = AF Nikkor 300mm f/4 IF-ED '11 48 44 5C 24 24 08 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 '11 48 44 5C 24 24 15 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 '12 36 5C 81 35 3D 09 00' = Cosina AF Zoom 70-210mm F4.5-5.6 MC Macro '12 36 69 97 35 42 09 00' = Soligor AF Zoom 100-400mm 1:4.5-6.7 MC '12 38 69 97 35 42 09 02' = Promaster Spectrum 7 100-400mm F4.5-6.7 '12 39 5C 8E 34 3D 08 02' = Cosina AF Zoom 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 MC Macro '12 3B 68 8D 3D 43 09 02' = Cosina AF Zoom 100-300mm F5.6-6.7 MC Macro '12 3B 98 98 3D 3D 09 00' = Tokina AT-X 400 AF SD (AF 400mm f/5.6) '12 3D 3C 80 2E 3C DF 02' = Tamron AF 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6 AF Aspherical LD (IF) (271D) '12 44 5E 8E 34 3C 09 00' = Tokina AF 730 (AF 75-300mm F4.5-5.6) '12 48 5C 81 30 3C 09 00' = AF Nikkor 70-210mm f/4-5.6 '12 4A 5C 81 31 3D 09 00' = Soligor AF C/D Auto Zoom+Macro 70-210mm 1:4-5.6 UMCS '13 42 37 50 2A 34 0B 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-50mm f/3.3-4.5 '14 48 60 80 24 24 0B 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 ED '14 48 68 8E 30 30 0B 00' = Tokina AT-X 340 AF (AF 100-300mm f/4) '14 54 60 80 24 24 0B 00' = Tokina AT-X 828 AF (AF 80-200mm f/2.8) '15 4C 62 62 14 14 0C 00' = AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 '17 3C A0 A0 30 30 0F 00' = Nikkor 500mm f/4 P ED IF '17 3C A0 A0 30 30 11 00' = Nikkor 500mm f/4 P ED IF '18 40 44 72 2C 34 0E 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 N '1A 54 44 44 18 18 11 00' = AF Nikkor 35mm f/2 '1B 44 5E 8E 34 3C 10 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 '1C 48 30 30 24 24 12 00' = AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 '1D 42 44 5C 2A 34 12 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5 N '1E 54 56 56 24 24 13 00' = AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 '1E 5D 64 64 20 20 13 00' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.5 (52E) '1F 54 6A 6A 24 24 14 00' = AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 '20 3C 80 98 3D 3D 1E 02' = Tamron AF 200-400mm f/5.6 LD IF (75D) '20 48 60 80 24 24 15 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 ED '20 5A 64 64 20 20 14 00' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.5 Macro (152E) '21 40 3C 5C 2C 34 16 00' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5 '21 56 8E 8E 24 24 14 00' = Tamron SP AF 300mm f/2.8 LD-IF (60E) '22 48 72 72 18 18 16 00' = AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2 '22 53 64 64 24 24 E0 02' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Macro 1:1 (72E) '23 30 BE CA 3C 48 17 00' = Zoom-Nikkor 1200-1700mm f/5.6-8 P ED IF '24 44 60 98 34 3C 1A 02' = Tokina AT-X 840 AF-II (AF 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6) '24 48 60 80 24 24 1A 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED '24 54 60 80 24 24 1A 02' = Tokina AT-X 828 AF PRO (AF 80-200mm f/2.8) '25 44 44 8E 34 42 1B 02' = Tokina AF 353 (AF 35-300mm f/4.5-6.7) '25 48 3C 5C 24 24 1B 02' = Tokina AT-X 270 AF PRO II (AF 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8) '25 48 3C 5C 24 24 1B 02' = Tokina AT-X 287 AF PRO SV (AF 28-70mm f/2.8) '25 48 44 5C 24 24 1B 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D '25 48 44 5C 24 24 3A 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D '25 48 44 5C 24 24 52 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D '26 3C 54 80 30 3C 1C 06' = Sigma 55-200mm F4-5.6 DC '26 3C 5C 82 30 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 70-210mm F4-5.6 UC-II '26 3C 5C 8E 30 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 DG Macro '26 3C 98 98 3C 3C 1C 02' = Sigma APO Tele Macro 400mm F5.6 '26 3D 3C 80 2F 3D 1C 02' = Sigma 28-300mm F3.8-5.6 Aspherical '26 3E 3C 6A 2E 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 28-105mm F3.8-5.6 UC-III Aspherical IF '26 40 27 3F 2C 34 1C 02' = Sigma 15-30mm F3.5-4.5 EX DG Aspherical DF '26 40 2D 44 2B 34 1C 02' = Sigma 18-35mm F3.5-4.5 Aspherical '26 40 2D 50 2C 3C 1C 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 DC '26 40 2D 70 2B 3C 1C 06' = Sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6 DC '26 40 2D 80 2C 40 1C 06' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC '26 40 37 5C 2C 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 24-70mm F3.5-5.6 Aspherical HF '26 40 3C 5C 2C 34 1C 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5D '26 40 3C 60 2C 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 28-80mm F3.5-5.6 Mini Zoom Macro II Aspherical '26 40 3C 65 2C 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 28-90mm F3.5-5.6 Macro '26 40 3C 80 2B 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 28-200mm F3.5-5.6 Compact Aspherical Hyperzoom Macro '26 40 3C 80 2C 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 28-200mm F3.5-5.6 Compact Aspherical Hyperzoom Macro '26 40 3C 8E 2C 40 1C 02' = Sigma 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 Macro '26 40 7B A0 34 40 1C 02' = Sigma APO 170-500mm F5-6.3 Aspherical RF '26 41 3C 8E 2C 40 1C 02' = Sigma 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 DG Macro '26 44 73 98 34 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 135-400mm F4.5-5.6 APO Aspherical '26 45 68 8E 34 42 1C 02' = Sigma 100-300mm F4.5-6.7 DL '26 48 11 11 30 30 1C 02' = Sigma 8mm F4 EX Circular Fisheye '26 48 27 27 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX Diagonal Fisheye '26 48 2D 50 24 24 1C 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC '26 48 31 49 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 20-40mm F2.8 '26 48 37 56 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 24-60mm F2.8 EX DG '26 48 3C 5C 24 24 1C 06' = Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 EX DG '26 48 3C 5C 24 30 1C 02' = Sigma 28-70mm F2.8-4 DG '26 48 3C 6A 24 30 1C 02' = Sigma 28-105mm F2.8-4 Aspherical '26 48 8E 8E 30 30 1C 02' = Sigma APO Tele Macro 300mm F4 '26 54 2B 44 24 30 1C 02' = Sigma 17-35mm F2.8-4 EX Aspherical '26 54 37 5C 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro '26 54 37 73 24 34 1C 02' = Sigma 24-135mm F2.8-4.5 '26 54 3C 5C 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 EX '26 58 31 31 14 14 1C 02' = Sigma 20mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical RF '26 58 37 37 14 14 1C 02' = Sigma 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro '26 58 3C 3C 14 14 1C 02' = Sigma 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro '27 48 8E 8E 24 24 1D 02' = AF-I Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED '27 48 8E 8E 24 24 E1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-17E '27 48 8E 8E 24 24 F1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-14E '27 48 8E 8E 24 24 F2 02' = AF-I Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-20E '27 48 8E 8E 30 30 1D 02' = Tokina AT-X 304 AF (AF 300mm f/4.0) '27 54 8E 8E 24 24 1D 02' = Tamron SP AF 300mm f/2.8 LD-IF (360E) '28 3C A6 A6 30 30 1D 02' = AF-I Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED '28 3C A6 A6 30 30 E1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-17E '28 3C A6 A6 30 30 F1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-14E '28 3C A6 A6 30 30 F2 02' = AF-I Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-20E '2A 54 3C 3C 0C 0C 26 02' = AF Nikkor 28mm f/1.4D '2B 3C 44 60 30 3C 1F 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-80mm f/4-5.6D '2C 48 6A 6A 18 18 27 02' = AF DC-Nikkor 105mm f/2D '2D 48 80 80 30 30 21 02' = AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED '2E 48 5C 82 30 3C 22 02' = AF Nikkor 70-210mm f/4-5.6D '2E 48 5C 82 30 3C 28 02' = AF Nikkor 70-210mm f/4-5.6D '2F 40 30 44 2C 34 29 02' = Tokina AF 235 II (AF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5) '2F 40 30 44 2C 34 29 02' = Tokina AF 193 (AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5) '2F 48 30 44 24 24 29 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 20-35mm f/2.8D IF '2F 48 30 44 24 24 29 02' = Tokina AT-X 235 AF PRO (AF 20-35mm f/2.8) '30 48 98 98 24 24 24 02' = AF-I Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED '30 48 98 98 24 24 E1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-17E '30 48 98 98 24 24 F1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-14E '30 48 98 98 24 24 F2 02' = AF-I Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-20E '31 54 56 56 24 24 25 02' = AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D '32 53 64 64 24 24 35 02' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 [Di] Macro 1:1 (172E/272E) '32 54 50 50 24 24 35 02' = Sigma Macro 50mm F2.8 EX DG '32 54 6A 6A 24 24 35 02' = AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D '32 54 6A 6A 24 24 35 02' = Sigma Macro 105mm F2.8 EX DG '33 48 2D 2D 24 24 31 02' = AF Nikkor 18mm f/2.8D '33 54 3C 5E 24 24 62 02' = Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A09) '34 48 29 29 24 24 32 02' = AF Fisheye Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D '35 3C A0 A0 30 30 33 02' = AF-I Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED '35 3C A0 A0 30 30 E1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-17E '35 3C A0 A0 30 30 F1 02' = AF-I Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-14E '35 3C A0 A0 30 30 F2 02' = AF-I Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-20E '36 48 37 37 24 24 34 02' = AF Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D '37 48 30 30 24 24 36 02' = AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8D '38 4C 62 62 14 14 37 02' = AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D '3A 40 3C 5C 2C 34 39 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5D '3B 48 44 5C 24 24 3A 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D N '3C 48 60 80 24 24 3B 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED '3D 3C 44 60 30 3C 3E 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-80mm f/4-5.6D '3E 48 3C 3C 24 24 3D 02' = AF Nikkor 28mm f/2.8D '3F 40 44 6A 2C 34 45 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5D '41 48 7C 7C 24 24 43 02' = AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED '42 54 44 44 18 18 44 02' = AF Nikkor 35mm f/2D '43 54 50 50 0C 0C 46 02' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D '44 44 60 80 34 3C 47 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/4.5-5.6D '45 3D 3C 60 2C 3C 48 02' = Tamron AF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspherical (177D) '45 40 3C 60 2C 3C 48 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6D '45 41 37 72 2C 3C 48 02' = Tamron SP AF 24-135mm f/3.5-5.6 AD Aspherical (IF) Macro (190D) '46 3C 44 60 30 3C 49 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-80mm f/4-5.6D N '47 42 37 50 2A 34 4A 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-50mm f/3.3-4.5D '48 38 1F 37 34 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 EX DG Aspherical HSM '48 3C 19 31 30 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM '48 3C 50 A0 30 40 4B 02' = Sigma 50-500mm F4-6.3 EX APO RF HSM '48 3C 8E B0 3C 3C 4B 02' = Sigma APO 300-800mm F5.6 EX DG HSM '48 3C B0 B0 3C 3C 4B 02' = Sigma APO 800mm F5.6 EX HSM '48 44 A0 A0 34 34 4B 02' = Sigma APO 500mm F4.5 EX HSM '48 48 24 24 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma 14mm F2.8 EX Aspherical HSM '48 48 2B 44 24 30 4B 06' = Sigma 17-35mm F2.8-4 EX DG Aspherical HSM '48 48 68 8E 30 30 4B 02' = Sigma APO 100-300mm F4 EX IF HSM '48 48 76 76 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma APO Macro 150mm F2.8 EX DG HSM '48 48 8E 8E 24 24 4B 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED '48 48 8E 8E 24 24 E1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-17E '48 48 8E 8E 24 24 F1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-14E '48 48 8E 8E 24 24 F2 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-20E '48 4C 7C 7C 2C 2C 4B 02' = Sigma APO Macro 180mm F3.5 EX DG HSM '48 4C 7D 7D 2C 2C 4B 02' = Sigma APO Macro 180mm F3.5 EX DG HSM '48 54 3E 3E 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC HSM '48 54 5C 80 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 EX APO IF HSM '48 54 6F 8E 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma APO 120-300mm F2.8 EX DG HSM '48 54 8E 8E 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma APO 300mm F2.8 EX DG HSM '49 3C A6 A6 30 30 4C 02' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED '49 3C A6 A6 30 30 E1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-17E '49 3C A6 A6 30 30 F1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-14E '49 3C A6 A6 30 30 F2 02' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-20E '4A 40 11 11 2C 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fish-Eye CS '4A 48 1E 1E 24 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 12mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS Fish-Eye '4A 48 24 24 24 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 10mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS '4A 48 24 24 24 0C 4D 02' = Samyang AE 14mm f/2.8 ED AS IF UMC '4A 4C 24 24 1E 6C 4D 06' = Samyang 14mm f/2.4 Premium '4A 54 29 29 18 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 16mm f/2.0 ED AS UMC CS '4A 54 62 62 0C 0C 4D 02' = AF Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF '4A 58 30 30 14 0C 4D 02' = Rokinon 20mm f/1.8 ED AS UMC '4A 60 36 36 0C 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 24mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC '4A 60 44 44 0C 0C 4D 02' = Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC '4A 60 62 62 0C 0C 4D 02' = Samyang AE 85mm f/1.4 AS IF UMC '4B 3C A0 A0 30 30 4E 02' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED '4B 3C A0 A0 30 30 E1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-17E '4B 3C A0 A0 30 30 F1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-14E '4B 3C A0 A0 30 30 F2 02' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED + TC-20E '4C 40 37 6E 2C 3C 4F 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6D IF '4D 3E 3C 80 2E 3C 62 02' = Tamron AF 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6 XR Aspherical (IF) Macro (A03N) '4D 40 3C 80 2C 3C 62 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6D IF '4D 41 3C 8E 2B 40 62 02' = Tamron AF 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) (A061) '4D 41 3C 8E 2C 40 62 02' = Tamron AF 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR LD Aspherical (IF) (185D) '4E 48 72 72 18 18 51 02' = AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2D '4F 40 37 5C 2C 3C 53 06' = IX-Nikkor 24-70mm f/3.5-5.6 '50 48 56 7C 30 3C 54 06' = IX-Nikkor 60-180mm f/4-5.6 '52 54 44 44 18 18 00 00' = Zeiss Milvus 35mm f/2 '53 48 60 80 24 24 57 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED '53 48 60 80 24 24 60 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED '53 54 50 50 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Milvus 50mm f/1.4 '54 44 5C 7C 34 3C 58 02' = AF Zoom-Micro Nikkor 70-180mm f/4.5-5.6D ED '54 44 5C 7C 34 3C 61 02' = AF Zoom-Micro Nikkor 70-180mm f/4.5-5.6D ED '54 54 50 50 18 18 00 00' = Zeiss Milvus 50mm f/2 Macro '55 54 62 62 0C 0C 00 00' = Zeiss Milvus 85mm f/1.4 '56 3C 5C 8E 30 3C 1C 02' = Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO Macro Super II '56 48 5C 8E 30 3C 5A 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4-5.6D ED '56 54 68 68 18 18 00 00' = Zeiss Milvus 100mm f/2 Macro '59 48 98 98 24 24 5D 02' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED '59 48 98 98 24 24 E1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-17E '59 48 98 98 24 24 F1 02' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-14E '59 48 98 98 24 24 F2 02' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED + TC-20E '5A 3C 3E 56 30 3C 5E 06' = IX-Nikkor 30-60mm f/4-5.6 '5B 44 56 7C 34 3C 5F 06' = IX-Nikkor 60-180mm f/4.5-5.6 '5D 48 3C 5C 24 24 63 02' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED '5E 48 60 80 24 24 64 02' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D IF-ED '5F 40 3C 6A 2C 34 65 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D IF '60 40 3C 60 2C 3C 66 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6D '61 44 5E 86 34 3C 67 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 75-240mm f/4.5-5.6D '63 48 2B 44 24 24 68 02' = AF-S Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED '64 00 62 62 24 24 6A 02' = PC Micro-Nikkor 85mm f/2.8D '65 44 60 98 34 3C 6B 0A' = AF VR Zoom-Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED '66 40 2D 44 2C 34 6C 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5D IF-ED '67 48 37 62 24 30 6D 02' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D IF '67 54 37 5C 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro '68 42 3C 60 2A 3C 6E 06' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.3-5.6G '69 47 5C 8E 30 3C 00 02' = Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro 1:2 (A17N) '69 48 5C 8E 30 3C 6F 02' = Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro 1:2 (572D/772D) '69 48 5C 8E 30 3C 6F 06' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4-5.6G '6A 48 8E 8E 30 30 70 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/4D IF-ED '6B 48 24 24 24 24 71 02' = AF Nikkor ED 14mm f/2.8D '6D 48 8E 8E 24 24 73 02' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II '6E 48 98 98 24 24 74 02' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II '6F 3C A0 A0 30 30 75 02' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4D IF-ED II '70 3C A6 A6 30 30 76 02' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED II '71 48 64 64 24 24 00 00' = Voigtlander APO-Skopar 90mm F2.8 SL IIs '72 48 4C 4C 24 24 77 00' = Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 P '74 40 37 62 2C 34 78 06' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED '75 40 3C 68 2C 3C 79 06' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-100mm f/3.5-5.6G '76 58 50 50 14 14 7A 02' = AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D '77 44 60 98 34 3C 7B 0E' = Sigma 80-400mm F4.5-5.6 APO DG D OS '77 44 61 98 34 3C 7B 0E' = Sigma 80-400mm F4.5-5.6 EX OS '77 48 5C 80 24 24 7B 0E' = AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED '78 40 37 6E 2C 3C 7C 0E' = AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED '79 40 11 11 2C 2C 1C 06' = Sigma 8mm F3.5 EX Circular Fisheye '79 40 3C 80 2C 3C 7F 06' = AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED '79 48 3C 5C 24 24 1C 06' = Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 EX DG '79 48 5C 5C 24 24 1C 06' = Sigma Macro 70mm F2.8 EX DG '79 54 31 31 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 20mm F1.4 DG HSM | A '7A 3B 53 80 30 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 55-200mm F4-5.6 DC HSM '7A 3C 1F 37 30 30 7E 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G IF-ED '7A 3C 1F 37 30 30 7E 06' = Tokina AT-X 124 AF PRO DX II (AF 12-24mm f/4) '7A 3C 1F 3C 30 30 7E 06' = Tokina AT-X 12-28 PRO DX (AF 12-28mm f/4) '7A 40 2D 50 2C 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 DC HSM '7A 40 2D 80 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM '7A 47 2B 5C 24 34 4B 06' = Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC Macro Asp. IF HSM '7A 47 50 76 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 50-150mm F2.8 EX APO DC HSM '7A 48 1C 29 24 24 7E 06' = Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II (AF 11-16mm f/2.8) '7A 48 1C 30 24 24 7E 06' = Tokina AT-X 11-20 F2.8 PRO DX (AF 11-20mm f/2.8) '7A 48 2B 5C 24 34 4B 06' = Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC Macro Asp. IF HSM '7A 48 2D 50 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC Macro '7A 48 5C 80 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 EX APO DG Macro HSM II '7A 54 6E 8E 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma APO 120-300mm F2.8 EX DG HSM '7B 48 37 44 18 18 4B 06' = Sigma 24-35mm F2.0 DG HSM | A '7B 48 80 98 30 30 80 0E' = AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G IF-ED '7C 54 2B 50 24 24 00 06' = Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A16) '7D 48 2B 53 24 24 82 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED '7E 54 37 37 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 24mm F1.4 DG HSM | A '7F 40 2D 5C 2C 34 84 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED '7F 48 2B 5C 24 34 1C 06' = Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC Macro Asp. IF '7F 48 2D 50 24 24 1C 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC Macro '80 48 1A 1A 24 24 85 06' = AF DX Fisheye-Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G ED '80 48 1C 29 24 24 7A 06' = Tokina atx-i 11-16mm F2.8 CF '81 34 76 A6 38 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | S '81 54 80 80 18 18 86 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED '82 34 76 A6 38 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | C '82 48 8E 8E 24 24 87 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G IF-ED '83 00 B0 B0 5A 5A 88 04' = FSA-L2, EDG 65, 800mm F13 G '87 2C 2D 8E 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC Macro HSM '88 54 50 50 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | A '89 30 2D 80 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HS | C '89 3C 53 80 30 3C 8B 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ED '8A 3C 37 6A 30 30 4B 0E' = Sigma 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM '8A 54 6A 6A 24 24 8C 0E' = AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED '8B 40 2D 80 2C 3C 8D 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED '8B 40 2D 80 2C 3C FD 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED [II] '8B 48 1C 30 24 24 85 06' = Tokina AT-X 11-20 F2.8 PRO DX (AF 11-20mm f/2.8) '8B 4C 2D 44 14 14 4B 06' = Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM '8C 40 2D 53 2C 3C 8E 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED '8C 48 29 3C 24 24 86 06' = Tokina opera 16-28mm F2.8 FF '8D 44 5C 8E 34 3C 8F 0E' = AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED '8D 48 6E 8E 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM Sports '8D 54 68 68 24 24 87 02' = Tokina AT-X PRO 100mm F2.8 D Macro '8E 3C 2B 5C 24 30 4B 0E' = Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM | C '8F 40 2D 72 2C 3C 91 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED '8F 48 2B 50 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS HSM '90 3B 53 80 30 3C 92 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED '90 40 2D 80 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM '91 54 44 44 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM '92 2C 2D 88 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM '92 48 24 37 24 24 94 06' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G ED '93 48 37 5C 24 24 95 06' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED '94 40 2D 53 2C 3C 96 06' = AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II '94 48 7C 7C 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma APO Macro 180mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM '95 00 37 37 2C 2C 97 06' = PC-E Nikkor 24mm f/3.5D ED '95 4C 37 37 2C 2C 97 02' = PC-E Nikkor 24mm f/3.5D ED '96 38 1F 37 34 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 II DG HSM '96 48 98 98 24 24 98 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 400mm f/2.8G ED '97 3C A0 A0 30 30 99 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 500mm f/4G ED '97 48 6A 6A 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma Macro 105mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM '98 3C A6 A6 30 30 9A 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 600mm f/4G ED '98 48 50 76 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma 50-150mm F2.8 EX APO DC OS HSM '99 40 29 62 2C 3C 9B 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED '99 48 76 76 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma APO Macro 150mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM '9A 40 2D 53 2C 3C 9C 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G '9A 4C 50 50 14 14 9C 06' = Yongnuo YN50mm F1.8N '9B 00 4C 4C 24 24 9D 06' = PC-E Micro Nikkor 45mm f/2.8D ED '9B 54 4C 4C 24 24 9D 02' = PC-E Micro Nikkor 45mm f/2.8D ED '9B 54 62 62 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 85mm F1.4 EX DG HSM '9C 48 5C 80 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM '9C 54 56 56 24 24 9E 06' = AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED '9D 00 62 62 24 24 9F 06' = PC-E Micro Nikkor 85mm f/2.8D '9D 48 2B 50 24 24 4B 0E' = Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS HSM '9D 54 62 62 24 24 9F 02' = PC-E Micro Nikkor 85mm f/2.8D '9E 38 11 29 34 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 8-16mm F4.5-5.6 DC HSM '9E 40 2D 6A 2C 3C A0 0E' = AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED '9F 37 50 A0 34 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM '9F 48 48 48 24 24 A1 06' = Yongnuo YN40mm F2.8N '9F 4C 44 44 18 18 A1 06' = Yongnuo YN35mm F2 '9F 54 68 68 18 18 A2 06' = Yongnuo YN100mm F2N '9F 58 44 44 14 14 A1 06' = AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G 'A0 37 5C 8E 34 3C A2 06' = Sony FE 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G OSS 'A0 40 2D 53 2C 3C CA 0E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR 'A0 40 2D 53 2C 3C CA 8E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G 'A0 40 2D 74 2C 3C BB 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR 'A0 48 2A 5C 24 30 4B 0E' = Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM 'A0 54 50 50 0C 0C A2 06' = AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G 'A0 56 44 44 14 14 A2 06' = Sony FE 35mm F1.8 'A1 40 18 37 2C 34 A3 06' = AF-S DX Nikkor 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5G ED 'A1 40 2D 53 2C 3C CB 86' = AF-P DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G 'A1 41 19 31 2C 2C 4B 06' = Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM 'A1 48 6E 8E 24 24 DB 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 120-300mm f/2.8E FL ED SR VR 'A1 54 55 55 0C 0C BC 06' = AF-S Nikkor 58mm f/1.4G 'A2 38 5C 8E 34 40 CD 86' = AF-P DX Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G VR 'A2 40 2D 53 2C 3C BD 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II 'A2 48 5C 80 24 24 A4 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II 'A3 38 5C 8E 34 40 CE 0E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED 'A3 38 5C 8E 34 40 CE 8E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED VR 'A3 3C 29 44 30 30 A5 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 16-35mm f/4G ED VR 'A3 3C 5C 8E 30 3C 4B 0E' = Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 DG OS 'A4 40 2D 8E 2C 40 BF 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3G ED VR 'A4 47 2D 50 24 34 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-50mm F2.8-4.5 DC OS HSM 'A4 48 5C 80 24 24 CF 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR 'A4 48 5C 80 24 24 CF 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR 'A4 54 37 37 0C 0C A6 06' = AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.4G ED 'A5 40 2D 88 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM 'A5 40 3C 8E 2C 3C A7 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR 'A5 4C 44 44 14 14 C0 06' = AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G ED 'A5 54 6A 6A 0C 0C D0 06' = AF-S Nikkor 105mm f/1.4E ED 'A5 54 6A 6A 0C 0C D0 46' = AF-S Nikkor 105mm f/1.4E ED 'A6 48 2F 2F 30 30 D1 06' = PC Nikkor 19mm f/4E ED 'A6 48 2F 2F 30 30 D1 46' = PC Nikkor 19mm f/4E ED 'A6 48 37 5C 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 IF EX DG HSM 'A6 48 8E 8E 24 24 A8 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G IF-ED VR II 'A6 48 98 98 24 24 C1 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 400mm f/2.8E FL ED VR 'A7 3C 53 80 30 3C C2 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ED VR II 'A7 40 11 26 2C 34 D2 06' = AF-S Fisheye Nikkor 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED 'A7 40 11 26 2C 34 D2 46' = AF-S Fisheye Nikkor 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED 'A7 49 80 A0 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma APO 200-500mm F2.8 EX DG 'A7 4B 62 62 2C 2C A9 0E' = AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 85mm f/3.5G ED VR 'A8 38 18 30 34 3C D3 0E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR 'A8 38 18 30 34 3C D3 8E' = AF-P DX Nikkor 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR 'A8 48 80 98 30 30 AA 0E' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G IF-ED VR II 'A8 48 8E 8E 30 30 C3 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/4E PF ED VR 'A8 48 8E 8E 30 30 C3 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/4E PF ED VR 'A9 48 7C 98 30 30 D4 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 180-400mm f/4E TC1.4 FL ED VR 'A9 48 7C 98 30 30 D4 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 180-400mm f/4E TC1.4 FL ED VR 'A9 4C 31 31 14 14 C4 06' = AF-S Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G ED 'A9 54 80 80 18 18 AB 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 200mm f/2G ED VR II 'AA 3C 37 6E 30 30 AC 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f/4G ED VR 'AA 48 37 5C 24 24 C5 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR 'AA 48 37 5C 24 24 C5 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR 'AA 48 88 A4 3C 3C D5 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 180-400mm f/4E TC1.4 FL ED VR + 1.4x TC 'AA 48 88 A4 3C 3C D5 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 180-400mm f/4E TC1.4 FL ED VR + 1.4x TC 'AB 3C A0 A0 30 30 C6 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/4E FL ED VR 'AB 44 5C 8E 34 3C D6 0E' = AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR 'AB 44 5C 8E 34 3C D6 4E' = AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR 'AB 44 5C 8E 34 3C D6 CE' = AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR 'AC 38 53 8E 34 3C AE 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR 'AC 3C A6 A6 30 30 C7 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4E FL ED VR 'AC 54 3C 3C 0C 0C D7 06' = AF-S Nikkor 28mm f/1.4E ED 'AC 54 3C 3C 0C 0C D7 46' = AF-S Nikkor 28mm f/1.4E ED 'AD 3C 2D 8E 2C 3C AF 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR 'AD 3C A0 A0 3C 3C D8 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR 'AD 3C A0 A0 3C 3C D8 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR 'AD 48 28 60 24 30 C8 0E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR 'AD 48 28 60 24 30 C8 4E' = AF-S DX Nikkor 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR 'AE 3C 80 A0 3C 3C C9 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR 'AE 3C 80 A0 3C 3C C9 4E' = AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR 'AE 54 62 62 0C 0C B0 06' = AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4G 'AF 4C 37 37 14 14 CC 06' = AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.8G ED 'AF 54 44 44 0C 0C B1 06' = AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.4G 'B0 4C 50 50 14 14 B2 06' = AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G 'B1 48 48 48 24 24 B3 06' = AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G 'B2 48 5C 80 30 30 B4 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/4G ED VR 'B3 4C 62 62 14 14 B5 06' = AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.8G 'B4 40 37 62 2C 34 B6 0E' = AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED VR 'B5 4C 3C 3C 14 14 B7 06' = AF-S Nikkor 28mm f/1.8G 'B6 3C B0 B0 3C 3C B8 0E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 800mm f/5.6E FL ED 'B6 3C B0 B0 3C 3C B8 4E' = AF-S VR Nikkor 800mm f/5.6E FL ED 'B6 48 37 56 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 24-60mm F2.8 EX DG 'B7 44 60 98 34 3C B9 0E' = AF-S Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR 'B8 40 2D 44 2C 34 BA 06' = AF-S Nikkor 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G ED 'BB 48 5C 80 24 24 4B 4E' = Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 DG OS HSM | S 'BC 54 3C 3C 0C 0C 4B 46' = Sigma 28mm F1.4 DG HSM | A 'BD 54 48 48 0C 0C 4B 46' = Sigma 40mm F1.4 DG HSM | A 'BE 54 6A 6A 0C 0C 4B 46' = Sigma 105mm F1.4 DG HSM | A 'BF 3C 1B 1B 30 30 01 04' = Irix 11mm f/4 Firefly 'BF 4E 26 26 1E 1E 01 04' = Irix 15mm f/2.4 Firefly 'C1 48 24 37 24 24 4B 46' = Sigma 14-24mm F2.8 DG HSM | A 'C2 4C 24 24 14 14 4B 06' = Sigma 14mm F1.8 DG HSM | A 'C3 34 68 98 38 40 4B 4E' = Sigma 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | C 'C4 4C 73 73 14 14 4B 46' = Sigma 135mm F1.8 DG HSM | A 'C8 54 44 44 0D 0D DF 46' = Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD (F045) 'C8 54 62 62 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 85mm F1.4 DG HSM | A 'C8 54 62 62 0C 0C 4B 46' = Sigma 85mm F1.4 DG HSM | A 'C9 3C 44 76 25 31 DF 4E' = Tamron 35-150mm f/2.8-4 Di VC OSD (A043) 'C9 48 37 5C 24 24 4B 4E' = Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG OS HSM | A 'CA 3C 1F 37 30 30 4B 46' = Sigma 12-24mm F4 DG HSM | A 'CA 48 27 3E 24 24 DF 4E' = Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 (A041) 'CB 3C 2B 44 24 31 DF 46' = Tamron 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di OSD (A037) 'CC 44 68 98 34 41 DF 0E' = Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD 'CC 4C 50 68 14 14 4B 06' = Sigma 50-100mm F1.8 DC HSM | A 'CD 3D 2D 70 2E 3C 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-125mm F3.8-5.6 DC OS HSM 'CE 34 76 A0 38 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS APO HSM 'CE 47 37 5C 25 25 DF 4E' = Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 (A032) 'CF 38 6E 98 34 3C 4B 0E' = Sigma APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM 'CF 47 5C 8E 31 3D DF 0E' = Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD (A030) 'D2 3C 8E B0 3C 3C 4B 02' = Sigma APO 300-800mm F5.6 EX DG HSM 'DB 40 11 11 2C 2C 1C 06' = Sigma 8mm F3.5 EX DG Circular Fisheye 'DC 48 19 19 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 10mm F2.8 EX DC HSM Fisheye 'DE 54 50 50 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM 'E0 3C 5C 8E 30 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG Macro HSM 'E0 40 2D 98 2C 41 DF 4E' = Tamron 18-400mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD (B028) 'E1 40 19 36 2C 35 DF 4E' = Tamron 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 Di II VC HLD (B023) 'E1 58 37 37 14 14 1C 02' = Sigma 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro 'E2 47 5C 80 24 24 DF 4E' = Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 (A025) 'E3 40 76 A6 38 40 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 (A022) 'E3 40 76 A6 38 40 DF 4E' = Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 'E3 54 50 50 24 24 35 02' = Sigma Macro 50mm F2.8 EX DG 'E4 54 64 64 24 24 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro 1:1 (F017) 'E5 4C 62 62 14 14 C9 4E' = Tamron SP 85mm f/1.8 Di VC USD (F016) 'E5 54 6A 6A 24 24 35 02' = Sigma Macro 105mm F2.8 EX DG 'E6 40 2D 80 2C 40 DF 0E' = Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC (B018) 'E6 41 3C 8E 2C 40 1C 02' = Sigma 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 DG Macro 'E7 4C 4C 4C 14 14 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 45mm f/1.8 Di VC USD (F013) 'E8 4C 44 44 14 14 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 35mm f/1.8 Di VC USD (F012) 'E9 48 27 3E 24 24 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (A012) 'E9 54 37 5C 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro 'EA 40 29 8E 2C 40 DF 0E' = Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD (B016) 'EA 48 27 27 24 24 1C 02' = Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX Diagonal Fisheye 'EB 40 76 A6 38 40 DF 0E' = Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 VC USD (A011) 'EC 3E 3C 8E 2C 40 DF 0E' = Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD A010 'ED 40 2D 80 2C 40 4B 0E' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM 'EE 48 5C 80 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 EX APO DG Macro HSM II 'F0 38 1F 37 34 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 EX DG Aspherical HSM 'F0 3F 2D 8A 2C 40 DF 0E' = Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD (B008) 'F1 44 A0 A0 34 34 4B 02' = Sigma APO 500mm F4.5 EX DG HSM 'F1 47 5C 8E 30 3C DF 0E' = Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD (A005) 'F3 48 68 8E 30 30 4B 02' = Sigma APO 100-300mm F4 EX IF HSM 'F3 54 2B 50 24 24 84 0E' = Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) (B005) 'F4 4C 7C 7C 2C 2C 4B 02' = Sigma APO Macro 180mm F3.5 EX DG HSM 'F4 54 56 56 18 18 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 60mm f/2.0 Di II Macro 1:1 (G005) 'F5 40 2C 8A 2C 40 40 0E' = Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (B003) 'F5 48 76 76 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma APO Macro 150mm F2.8 EX DG HSM 'F6 3F 18 37 2C 34 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (B001) 'F6 3F 18 37 2C 34 DF 06' = Tamron SP AF 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (B001) 'F6 48 2D 50 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC Macro 'F7 53 5C 80 24 24 40 06' = Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro (A001) 'F7 53 5C 80 24 24 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro (A001) 'F8 54 3E 3E 0C 0C 4B 06' = Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC HSM 'F8 54 64 64 24 24 DF 06' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 (272NII) 'F8 55 64 64 24 24 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 (272NII) 'F9 3C 19 31 30 3C 4B 06' = Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM 'F9 40 3C 8E 2C 40 40 0E' = Tamron AF 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di VC LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A20) 'FA 54 3C 5E 24 24 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A09NII) 'FA 54 3C 5E 24 24 DF 06' = Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A09NII) 'FA 54 6E 8E 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma APO 120-300mm F2.8 EX DG HSM 'FB 54 2B 50 24 24 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) (A16NII) 'FB 54 8E 8E 24 24 4B 02' = Sigma APO 300mm F2.8 EX DG HSM 'FC 40 2D 80 2C 40 DF 06' = Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A14NII) 'FD 00 44 44 18 18 DF 00' = Voigtlander APO-Lanthar 35mm F2 'FD 00 48 48 07 07 DF 00' = Voigtlander Nokton 40mm F1.2 Aspherical 'FD 00 50 50 18 18 DF 00' = Voigtlander APO-Lanthar 50mm F2 Aspherical 'FD 00 59 59 18 18 DF 00' = Voigtlander Macro APO-Lanthar 65mm F2 'FD 47 50 76 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 50-150mm F2.8 EX APO DC HSM II 'FE 47 00 00 24 24 4B 06' = Sigma 4.5mm F2.8 EX DC HSM Circular Fisheye 'FE 48 37 5C 24 24 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (A007) 'FE 53 5C 80 24 24 84 06' = Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 Di LD (IF) Macro (A001) 'FE 54 5C 80 24 24 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (A009) 'FE 54 64 64 24 24 DF 0E' = Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro 1:1 (F004) 'FF 40 2D 80 2C 40 4B 06' = Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC